“The only good bug is a dead bug.”
This is a tune-up of the already great table created by Clark Kent and team. We gave it a full physics scrub (which was tricky in this case), sound effects updates, VR room, and some other tweaks to give you the best gameplay dynamics without changing the original visual experience.
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VPW Roughnecks:
Eighties8: Complete rescale and nFozzy physics rebuild, Fleep sounds
TastyWasps: VR room integration
iaakki: Physics, lighting, and animation support
Aubrel: Lighting adjustments
Sixtoe: Table level and target animation fixes
apophis: Dynamic shadows, some visual, sound, and physics support
leojreimroc and HauntFreaks: VR backglass
Testers: bietekwiet, Primetime5k, PinStratsDan, tomate, Wylte
Special Thanks to:
Clark Kent and team for their VPX recreation
JPSalas, Arngrim, Vinthar
Toxie, Fuzzel and the VPX Dev Team
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