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Pirates of the Caribbean MOD M.Roche 1.0

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5 From 8 reviews
66.48 MB File Size
potc_600as ROM Name
Miguel Roche Created by
Miguel Roche Artwork by
Sliderpoint,Siggi Scripting by
Stern Manufacturer
2006 Year

3 Screenshots

Delighted to bring you a mod that has been made after a lot of time and work!, made from the spectacular Siggi mod and starting from the base of the highly appreciated Sliderpoint table.


Thank you very much to both of you for giving me permission to do this work, you are geniuses, it has been a lot of fun!


-New playfield improved and colored part by part.

-New plastic colors and textures.

-New coloring and lighting ramps.

-Improved lights and inclusion of new ones.

-Some sounds improved.

-Change ball and light, flippers changed.

And some other changes improved to my liking without, of course, detracting from the original tables of their authors.


If someone wants to work on it to include new physics, luts or sounds, get in touch. Feel free to change the darkness of the table to your liking with the day/night mode from the editor. Combine it with the puppack and it will be spectacular!


I hope you can like it and find it fun and exciting like me. Have fun!!

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Too beautiful, tks...  🥰  💯 👌



Thank you for this beauty. This table is the one I always choose first out of my +200 collection to show to people that come over to try my cab.  It looks stunning and it plays super smooth. 

Best part is the lighting and all those ball reflections. Spectacular!



Terrific table. The graphics are spectacular, the sounds are wonderful and there is a ton of stuff going on. Not sure how anyone could improve upon this. Thanks for such a great table!!!



The lighting changes are great and the color scheme fits this table perfectly. It took me several plays to adjust, but now I wouldn’t go back. Nice job and thanks for sharing!



Super job, la table est plus agréable et les détails soignés.

Cette version fonctionne bien avec le pup-pack !




This is an unbelievable table update. Game looks at least a decade newer. Awesome lighting and effects. POTC is my new "goto" table. Thank you!


· Edited by Smaugdragon


I had not yet flipped any of your previous work @trino7, but honestly had a good time playing this one tonight. I was just going to flip it for a YT video, and then found myself enjoying it more as I waited for the encoding. Your art changes are wonderful, and while the color scheme is taking me a little time to adjust too, I can easily see this playing in the garage this Halloween when the Trick or Treaters come over! 

Your choices add a spooky flavor to the table, and while very bright, my daughter came by to see what I was playing. That says something ;)

Well done sir, and thank you to the original authors for making this possible!

Response from the author:

Hello, I'm glad you like it😊, I know that light is somewhat high and risky but it's my way of doing something, always wanting to get out of the "normal". I am happy to recognize my work, thank you very much friend for your good comment, greetings!.



ThanXXXX.  Hope someone will do new physics an LuT...  :)

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