VPW are proud to present a table tune up of Knorr and Clark Kent's version of Star Trek the Next Generation from Williams.
Although already great, we've added updated nfozzy physics, added some fleep sound whilst keeping the original recordings from the real machine, added the full VR room suite from Rawd and Steely, updated Sixtoes VR cabinet with Leojreimroc making a fully functional backbox in VR and lots of other tweaks and fixes along the way.
The table now plays even closer to the real thing and we hope you enjoy it!
VPW Mod v1.0
Project Lead - fluffhead35
VR Holodeck - Rawd/Steely
VR Work/Backglass - Sixtoe/Leojreimroc
Tweaks - ClarkKent, Apophis, Sixtoe
v01 - fluffhead35 - Added Flipper Triggers, Rubbers and Posts, Bumpers, slings, flipper, and table physics corrections. Adding in fliper and physic damperner code.
- Adding in materials for all code
v02 - fluffhead35 - Added Fleep sound
v03 - fluffhead35 - finished Fleep sound and fixing upper flipper, changing flipper polarity to early 90's and later. Added Sling correction. Increased plunger strength.
- Added logic to stop ball rolling sounds in subways. Set FlipperCoilRampupMode to 2
v05 - leojreimroc - Imported Rawd's Holodeck VR Room. Adjusted Laser barriers for VR.
v06 - fluffhead35 - fixed flipper triggers. Rubber thickness fixed on upper flipper. Increased flipper hit sound level. Updated sling rubbers to use bottom corner for post pass.
v07 - clarkkent - deleted zCol_Rubber_Sleeve008, RubberPost4, SubwayScoop_Prim
v08 - fluffhead35 - Made Posts for post pass collidable, adjusted flippers to be in line with guide. Adjust playfield friction to .15. Adjusted sling posts physics for post pass.
v09 - apophis - Added new playfield mesh. Increased speed of slingshot animations.
v10 - Rawd - Added ClarkKent Cabinet artwork, some VR fixes and tweaks
v11 - leojreimroc - Implemented Iaaki's flasher code to all solenoid flashers. Fixed a few flasher positions that were past the cabinet. Implemented VR Backglass lighting.
v13 - fluffhead35 - Added new ball launch sound to help prevent high bass sounds. Adjusted size of sleave and physic materials of start mission scoop. Removed ball dampening triggers.
v14 - fluffhead35 - updated the sling posts for post pass based on clark kents suggestions. Changed Table difficulty to 56. Added option to switch if ball launch should have bass lowered.
v15 - fluffhead35 - Set default wire Ramp sounds to be from clark kents samples. Added option to use the other samples if user wants. Changed ball out to brighter ball. Turned off flipper corrections on upper right Flipper.
- Changed environment emission image to be shinyenvironment3blur4. Adjusted gi around inlanes and inline insert lightings.
15d - set the falloff of gi lights to 5. Set the day night to 1, set environment lighting to black, adjusted warbird material, adjusted lighting around upper lanes. Adjusted some random insert lighting. Adjusted ramp friction based on clark kents suggestions.
15e - changed elasticity and scatter of sw57 to give ball more random bounces and goes down inlanes based on BountyBobs testing
16 - fluffhead35 - merged in nfozzy changed to init throughts at game start as well as using new flipper physics. Removed target bouncer from sleeve in start mission scoop. Lowered bumpercap3 from 25 to 20. Added TargetBouncer to Targets_hit
17 - Sixtoe - Added VR logo back in, hooked up cannon light primitives to lighting system, cleaned up script
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