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4 files

  1. DOF and SSF Add-On for Black Flaggers (Pinball Wicked)

    I really enjoy Black Flaggers and have been toying around with a SUP INI file for it. I think it's good enough to share, but it's not the most straightforward install. I'll try to be as detailed as I can. Thanks to @TerryRed for a lot of help.
    Please Note: These instructions are for PinupPopper users only, and assume you used Nailbuster's instructions for adding Pinball Wicked. This also assumes you are already set up with DOF and DOFLinx. Make sure you've added "PinballWicked" under the Processes section of your doflinx.ini file.
    1) Create a "Sup" folder in your DirectOutput main folder.
    2) Place PinballWickedMacro.ini in the new sup folder.
    3) Add the following to the very top of your "Launch Setup" for the PinballWicked emulator in Popper:
    4) If you do nothing else, this will enable you to get SSF for the flippers (and, based on my testing, some of the other effects as well).
    Adding support for lighting and other DOF effects
    5) The SUP INI file has everything you need to trigger the effects, but you need to go to DOF Config Utility and edit the "DOFLinx: Effects - Custom" table config as follows:
    You can turn start, launch, fire to ON, if you like that. Coin is on by default.
    The next 3 depend if you have a shaker, beacon, or fan. Only turn on what you want:
    The next set of effects gets the lighting effects to fire correctly (video attached).



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  2. Direct Output Framework (DOF) R3 - MJR

    Download Link will take you to MJR's DOF R3 download.
    Current version (13 March 2019): This is a minor R3++ update that adds new code from Kaicherry to simulate DOF effects using Surround Sound Feedback (SSF) with bass shaker or tactile speakers (also known as exciters). This is a cumulative update that includes everything from earlier R3++ and R3+ versions.
    You can install automatically from the Windows Setup installer, or manually from the ZIP file. You only need one or the other. The Setup version is highly recommended, because the manual installation process is notoriously difficult and error-prone. The Setup version is easy to use and has proven to be much more reliable than doing it by hand. 

    Install instructions


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  3. DirectOutput framework R2

    During the past few month a lot of new things have been added to the DirectOutput framework (DOF). Since most of my new ideas have been integrated by now it is time for a second release (R2).
    Watch the following video to see some of the new features, in particular the addressable ledstrips, in action:

    While I have been busy with the DOF extension Arngrim has added a lot of new functionality to the config tool, so the new functionality can be configured through the config tool. The config tool also got a new name and logo, but it still resides in its old location.
    Please be sure to read the following paragraphs for download and update instructions.
    Keep (virtual) pinball alive and all the best!
    Swisslizard / Tom
    Upgrading your installation
    To upgrade your DOF installtion just download DOF R2 and copy all the files in the package to the directoy where you have installed DOF and say yes if you are prompted to overwrite files. For new DOF installtions, please consult the documentation.
    Important note:
    DOF R2 uses a new global config structure. So if you use a global config file, please create a new global config file using the global config editor in the package.
    If DOF does not work for you, be sure to unblock the DLL and EXE files. Sometimes windows tends to block downloaded files. For instructions read: http://directoutput.github.io/DirectOutput/installation.html#installation_unblockauc

    The documentation of the framework is available on GitHub. It contains a lot of information on the installation, architecture and the configuration of the framework, as well as the fully documented object model. The pages about the installation and supported hardware might be a interesting starting point.

    Support & Forum
    If you have questions about the framework (please read the docu first) or want to discuss something, please visit the support forum.
    Source Code
    The source code of the DirectOutput framework is available on Github: https://github.com/D...ut/DirectOutput


       (2 reviews)



  4. DirectOuput Framework

    The DirectOutput framework is a library which can control the gadgets and toys installed in a virtual pinball cabinet.
    For details please read the documentation over at http://directoutput.github.io/DirectOutput/index.html


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