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Cactus Jacks (Gottlieb 1991) w VR Room

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5 From 8 reviews
183.12 MB File Size
cactjack ROM Name
UnclePaulie Created by
Gottlieb Manufacturer
1991 Year

3 Screenshots

Welcome to Cactus Jack's!  It's Party Time!  


This table was originally done by BorgDog and Bodydump on version 0.95.  They had help from Dark (cactus models), Bord (lighting) and Rothbauerw (physics) some time ago.  I asked for permission to add all the latest physics, sounds, etc. to the table.  I also did quite a few updates in version 2.0 mentioned below.  Also thanks to RIK, PinStratsDan, Apophis, and Wylte for testing the table.


IMPORTANT:  You MUST select what mode of table you are playing in the Script.  VR, Desktop, or Cab.


There are several other options to select as well, including ball brightness, VR Room, VR clock, VR posters, VR topper.

LUT can be changed by clicking the right and left magna save buttons.  (You can turn that off in the script as well)


IF YOU experience performance issues... there are options to change that.  First of all, there's an option to turn wobble off.  Wobble allows the cacti on top of the bumpers to move when you nudge the table, or the ball hits the bumpers.  A cool effect but not if you experience performance issues.  Also, you can turn dynmaic shadows off for additonal performance if needed.


Version 2.0 Updates:

- The table is now a hybrid (desktop, cab, and VR)
- VR includes an animated backglass (image from Wildman), and several VR options (room, poster, clock, topper).  (Sixtoe originally provided VR cab art and other tweaks a year ago)
- The table and flipper physics have been updated to the latest VPW standards, as well as dynamic shadows, drop targets, ramprolling sounds, and several other tweaks.  
- Fleep sounds added 
- Corrected a couple errors in the table, as the upper drop targets were reversed.  Also tilt wasn't working.  All corrected, and adjusted.  
- Enhanced performance as much as I could by removing all getballs calls and no longer destroy and recreate balls.  I implemented only the gBOT global call.
- Updated the trough code to manage all balls on the table.
- Added LUT options. 
- I also typed up a rules sheet and included in the download, and in table info, since it can't be found on the web.


RIK provided a link to a game play video here:



v10.6 required

What's New in Version 2.0.2   See changelog


v 2.0.2:  Tomate created a different ramp that is much smoother.  That along with a wall correction that Rothbauerw found will fix the left ramp issue with it being hard to get up, as well as any balls getting stuck.  (no longer need the velocity/distance code to help).  However, the additional code to assist the ball getting stuck behind the bumper seems to be working great.  A small tweak to a physics only ramp that was visible is now unchecked as well.

User Feedback

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Table is great fun and both versions look, play and feel excellent. Thanks for sharing


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This table is a nice but intense table. Missed shots on the ramps, the slingshots, the awesome randomness of the Thorn Surprise kickout and the deadly outlanes get you in trouble quickly.... and don't forget the house-balls 😉 .  Multiballs are also quite frenetic affairs with not too many safe shots... it is often over before it even started.  All and all a lovely challenge and perfectly executed in this update.



Table looks and plays really nice! thanks for all your hard work!



Perfect reproduction of an amazing Gottlieb Premier table (Premier tables are "underrated" imo, so many great Premier tables are not converted yet to VPX VR).


Great visuals/vr and gameplay. Works flawless in the latest 10.8 release and it looks even better in that. Thanks!



Great table! Fun as hell!!



awesome stuff.  only played an hour or so , so far, but this looks and plays brilliantly. Pretty amusing table too, love the 'wobble' effects on the cacti. 
Thanks to all involved for the hard work share!



Not sure why I didn't have this table till today, but sure glad this is the version I found!


Thanks U.P.



One of my favorite tables ever! This version does a good job capturing its chaotic behavior. Plus it looks fantastic - thanks to all involved!

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