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Version 1.1
This is a Galaxy Quest re-theme (created with permission) of JPSalas' Space Shuttle (Taito) table. Credits: Sound effects: https://www.zapsplat.com Sarris image: DopePope on Art Station https://www.artstati...m/artwork/n0dJK 3D Rocks wireframe: Icekazim on https://3dexport.com...ocks-288240.htm 3D Protector wireframe: John Hoagland https://sketchfab.co...oWwcc9spH3U7FiU Playfield image: Courtesy NASA -
Version 1.1
This is a Galaxy Quest re-theme of Pinball58's Space Shuttle (Williams) table. The download contains the updated VPX table, table rom, table music, and PUPVideos folder. Place the .vpx file in your tables folder, the rom leave zipped and place in your Vpinmame rom folder, music goes in your Visual Pinball Music folder, and sshtl_l7 goes in your PUPVideos folder. The default is for 3 screen users. Inside the sshtl_l7 folder is a folder named 2 Screen files. For 2 screen users (Playfield/Backglass) copy and paste the 3 files into the main folder overwriting the 3 .pup files. This will disable the topper and add the speaker grille so you can adjust the DMD into its proper place for scoring. If you wish to run this Pup Pack and the original Space Shuttle table you will need to use the VPMalias option. More details here: https://youtu.be/6NhWvUN9_so Credits: 2-screen version by PEandS1Ws Sound effects: https://www.zapsplat.com Sarris image: DopePope on Art Station https://www.artstati...m/artwork/n0dJK 3D Rocks wireframe: Icekazim on https://3dexport.com...ocks-288240.htm 3D Protector wireframe: John Hoagland https://sketchfab.co...oWwcc9spH3U7FiU Playfield image: Courtesy NASA -
- 17
View File Galaxy Quest This is a Galaxy Quest re-theme (created with permission) of JPSalas' Space Shuttle (Taito) table. Credits: Sound effects: https://www.zapsplat.com Sarris image: DopePope on Art Station https://www.artstati...m/artwork/n0dJK 3D Rocks wireframe: Icekazim on https://3dexport.com...ocks-288240.htm 3D Protector wireframe: John Hoagland https://sketchfab.co...oWwcc9spH3U7FiU Playfield image: Courtesy NASA Submitter topper2k Submitted 04/13/2021 Category VPX - Pinball Tables