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Found 15 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    The Sand Reapers are a non existent electronica/rock fusion band. This table is based on their non existent album: Assassins of the Desert. All 14 tracks are included in this table. It uses my stereo system (originally from my Road Trip table, which this layout was built upon,) so you can skip tracks, set to random etc. Tracks were generated by an AI ("Accidental Intersection" between their reality and ours 😛 with the band name and album and year 1999 as prompt.) Track list: 1- Melting Heat 2- Drifting Sands 3- Diving into the shadows 4- Imagining an oasis 5- Hunting the bounty 6- Campfire Ambush 7- Falling in blood 8- How it ends 9- Tired of running 10- Whatever the cost 11- No way home 12- Being a ghost 13- Companion in arms 14- Dunes of wrath Ruleset: Light REAPER targets to open first lock (back left) lock 1st to open second (center/lower left) lock 2nd to open 3rd (lower right) At any time, hit upper center right kicker to release any locks. Release all at once for 4 ball multi across the desert Light SAND targets to light the bumper lamp for 3x bumpers. Light top RUN lanes for bonus multiplier Light in/out lanes for ballsaver. center loop channel doubles point each hit while lit. Light the HUNT letter spots to get some nice points. Hit the H and T targets immediately below the left and right channels while the target is already lit to raise the ramps to access the raised playfield. hit three platform exit triggers to light, then light assassins targets to trigger three ball multiball event. The three triggers remain lit for the rest of your ball. Hitting the lower left and right bumpers or kickers will activate the out lane diverters. Additional notes: This table is coded as a late SS era table, however it has potential for some radical later DMD era ruleset changes, so feel free to mod if you feel inspired and capable. This table, like most of my recent work, is free to mod. I also realise that the simple audio controls share key bindings with some of the bam functions. Sorry about that, the audio stuff was coded long ago, and I don't have the energy to dive back into them right now (though if I ever do, I will add much more controls to them, like volume etc.) The key sharing situation does not impact gameplay at all, so I let it slide.
  2. Version 1.1


    SURPRISE! a new Anime themed table by Anthias. Except the anime in question only exists in my head. I hope you enjoy it anyway! Space Dragon Princess - a story of a princess. Who is a dragon. In space. What's not to love? RULES: Light HOARD targets to open first lock front left) lock 1st to open second (centre/lower left) lock 2nd to open 3rd (against rear left ramp) At any time, hit upper centre right kicker to release any locks. Release all at once for 4 ball multi to run a rampage. Light SKY targs to light the bumper lamp for 3x bumpers. Light top lanes for bonus multiplier Light in/out lanes for ballsaver. left loop channel doubles point each hit while lit. Light PLANETS to open right hand flipper lane kicker. Hit kicker to activate ROYAL ENTOURAGE. Every three seconds the right hand centre kicker will launch another ball for ten balls! (NOTE only five balls on table at any time, if you already have five the machine will wait three seconds and retry until all ten are released.) ROYAL FLIGHT mode: Hit the target near the left slingshot to activate mode, lighting the target. Hit that same target again to commence the ROYAL FLIGHT Mode. The target scores an addition 5k on this hit and sets the next goal as a flashing light. Hit that goal for 10k additional, then the next for 20k, then 40k, then 80k, then 160k, then finally 320k to complete the flight. From the second strike of the first target, you have sixty seconds to complete the flight before it all resets. DRAGON FLIGHT MODE: The kicker on the platform near the top of the left ramp is a looped scoring mode. First hit scores 500, second scores 1000, third scores 2000, fourth scores 4000, fifth scores 8000, sixth scores 16000 seventh scores 32000, and sets the wall lights flashing, retaining the 32k value for the rest of the ball. YES the ball WILL jump the kicker - it's not supposed to be easy. NOTE: No mode will launch additional balls if there are five or more balls already in play. Modes will either not trigger or not launch if you have too many in play already. As usual, free to mod. I have even included several source images within the table that were not used for modders to export and use in their modding. Some of them would suit very different styles of the anime interpretation, which could be cool to see.
  3. View File Battle For The Down I thought I'd set this free for now. Free to mod. I have included a package of source art, layered playfields in paint.net format etc for the benefit of mods. May never be used, but it's there. If I will get back to it at a later date I do not know. The Down was a mighty rabbit nation. They rose to wealth and prosperity by the grass, they held on to it by the sword. Neighbouring warrens were envious, and the invasion was only a matter of time. But when it came, the warrior rabbits of The Down were ready. Rules: Hunt Mode: Drop the four blue targets to light the blue burrow kicker, Drop the four red targets to light the red burrow kicker. Hit the lit burrow kickers to lock ball and light kicker to fire. Hit the lit battle kicker (beneath rear platform) to fire both locks for three ball multiball. Shooting Gallery Mode: Drop the TARGET targets to launch shooting gallery mode. Hit invaders which will appear in random locations around the main playfield. Mode lasts 35 seconds, new invader every 3.5 seconds. Ramp Mode: Hit the single target on the left of the main playfield to light the channel behind it, then hit the channel to light the ramps for 25 seconds. Hit lit ramps for 5k each shot. HOLEDIGGER Mode: Light HOLEDIGGER by hitting targets on left of rear raised playfield. This lights the flasher and awards 5x scoring for all items on the raised playfields. Hit HOLEDIGGER while the flasher is lit to increment table multiplier. Activate ballsaver by lighting in/out lanes. Access raised playfields by shooting ramps or kickers. Left and Right lanes redirected to kickers by using flipper buttons. Light the three targets right side of main raised platform to activate RUN mode, which gives increased scoring to all items on the second raised right playfield (bumpers and channels) RIGHTS: This table is released with open permission to modify this Future Pinball table provided original authorship is acknowledged. This permission does not extend to other projects outside of this table - in as much as permission is not then given for any assets, title, thematic ellements, story ellements, characters, art etc, to be used or exploited in other projects without express written permission from this table's original creator. Submitter Anthias Submitted 12/22/23 Category Future Pinball Tables  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I thought I'd set this free for now. Free to mod. I have included a package of source art, layered playfields in paint.net format etc for the benefit of mods. May never be used, but it's there. If I will get back to it at a later date I do not know. The Down was a mighty rabbit nation. They rose to wealth and prosperity by the grass, they held on to it by the sword. Neighbouring warrens were envious, and the invasion was only a matter of time. But when it came, the warrior rabbits of The Down were ready. Rules: Hunt Mode: Drop the four blue targets to light the blue burrow kicker, Drop the four red targets to light the red burrow kicker. Hit the lit burrow kickers to lock ball and light kicker to fire. Hit the lit battle kicker (beneath rear platform) to fire both locks for three ball multiball. Shooting Gallery Mode: Drop the TARGET targets to launch shooting gallery mode. Hit invaders which will appear in random locations around the main playfield. Mode lasts 35 seconds, new invader every 3.5 seconds. Ramp Mode: Hit the single target on the left of the main playfield to light the channel behind it, then hit the channel to light the ramps for 25 seconds. Hit lit ramps for 5k each shot. HOLEDIGGER Mode: Light HOLEDIGGER by hitting targets on left of rear raised playfield. This lights the flasher and awards 5x scoring for all items on the raised playfields. Hit HOLEDIGGER while the flasher is lit to increment table multiplier. Activate ballsaver by lighting in/out lanes. Access raised playfields by shooting ramps or kickers. Left and Right lanes redirected to kickers by using flipper buttons. Light the three targets right side of main raised platform to activate RUN mode, which gives increased scoring to all items on the second raised right playfield (bumpers and channels) RIGHTS: This table is released with open permission to modify this Future Pinball table provided original authorship is acknowledged. This permission does not extend to other projects outside of this table - in as much as permission is not then given for any assets, title, thematic ellements, story ellements, characters, art etc, to be used or exploited in other projects without express written permission from this table's original creator.
  5. View File The Sand Reapers - Assassins of the desert The Sand Reapers are a non existent electronica/rock fusion band. This table is based on their non existent album: Assassins of the Desert. All 14 tracks are included in this table. It uses my stereo system (originally from my Road Trip table, which this layout was built upon,) so you can skip tracks, set to random etc. Tracks were generated by an AI ("Accidental Intersection" between their reality and ours 😛 with the band name and album and year 1999 as prompt.) Track list: 1- Melting Heat 2- Drifting Sands 3- Diving into the shadows 4- Imagining an oasis 5- Hunting the bounty 6- Campfire Ambush 7- Falling in blood 8- How it ends 9- Tired of running 10- Whatever the cost 11- No way home 12- Being a ghost 13- Companion in arms 14- Dunes of wrath Ruleset: Light REAPER targets to open first lock (back left) lock 1st to open second (center/lower left) lock 2nd to open 3rd (lower right) At any time, hit upper center right kicker to release any locks. Release all at once for 4 ball multi across the desert Light SAND targets to light the bumper lamp for 3x bumpers. Light top RUN lanes for bonus multiplier Light in/out lanes for ballsaver. center loop channel doubles point each hit while lit. Light the HUNT letter spots to get some nice points. Hit the H and T targets immediately below the left and right channels while the target is already lit to raise the ramps to access the raised playfield. hit three platform exit triggers to light, then light assassins targets to trigger three ball multiball event. The three triggers remain lit for the rest of your ball. Hitting the lower left and right bumpers or kickers will activate the out lane diverters. Additional notes: This table is coded as a late SS era table, however it has potential for some radical later DMD era ruleset changes, so feel free to mod if you feel inspired and capable. This table, like most of my recent work, is free to mod. I also realise that the simple audio controls share key bindings with some of the bam functions. Sorry about that, the audio stuff was coded long ago, and I don't have the energy to dive back into them right now (though if I ever do, I will add much more controls to them, like volume etc.) The key sharing situation does not impact gameplay at all, so I let it slide. Submitter Anthias Submitted 12/22/23 Category Future Pinball Tables  
  6. View File Space Dragon Princess SURPRISE! a new Anime themed table by Anthias. Except the anime in question only exists in my head. I hope you enjoy it anyway! Space Dragon Princess - a story of a princess. Who is a dragon. In space. What's not to love? RULES: Light HOARD targets to open first lock front left) lock 1st to open second (centre/lower left) lock 2nd to open 3rd (against rear left ramp) At any time, hit upper centre right kicker to release any locks. Release all at once for 4 ball multi to run a rampage. Light SKY targs to light the bumper lamp for 3x bumpers. Light top lanes for bonus multiplier Light in/out lanes for ballsaver. left loop channel doubles point each hit while lit. Light PLANETS to open right hand flipper lane kicker. Hit kicker to activate ROYAL ENTOURAGE. Every three seconds the right hand centre kicker will launch another ball for ten balls! (NOTE only five balls on table at any time, if you already have five the machine will wait three seconds and retry until all ten are released.) ROYAL FLIGHT mode: Hit the target near the left slingshot to activate mode, lighting the target. Hit that same target again to commence the ROYAL FLIGHT Mode. The target scores an addition 5k on this hit and sets the next goal as a flashing light. Hit that goal for 10k additional, then the next for 20k, then 40k, then 80k, then 160k, then finally 320k to complete the flight. From the second strike of the first target, you have sixty seconds to complete the flight before it all resets. DRAGON FLIGHT MODE: The kicker on the platform near the top of the left ramp is a looped scoring mode. First hit scores 500, second scores 1000, third scores 2000, fourth scores 4000, fifth scores 8000, sixth scores 16000 seventh scores 32000, and sets the wall lights flashing, retaining the 32k value for the rest of the ball. YES the ball WILL jump the kicker - it's not supposed to be easy. NOTE: No mode will launch additional balls if there are five or more balls already in play. Modes will either not trigger or not launch if you have too many in play already. As usual, free to mod. I have even included several source images within the table that were not used for modders to export and use in their modding. Some of them would suit very different styles of the anime interpretation, which could be cool to see. Submitter Anthias Submitted 12/20/23 Category Future Pinball Tables  
  7. Version 0.99


    The Goonies Pinball Adventure Overall Goal of the game is to complete The Goonies Motto "Never Say Die" Skill Shot: When a new ball starts the 5 lights under the plunger ramp will flash in sequence. Launch the ball and when it passes under the Skill Shot sign, the current light will be awarded as follows: Sloth: This starts Sloth 2x scoring for 30 seconds, can also be started by spelling sloth at his targets. (Adds "N") Fratellis: This start a hurry up mode where you have to get one of the balls in the Fratellis hideout into the kicker at the back right of the hideout, can also be started by hitting the Fratellis hideout a few times. (Adds "E") Data: this lights the Data gadget award scoop, hit the scoop to get a randow reward. Can also be lit by spelling Data at his targets. Super Pops: Starts the pop bumpers flashing for a higher value. Will end if a pop bumper is not hit for 10 seconds or you loose a ball. Open Trap: This opens the captive ball trap to the right of Datas scoop. Lock 3 ball in here to start multiball. Can also be opened by hitting the trap several times. Locking the first ball adds "E", Starting multiball adds "R" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chunk Loop: This is the left orbit, each orbit lights an arrow when they are all lit Truffle Shuffle starts. Truffle Shuffle: Each target is worth 50,000 points and a Chunk loop scores a Jackpot. Ends after 30 seconds or you loose a ball. Starting truffle shuffle adds "S" Mikey Loop: This is the right orbit, each loop adds a Marble Bonus, with more loops scoring more points. Points are added on at the end of the ball. Resets for each ball. Key Spinner: each spin adds akey bonus, bonus collected at end of ball Doubloon Spinner: each spin adds a doubloon bonus, collet at end of ball BAD Targets: Spell BAD in the Fratellis hideout to increase the Jackpot for other modes. RICH Lanes: Spell RICH to increase the bonus multiplier. Resets for each ball. DATAs GADGET Awards: Adds "V" Spy Eyes: this set the bonus multiplier to max (10x) Slick Shoes: this sets the jackpot score to max (10,000,000) This is not a candle: shoot the ramp to score the current jackpot Wings of Flight: Instant jackpot award Sticky Dart: extra ball awarded Pincers of peril: open trap Bully Blinders: Starts Truffle shuffle Bully Buster: adds 10,000 to marble bonus Ramp Shot scores 5,000 for the first 10 shots, lights extra ball at 10 shots, worth 10,000 after that. Also adds a bonus award for the end of ball bonus. Well Target (to the left of the bumpers, hit 3 times to add big points. Also adds time during timed modes. Drop targets under bone organ, drop them all to open the wall under the bone organ. Get ball in there to start mode: (All modes light a letter towards NEVER SAY DIE) Find the key, hit the left spinner to find the key (spinner must spin 20 times) Boulders, hit loops to avoid the boulders. Bone organ, hit the bone organ scoop 3 times to win. Water slide, hit the ramp to slide. Fight the Fratellis, hit the BAD targets to collect jackpots.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    I created this flyer for the amazing @VPinWorkshop Spongebob Squarepants Bikini Bottom Pinball because, in my opinion, this should be a real pinball machine and deserves a flyer just like a real machine. I use Launchbox/BigBox as my front end which uses flyers for launch images. Hopefully others will find it useful as well. I'm not a graphics professional so please forgive the rough edges If anyone wants to mod it feel free.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    I whipped up a nice Daisy May clear logo for LaunchBox since that's the frontend I use. Thanks to @Francisco for making the FP table linked here https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/15146-daisy-may/
  10. View File The Goonies Pinball Adventure The Goonies Pinball Adventure Overall Goal of the game is to complete The Goonies Motto "Never Say Die" Skill Shot: When a new ball starts the 5 lights under the plunger ramp will flash in sequence. Launch the ball and when it passes under the Skill Shot sign, the current light will be awarded as follows: Sloth: This starts Sloth 2x scoring for 30 seconds, can also be started by spelling sloth at his targets. (Adds "N") Fratellis: This start a hurry up mode where you have to get one of the balls in the Fratellis hideout into the kicker at the back right of the hideout, can also be started by hitting the Fratellis hideout a few times. (Adds "E") Data: this lights the Data gadget award scoop, hit the scoop to get a randow reward. Can also be lit by spelling Data at his targets. Super Pops: Starts the pop bumpers flashing for a higher value. Will end if a pop bumper is not hit for 10 seconds or you loose a ball. Open Trap: This opens the captive ball trap to the right of Datas scoop. Lock 3 ball in here to start multiball. Can also be opened by hitting the trap several times. Locking the first ball adds "E", Starting multiball adds "R" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chunk Loop: This is the left orbit, each orbit lights an arrow when they are all lit Truffle Shuffle starts. Truffle Shuffle: Each target is worth 50,000 points and a Chunk loop scores a Jackpot. Ends after 30 seconds or you loose a ball. Starting truffle shuffle adds "S" Mikey Loop: This is the right orbit, each loop adds a Marble Bonus, with more loops scoring more points. Points are added on at the end of the ball. Resets for each ball. Key Spinner: each spin adds akey bonus, bonus collected at end of ball Doubloon Spinner: each spin adds a doubloon bonus, collet at end of ball BAD Targets: Spell BAD in the Fratellis hideout to increase the Jackpot for other modes. RICH Lanes: Spell RICH to increase the bonus multiplier. Resets for each ball. DATAs GADGET Awards: Adds "V" Spy Eyes: this set the bonus multiplier to max (10x) Slick Shoes: this sets the jackpot score to max (10,000,000) This is not a candle: shoot the ramp to score the current jackpot Wings of Flight: Instant jackpot award Sticky Dart: extra ball awarded Pincers of peril: open trap Bully Blinders: Starts Truffle shuffle Bully Buster: adds 10,000 to marble bonus Ramp Shot scores 5,000 for the first 10 shots, lights extra ball at 10 shots, worth 10,000 after that. Also adds a bonus award for the end of ball bonus. Well Target (to the left of the bumpers, hit 3 times to add big points. Also adds time during timed modes. Drop targets under bone organ, drop them all to open the wall under the bone organ. Get ball in there to start mode: (All modes light a letter towards NEVER SAY DIE) Find the key, hit the left spinner to find the key (spinner must spin 20 times) Boulders, hit loops to avoid the boulders. Bone organ, hit the bone organ scoop 3 times to win. Water slide, hit the ramp to slide. Fight the Fratellis, hit the BAD targets to collect jackpots. Submitter glxb Submitted 12/20/2012 Category Future Pinball Tables Link to Media Pack  
  11. View File Pinball Killer Our last FP pinball game. Submitter theGhost787 Submitted 11/15/2016 Category Future Pinball Tables Link to Media Pack  
  12. Hi everyone, I see that here, there are some of my companions, I could insert here some of my tables, to share them, if anyone wants to contact me for anything they can do it Here!! Thanks @TerryRed @Gimli @GeorgeH
  13. Version 1.1


    Wheel image for the Future Pinball table by SLAMT1LT, his upgraded version of Williams's High Speed All sources and work files included. Special thanks to Inkochnito This work is free to use by the community without attribution. All sources are trademarks / copyrights of their respective owners. This is to be privately used in front-ends or for other non-commercial (or at least non-profit) pinball-related applications. I hold no responsibility for their misuse.
  14. Version 1.0


    Our last FP pinball game.
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