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Jurassic Park The Lost World (Sega 1997)_PM5

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5 From 2 reviews
50.34 MB File Size
jplstw22 ROM Name
Edizzle Freneticamnesic Dark Javier1515 Arngrim Fredobiwan Slydog43 Gtxjoe onemanproject powerfufi Created by
1997 Year

1 Screenshot


Previous version released earlier. but this update adds some nice features and hopefully has all the bugs out of it!

Thank you list:

dark - lots of primitive work including the ramps, ramp decals, dino egg, baby-trex plus custom lighting for the t-rex, snagger arm, etc. Plus play testing and finding lots of misc issues

freneticamnesic - lots of assistance in scripting primitive animation for the snagger arm and dino egg and also did some primitive work as well. Also helped with misc bugs and issues and provided info on how to convert to PM5

fredobiwan - provided a very nice redrawn playfield

Slydog43 - provided very nice decal images

gtxjoe - assistance with some issues

onemanproject - provided Hummer primitive B2S backglass, and play testing

powerfufi - play testing

arngrim - DOF support

javier1515 - updated physics, ballrolling sounds, other table adjustments

Hopefully I didn't forget someone! I apologize in advance if I did.

Well, here is the table! One thing holding up the release was the snagger ball lock animation. It is not 100% where I would like it to be, but I think it works well enough for now. If anyone would like to improve it, by all means! As you can see, I had a lot of help with this one. Enjoy! One thing I added that is not accurate is the raptor near the shooter lane lights up at certain times, such as when you have a smart missle. The light is actually on the shoot button. Overall, pretty fun table. The skill shot and video mode are some of the most easy ones I've seen. first, the skill shot is really slow and doesn't speed up on successive shots. Also, the video mode, you get the same score if you jump over the T-rex, or if you get eaten by him...What?!? Haha. Ok, enough writing.


What's New in Version 1.1


  • Javier1515 made physics adjustments, fixed some ramp height issues, and added ball rolling sounds!
  • Argrim added some DOF changes and a nice script to make it easy to switch between controllers and disable mechanical sounds
  • Dark provided a nice back metal wall that looks much nicer!
  • I did some minor clean up and *hopefully* fixed the GI issue people were having. Did some other GI changes.

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