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Gorgar (Williams 1979)

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5 From 12 reviews
222.75 MB File Size
grgar_l1 ROM Name
RetroRitchie, Darth Vito Created by
Williams Manufacturer
1979 Year

2 Screenshots

VLM rebuild based on original works by Fuzzel and subsequent mod from Gedankekojote97.

So many awesome folks in the community give advice and resources etc so if I missed anyone here, I apologise and will get you added if needed.

Minions of Hell:
- RetroRitchie: Blender remodel, VLM implementation, additional modelling, Apron, bumper cap and cab art decal redraws, plastics decal up-scales and cleanup, V.R. cab additions,  latest VPW / nFozzy / Roth Physics update implementation
- Darth Vito: Hellscape V.R. room, fire animations and SFX
- Niwak - VPX Blender Toolkit, VPX Part Library

Thanks to the following demonic entities
- Fuzzel and Gedankekojote97 - for the original table & subsequent mod that this was based on.
- Apophis - for the sweet updated spinner animation code
- Scampa123: for the excellent close up photos of the real machine and for measuring the flipper gap.
- Hauntfreaks - Upscaled and cleaned up playfield.
- HighRez200 - Backglass images used for the VR cab.
- Apophis, Tomate, Sixtoe, Bord, Wylte & the entire VPW Team for the scripting help, guides, resources, videos, example table and continued support
- Schlabber34 for some lighting tips.
- M.Carter78 for some vids and further close up photos.
- Testers: Apophis, Lumi, Cliffy, Studlygoorite, TastyWasps, DGrimmRepaer, Darth Vito, Colvert, BountyBob, PinstratsDan, M.Carter78, Somatik, Flint Beastwood, Tomate. 
- Special thanks to Cliffy for always keeping me on my toes. 




Options available:
- GI lights strength/color, overall saturation, room brightness
- VR room choice (Hellscape or Minimal)
- Hide Rails & lockdown 
- eye lamp mod: off, always on, light with pit flasher
- room brightness
- ball and mech sounds



Built for and Tested with VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later:

Topper Video here for those that use 'em

Edited by RetroRitchie

Contact Author First.
10.8 required

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· Edited by lminimart

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Super glad you're still making tables @RetroRitchie! Loved Star God and I know this will be that good or better. Haven't played it yet, but I honestly thought the Gedankekojote97 version was pretty good, already... so knowing this will be even better makes it an easy 5 stars before I've even clicked "download". THANKS and keep 'em comin'! 🍻 EDIT: played it.... so freaking great! Thank you again.

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Another fantastic @RetroRitchie table.  Beautifully lit and fantastic gfx and physics.  Thanks.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is an masterpiece, the visuals are done just perfectly! The color choices are a great addition, the "red option" looks amazing in VR. The atmosphere is just next level, the physics feel accurate and the VR room is nice too. Thanks!


One thing that I remember now from the "old Future Pinball days", someone(I think SLAMT1LT) made a soundmod for this table at that time(with fire in the pit) and that sounded just perfect for this table, if anyone know if there's a similar altsound for this VPX table then please let me know.

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Fantastic - has that "real feel" pinball experience that's hard to capture!

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this table looks fantastic, so crisp and clear, and it plays like the real thing, thanks for sharing!

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Exquisite recreation! Plays like a dream and looks like the real thing!

Thank you so much for the excellent work on this table and for sharing with the community.


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Very well done.  This now my go to when I need a little Gorgar.  Devil Dare’s second cousin has never looked or played so good on VP.  Thank you!

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Fantastic rebuild of a classic table! Everything looks awesome and the table plays perfect. The VR environment captures the mood just right and the SSF is spot on. Very nice, I'll be playing this a bunch, thanks to everyone!!

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· Edited by GordonJames


The job done lighting this table Is exquisite. The room lighting is at a perfect level to allow the ball to be seen on the play field well without having to brighten it unnaturally. The plastics are perfectly lit.


The pop bumper stems aren't lit when the tops are. The stems cast light on the bottom rings and a bit of the play field is also lit around their base. Possible addition in an update?


The under play field lights are bright, saturated, again perfect. The reflections all over the table from the plastics lights are beautiful. The whole package is stunning. I'm getting that feeling of real physical presence when i look at this work. I'm only left wishing i could see this in VR so i could check out that awesome looking room you made.


Physics and table sounds are spot on and require no adjustments.


This table has never looked better and that's such a treat for me because it's one of my favorites. Thank you everyone involved!!!


Screenshot 2024-06-19 172827.png

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