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Raven (Gottlieb 1986)(VR Room)

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5 From 3 reviews
79.36 MB File Size
raven ROM Name
Rajo Joey, ARMYAVIATION Created by
Gottlieb Manufacturer
1986 Year

4 Screenshots

The table is made by ARMYAVIATION.


I would like to thank ARMYAVIATION for the permission to put his tables in a VR-room.


It's a hybrid-table. So you can play in desktop-, cabinet- or VR-mode.
To change the mode, open the script and edit the lines 39/40 at the beginning of the script.


I can't remember all the changes, unfortunately, because I created the table a few months ago.
And today I changed the physics once again to my taste.


There are two rooms: the minimal room and a sphere. You could change this also at the beginning of the script.


There are different LUT-files in the table. So you can change the lightning.
Click the right magnasave-button to change the LUT-file.

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Big-hair 80s action fun.  Nice job on this VR table!



I've been playing the regular VPX table in VR, so it's nice to now have an "official" VR version with an actual room.

Looks great, so thank you for this 🙂

I'm hoping to be able to use the Lee Anna Vamp (same gal as in your room wheel/logo) alt-B2S while in VR...a bit easier on the eyes.



Hey Rajo, thanks for bringing this table to VR, it's good fun.

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