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Austin Powers (Stern 2001) VPW Mod

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5 From 7 reviews
122.17 MB File Size
Javier, VPW Created by
Stern Manufacturer
2001 Year

2 Screenshots

**Reupload, nothing new since 1.0.3 - Nov. '20
Austin Powers Table Tune-Up by members of VPin Workshop Discord. This was going to be just a fast rework for this fine table, but we ended up doing way more.

Includes Desktop, Cab and VR versions in one VPX file as well as two POV files.
nFozzy Physics: Benji, iaakki, Rothbauerw, Javier
PF rework, graphics: iaakki, EBisLit, Tomate, Brad1x
Inserts and lights: iaakki
VR work & Various Fixes: Sixtoe
Ramp plastics: Benji
Fleep's Sound package integration: Benji
3D model changes: Benji, Tomate, Sixtoe
Various script changes by iaakki, Javier
Testing: people of VPin Workshop Discord, Rik Laubach
We also included a new flipper trick with Rothbauerw to physics. It is called FlipNudge. One can use it for slowing the ball on the bat by spamming the other bat. Deadflip calls this "Fanning", but it was a lame name.
This release wouldn't have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including, most notably, Javier, 32Assassin, DStruct, Francisco666, Rom, ClarkKent and Ninuzzu
Thank you to Flupper for 3D insert techniques and Flasher domes.
Thank you to Fleep for the sound package.
Thank you to Rothbauerw and NFozzy for physics.
Thank you to Wrd1972 for bouncy standup targets.

' 1.0.1 - Sixtoe - Adjusted right ramp, fixed some minor issues.
' 1.0.2 - Sixtoe - Redid all the ramp gates including prims and switches so everything both works and looks better, fixed 2 flasher switches not working.
' 1.0.2 - iaakki - added one hidden Wall003 and minor flip tweak
' 1.0.3 - iaakki - VUK fixed

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· Edited by mattdawg


Excellent table.  Lots of fun.   Super easy to play.    I wasn't expecting to enjoy this one as much as I did.   Stern did a great job on the layout.    VPW of course knocked it out the park.   It looks and plays phenomenal.   I don't see me playing it for long as it is a bit on the easy side but I sure am having fun with it until I move on!

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One of the absolutebest-of-VPX I think! Thanks for this amazing mods guys!

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