Pin2DMD Colorizations - Virtual Pinball
4 files
Lord of the Rings - LOTR
By Redrum
faster than i thought here are the files for your v-pin.
Pin2DMD - Firmware (Colourprism) v 4.49 required
ROM-Version: 10.0
Spezial thanks to @Terranigma
If you want to donate :):
Regards Sascha
Version 2.1
i am sorry to hear that the files don´t work on v-pin´s, i hope it get fixed soon.
-some colour changings
- worked on some sequences
Version 2.2
- Redesigned some Scenes
- Removed some glitches
Version 2.3
-fixed a reported problem with bumper animation (orc´s)
-removed some glitches
-few colour changes
Version 2.5
- new ring award design
- new ring multibal design
- fixed some reported problems
-some new colours
Version 2.6
At least Colourprism 4.49 required
Regards Sascha
- lord of the rings
- lotr
- (and 1 more)
Last Action Hero
By dtatane
Last Action Hero
ROM v1.12 / v1.13
Language : english, basic support for French ROM
Donations are appreciated :
64 colors version (file v1.3)
--- PIN2DMD v4.16+ required for v1.3 -----
--- Virtual DMD please use Freezy DMD v1.10 (not the previous versions !)
16 colors version (file v1.1)
--- PIN2DMD v3.x, or previous versions of Freezy DMD, please use file v1.1 ----
Thanks to all contributors for testing :
- lah
- last action hero
- (and 6 more)
Lethal Weapon 3 Pin2DMD for Virtual Machine 1.60
By malenko
Lethal Weapon 3 Pin2DMD Readme
Colorization of Data East’s Lethal Weapon 3.
So after finishing SFII (Gottlieb), Terminator 2 (Williams), Baywatch (SEGA) ,I figured its time to tackle a Data East pin! Here is Lethal Weapon 3!
There's also another reason for choosing this game. Randy Perlow hired me to color this for ColorDMD, sent me a contract an a W9 form, which I filled out and sent back after purchasing the machine. After I bought the machine, I emailed him for an update on when I'd get the hardware and software to color the game and he replied with this: (Full disclosure I did take an extra week to get back to him, I was in the process of buying the machine):
I previously contacted you regarding ColorDMD’s concerns with your work on an infringing platform and potential harm to its business. At the time you responded that the work was for private use.
Since then you have ignored our concerns, and taken action to promote and publicly distribute this work, counter to a ColorDMD new product introduction.
As a result, ColorDMD can no longer reasonably expect to conduct business with you in good faith, or entrust you with safeguarding our proprietary information.
Regretfully, our offer to work with you as an independent contractor on future titles is withdrawn.
Randy Perlow
ColorDMD Displays"
Which put me on the hook for a machine I really cant afford to own. Im going to knock out this colorization, install the pin2DMD, and hopefully get a bunch of money in donations (spoiler: I wont ) but I'll likely end up selling the machine. Shame as its a really fun game and I had hoped to be a steady contributor to ColorDMD and use that money to expand my pinball collection.
Post any bugs in the pinside thread:
Release Change Log:
1.60 Merged all of Yangra's work with mine
Tweaked Crypt Keeper's colors
Unifying all the build to work on all rom versions, and replace tri-ball with multiball
- its too much work to try and have Multi/Tri build for all the roms
- lots of changes in the source that arent noticable in game
Prepping for the 1.75 release based on Chad's code
1.50 Fixed botched frame in match game
Corrected keyframe and scene for bike exploding at the end of High Fall Stunt animation
recolored leo flipper choice to remove "mask residue"
Added more triggers for Multiball to replace Tri-ball
1.44 Recolored "Bonus Tally" to be more in line with game colors
Forced Targeting of MULTIBALL over TRIBALL scenes, this effectively replaces TRIBALL with MULTIBALL on higher gfx roms
Changed colormask scenes to replacement, for Multiball replacement
Adjusted some colors
1.40 Added Scenes and triggers to videomode. Its a matter of capturing the dozen or so combinations but I have a few done and all the transitions done as well.
1.12 Fixed High Score Mask, Replay "scene", and worked on failed bomb diffusal scene.
1.10 Added Tri-ball scenes to support both Tri-Ball and Multi-Ball.
1.05 Shit tons of work done by Lucky1 to fix triggering.He even colored a scene or two.
1.00 Initial Release
Thanks to Lucky1 for helping with keyframe triggers and for the recordings.
Lord of the Rings Beta
By Rappelbox
This is the 2nd beta
Version 0.8.5
- keyframes added
- minor color correction for real pinballs
- starting of orc bumper coloring
Version 0.8
- initial beta release
- around 80% of all scenes done
- overall playable and mostly working, some glitches here and there