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  1. Version 1.3.1


    GONNA TAKE YOU BACK TO THE PAST IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE ON THE CHALLENGE OF RESKINNING THIS TABLE TO BREATH OF THE WILD..... TAKE A WILD GUESS WHICH PUP I'D BE DOING. MSG ME IF INTERESTED TY! WOULD BE FUN PICKING OUT THE BOSSES TO PUT ON THE DROP TARGETS! All Credit goes to JPSalas for saving Hyrule yet again with a new 10.8 compatible Table file! Thank you LoadedWeapon! This pup is 100% pupevent, no switch triggers. ____________________________________ All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! An orchestra of organized chaos that I'm sure you 80's kids and NES gamers will have fun tearing apart. This is 100% a community project now in my opinion Use VPX 10.8 _____________________________________________________ MASSIVE Thanks "to JPSalas and LoadedWeapon for making this legendary table. Thank you for letting me do a pup for it! Thank you JP and LoadedWeapon you guys are legend". Thank you so much for responding to my plea for the need for this table to never go obsolete with the 10.8 update!!!!! The community loves you man, appreciate all your amazing tables! Major Thanks to @DaRdog81 (to be edited later) Major Thanks to @ZandysArcade for the sweet overlay set he made for this! Screams Ocarina of time! Thank you! Couldn't do it without you! Major Thanks to BeardBear Channel for contributing to FREE virtual pinball.... without this HD source video of gameplay I prolly wouldnt have considered attempting this one. Without you this wouldn't be possible either. Epic gameplay footage! Thank you! Major Thanks to @SERGIOSOUZA for his backglass, fulldmd and topper backglass! Nice work, thank you for lettin me use them! I might need to switch out the fulldmd later for one with only ocarina of time graphics tho. Major Thanks to @davadruix for his sweet dmd looking topper backglass and my favorite wheel so far for the table! Thanks for letting me use them! Major Thanks to @Nevvyboy for making a new instruction card for the table when he found out I was redoing the pup! Thank you! Major Thanks to anyone who makes new media that can work with the pup later! Major Thanks to @PIPAllah for helping me fix the ganon battle when I was having issues, appreciate you, if you ever need anything let me know, i owe you! Major Thanks to YOU for checking it out Hyrule is in your hands now -All clips normalized/Nailbusted to 1080p by default -Must use the included table file, it has pupevent specific for this pup added to it. -Pup volumes may have to be adjusted for personal preference within the "pup pack editor triggers screen" All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Peace Y'all, Pup Pack rated PG-13 for violence. Parental Guidance suggested. "I need a vacation" Unzip and place the t2_l8 folder in your pup folder. This Pup works off the t2_l8 rom. Any table using this rom should work. This pup is setup for 1, 2, and 3 screens. Bat files have been added so just pick the bat that fits your system. This pup works with Flex-DMD, so you'll need it to move the score around. My own custom DMD video is included. Three screen cabs can go with the DMD or a B2s and the FullDMD. Terminator 2 is my favorite of the Terminator movies. I love the table and since making this pup pack, I've gotten pretty good at it (you can verify that in my video 😁). Since there hasn't been a T2 Pup Pack at VPU since I came back, I decided that needed to change. This pup comes with the Precise I.P. Allah special sauce you see in all my pup packs...... busy, busy, busy, with all the callouts. The other reason I did this is because the other T2 pup packs I have don't focus on this. I really like how it came out. I hope you enjoy it. I will make upgrades to all my Pup Packs when necessary and as my understanding of this craft increases. Otherwise....... Enjoy! Precise All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  3. View File Terminator 2 Pup Pack and Full DMD Peace Y'all, Pup Pack rated PG-13 for violence. Parental Guidance suggested. "I need a vacation" Unzip and place the t2_l8 folder in your pup folder. This Pup works off the t2_l8 rom. Any table using this rom should work. This pup is setup for 1, 2, and 3 screens. Bat files have been added so just pick the bat that fits your system. This pup works with Flex-DMD, so you'll need it to move the score around. My own custom DMD video is included. Three screen cabs can go with the DMD or a B2s and the FullDMD. Terminator 2 is my favorite of the Terminator movies. I love the table and since making this pup pack, I've gotten pretty good at it (you can verify that in my video 😁). Since there hasn't been a T2 Pup Pack at VPU since I came back, I decided that needed to change. This pup comes with the Precise I.P. Allah special sauce you see in all my pup packs...... busy, busy, busy, with all the callouts. The other reason I did this is because the other T2 pup packs I have don't focus on this. I really like how it came out. I hope you enjoy it. I will make upgrades to all my Pup Packs when necessary and as my understanding of this craft increases. Otherwise....... Enjoy! Precise All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Submitter PIPAllah Submitted 12/08/24 Category PuP Packs  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Use this link for pup, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1or5-YC9ENWOEUvrgi8HtuovXvkfIN43W?usp=drive_link Use VPX 10.7.4 64 bit, or 32 bit ADD THE MUSIC file to the visual pinball/Music folder Major Thanks to ivantba, the original creator of the table. Thank you!!! I just wanted to elevate your awesome table, Appreciate you!!! Major Thanks to @Jagandy82 for the beautiful overlays AND Fulldmd, they look amazing! Major Thanks to @nagaidevilfor creative input, playtesting and everything you do man! You rule! Major Thanks to @80sRkadeguy70for making a sweet wheel for the pup!! Pup-options being done last minute as usual. It's set up for 3 screens by default All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Cheers VPUniverse!!!
  5. View File Star Wars Multi-Table Pup Pack Greetings Jedi! Pup Dedicated to Carrie Fisher, we love you! All credit goes to @Dr.Nobody for making a wide assortment of overlays for Star Wars pups, I figured why not use ALL of them, instead of just one!! No need to switch overlays manually, it will switch automatically during gameplay!! 1. For use with Star Wars Trilogy Table (using swtril43 ROM or any table using the rom),(highly recommend using @LoadedWeapon's new cabinet mod, it has Sub controller.stop code added to it which the original table file was needing.) https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/22492-star-wars-trilogy-cabinet-mod/ OR OPTIONALLY For use with 1992 Data East star wars table (using stwr_107 ROM or any table using the rom) https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/7870-star-wars-data-east-1992-vpw/ I hope ya'll like the AI yoda trivia i put together for the trilogy table, made a sound only version for NON-PUP users. This pup is designed for 3 screen cabinet setups for people NOT using b2s's. There's too many clips to cram into 1 cabinet screen. These are ROM based pups. I've been wanting to do a near complete clip pull on the original star wars trilogy movies for a long time and figured why not do it right now. Most, prolly 70% of these clips took a LOT of frame and audio editing to get them worthy to put into a pup, which I expected before even tackling this project. I wanted to have a complete set of original trilogy clips for the future tho for whatever craziness the future holds, which is what started me on this project. This pup will work with any table using the corresponding ROM's. (swtril43 or stwr_107 ROM) This will/can be modifiable for any future star wars tables creators make, i wanted a near complete set of good clips that could work for any future star wars tables if using movie clips for triggers. Hit me up and i'll code it from scratch for any creator making a NEW star wars table with whatever parameters and discretion you would like! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @Dr.Nobody for this amazing set of overlays, such epic work thank you!! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @LoadedWeaponfor doing a new .dif cabinet mod for the trilogy table!!! Love it!!! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @cl4ve for your epic star wars pinball room and ideas that served as inspiration, thank you my friend! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @Cliffy for making desktop pupoptions!!!!! Thank you my friend! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @masonm for helping with some AI voice ideas and other inspiration!!! Major Thanks to All the table creators that did work on all the star wars tables past present and future, in this life and the next you are all Jedi !!! @VPinWorkshop, @Siggi, JPSalas, @marty02 @ryguy417 @xenonph @kcirrickand everyone else involved in table and media creation !!! Thank you The force will be with you, always All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Submitter GtecArcade Submitted 11/23/24 Category PuP Packs  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Greetings my fellow tycoons! Thank you for learning to read!! Planet Coaster 2 comes out November 6th, 2024 for PC and consoles. All credit goes to @VPinWorkshop, @Dr.Nobody , @SERGIOSOUZA, @Kongedam, @capnclaw, @Cliffy!!!! _________ Important _______________ 1. Remove any Rollercoaster clips you do not want to use by deleting them from the "Rollercoaster" folder to save drive space if that is a concern for you. This pup was originally 10 GB before final cuts. 2. Mini-Pup is powered by pupevent which means the .vbs file in the downloads needs to be placed in the tables folder with the same name as the Rollercoaster Tycoon table file.vpx file. (or optionally replace table file code with the .vbs code which only has pupevent added, no other changes. "Right click then click edit" the .vbs to copy/paste code in table file if the previous method doesnt work for you). Do not accidentally double click the .vbs or it will create a .ini in your rct pupfolder which you will have to delete. Thank you @apophis for your knowledge on this topic, so awesome thank you!!! Makes it easy to non-invasively share coding change. 3. Add any attract you want to the "Attract Randomizer" folder, it will select randomly. 4. Music Folder can be expanded upon or edited. Selects randomly. Make sure to click the "normalize audio.bat" file to get any music you add in sync with the other media volume levels. (same with adding new clips, convert to 1080p then normalize audio).... leaving those tools in their proper locations for this pup since its highly customizable. These are the only music tracks i enjoyed from the actual video game. 5. If you use altsound or ROM sound and do not want the pup controlled music, just select a pupoption labeled with "music OFF" ______________________________________________________ Let me start out by saying I supremely love this amazing table. From day 1 this table released I have never used the ROM music, (never even had the desire to turn on and test the ROM music, altmusic or sound) ... i absolutely love the mechanical sounds, flawless physics, realism, flow and fun of this table in its rawest form. The 1st minute I played it I knew I would have to eventually do a pup for it, it is a great theme and I wanted to make a pup with a lot of eyecandy to make it just awesome to look at and play. I play a lot of video games from this genre. After spending hours collecting the music, right media for callouts and making text callouts, I tested the pupcapture for the 1st time and realized the pupcapture doesn't work AT ALL for this table for some unknown reason..... bummed me out because all the time I spent finding callouts and making texts was wasted. For this reason I can't really call this a true pup pack, its a completely downsizeable and customizable MINI pup for the table now. Bummed me out a lot when I found out pupcapture doesn't work, I almost didn't bother releasing it at all for this reason but I think someone will enjoy my vision for it. Thanks to @PIPAllah for looking for a reason why the pupcapture wont work, thank you for the effort bro. If i can find any pupevent coding spots for any of those callouts in the Topper Callouts folder, they can be added be added through pupevent only if I can get someone to help me find spots for them. it is quite the chore..... pupevent will be the ONLY option for updates on this mini-pup. ______________________________________________________ Major Thanks to @VPinWorkshop for this masterpiece of a table. Its 10 stars to me and a whole lot of people, thank you so much. Flawless physics, crazy realism, and the amount of tender loving care that went into making this table is mindblowing. I'm a massive fan of table realism, and this table was nailed perfectly in every way!!!! I just hope one day can figure out why pupcapture wont work on it, could finish pup if its figured out. Major Thanks to @Dr.Nobody for making some awesome overlays that really bring this together with a cool look, thank you so much my brotha. Major Thanks to @SERGIOSOUZA for making some pretty epic toppers for the pup, these look so good, thank you!!! Amazing work. Major Thanks to @Cliffy for taking the time to make a desktop pupoption for users!!! As well as helping me with a last minute .ini issue!!! Thank you my friend!!!! Major Thanks to @Kongedam for letting me edit your awesome video tutorial to plug into the pup, what a perfect attract for this table!!! Thank you!! Major Thanks to @capnclaw for making a pretty epic "funhouse throwback" ball lost callout to put text on. Love that clip. Thank you my friend!!! One day maybe can get pupcapture to work and plug these callouts in. Major Thanks to YOU for seeing "some" of my vision for this table!! Please try it at least once with rom music muted, its the only way I've ever played it, am I missing out? All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Greetings Jedi! Pup Dedicated to Carrie Fisher, we love you! All credit goes to @Dr.Nobody for making a wide assortment of overlays for Star Wars pups, I figured why not use ALL of them, instead of just one!! No need to switch overlays manually, it will switch automatically during gameplay!! 1. For use with Star Wars Trilogy Table (using swtril43 ROM or any table using the rom),(highly recommend using @LoadedWeapon's new cabinet mod, it has Sub controller.stop code added to it which the original table file was needing.) https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/22492-star-wars-trilogy-cabinet-mod/ OR OPTIONALLY For use with 1992 Data East star wars table (using stwr_107 ROM or any table using the rom) https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/7870-star-wars-data-east-1992-vpw/ I hope ya'll like the AI yoda trivia i put together for the trilogy table, made a sound only version for NON-PUP users. This pup is designed for 3 screen cabinet setups for people NOT using b2s's. There's too many clips to cram into 1 cabinet screen. These are ROM based pups. I've been wanting to do a near complete clip pull on the original star wars trilogy movies for a long time and figured why not do it right now. Most, prolly 70% of these clips took a LOT of frame and audio editing to get them worthy to put into a pup, which I expected before even tackling this project. I wanted to have a complete set of original trilogy clips for the future tho for whatever craziness the future holds, which is what started me on this project. This pup will work with any table using the corresponding ROM's. (swtril43 or stwr_107 ROM) This will/can be modifiable for any future star wars tables creators make, i wanted a near complete set of good clips that could work for any future star wars tables if using movie clips for triggers. Hit me up and i'll code it from scratch for any creator making a NEW star wars table with whatever parameters and discretion you would like! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @Dr.Nobody for this amazing set of overlays, such epic work thank you!! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @LoadedWeaponfor doing a new .dif cabinet mod for the trilogy table!!! Love it!!! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @cl4ve for your epic star wars pinball room and ideas that served as inspiration, thank you my friend! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @Cliffy for making desktop pupoptions!!!!! Thank you my friend! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @masonm for helping with some AI voice ideas and other inspiration!!! Major Thanks to All the table creators that did work on all the star wars tables past present and future, in this life and the next you are all Jedi !!! @VPinWorkshop, @Siggi, JPSalas, @marty02 @ryguy417 @xenonph @kcirrickand everyone else involved in table and media creation !!! Thank you The force will be with you, always All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  8. Version 1.1


    Must use VPMAlias. deathproof,mousn_l4 Must use new table file in the .zip when approved. Pupevent numbering has been changed to be higher than 699+ minimum. All Video has been reprocessed and normalized all audio. standardized to 1080p by default. Didn't crop them but i have the coordinates adjusted for the letterbox for all uncropped vids..... just saves a lot of time having to crop them, might just crop them later to feel better bout it. All toppers are cropped. New Attract Option, new toppers and callouts if someone can send me a dmd dot matrix looking filter i can throw over vids to imitate a DMD.... i would greatly appreciate it Must use VPMAlias. deathproof,mousn_l4 Pup-Options for 2,3,4 screen users. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Major Thanks to @balutito for this amazing and underrated table. You're a genius coder man, I might have to attack some pups on your other tables. There's a few I'm interested in doing if no one else is. Theres so many directions to go! Major Thanks to @ZandysArcade, Fantastic overlays, a master of graphics! Thank you so much! Major Thanks to @GauGau for his Fulldmd, this looks great, and made my decision to do this pup even easier. Major Thanks to @Cliffy for figuring out my overlay issues with all previous pups. AKA Desktop Master ! Major Thanks to @davadruixfor his sweet wheel options! Default Location Topper Turned off by default in all setups Can you survive multiball? Have fun! Cheers VPUniverse!! All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! End of Line
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Gremlins pup-pack by kcirrick Gremlins is a fun table just as it is, but I have an affinity for pup-packs and felt Balutito’s table was a prime candidate. When I couldn’t find one I decided to make one. Here it is for you to enjoy. However, there are some requirements that must be met in order for this pup-pack to work properly due in part to some limitations with the original Victory table. It is required that FlexDMD be installed and functional. PupCapture was used for approximately half of the triggers so those triggers depend on it. The pup-pack will not work correctly with the standard Victory DMD. There are two necessary changes that must be made to the tables script. The first change activates FlexDMD. (Which you likely have already done.) I found that when I played the original table, the music started as soon as I initiated the table and it never stopped. To address this, the second change disables the table’s theme music. The theme music will now be provided by the pup-pack and the music won’t start until you actually start a game and the music will stop playing once the game is over. Gremlins (Victory) has the option of being either a three ball or five ball game. The pup-pack is designed to work with a five ball game so if you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to make a dip switch change to make Gremlins a five ball game. The included Read me.txt file provides simple instructions for making all of the above changes. The pup-pack accommodates two and three screen systems. Simply run the relevant bat file in the pup-pack that is appropriate for your system. I’ve included Backglass 2 Screen.mp4 and Backglass 3 Screen.mp4 files that match the pup-pack’s backglass that you can add via the Media Manager. The pup-pack provides only for the backglass and not a fullDMD so for a three screen system you will need to add one of your own choosing using Media Manager. Enjoy! ***************************************************************************************** Thanks to Rivermatty for pointing out an important step that must be done in order for the pup-pack to work properly that was inadvertently excluded from the Read me.txt file. You must press F1 and select “Use external DMD (dll)” so pupcapture will recognize the FlexDMD screens. You will likely end up with both the FlexDMD and a Victory DMD. Simply resize and shrink down the Victory DMD and hide it behind the FlexDMD. Kind of hokey, but it works. **************************************************************************************** Judremy pointed out that: cGameName must be changed from Victory to Gremlins and that “Gremlins,Victory" must be added to VPMAlias.txt. This is something I had done in the past and so didn’t give it a second thought when creating the pup-pack. I’ve uploaded a new Read me.txt file with the additional directions that supersedes the Read me.txt file included in the pup-pack zip file. ****************************************************************************************
  10. Version 1.0.0


    The start of a new project. It's a wild one. A humble fan tribute to our friends at Stern! VPinners needed a pup for this legendary table! I'm merely your humble conductor! All credit seriously goes to @marty02, Dave Barnes, @Dr.Nobody, @Nevvyboy, @nagaidevil. Couldn't and wouldn't have done it without ya thank you! _________________________ All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! _________________________ MUST USE VPMALIAS for the black and white version godzillabwpup,godzilla copy and paste to your vpmalias file in your vpinmame folder then SAVE. VPX 10.8 OR 10.7.4 are great for this! Holding left magna and pressing right magna changes lighting. IMPORTANT Pup folder contains a folder called "Extreme Chaos Attract Randomizer". Currently it sits at 1.06 Gigabytes. You can shave off the pups size by deleting videos you do NOT want as a main backglass attract on GameOver. Do Not however leave this folder EMPTY or you will have no attract on gameover. If you add your own videos to this attract folder go into pupeditor and "select" the video on the line with the descriptions "insert your new attracts here", and enable the trigger. I'd love to know if someone finds some really cool upgrade attracts. I wanted to redo the top topper of the pup backglass before releasing this (to be animated)....I'm itching to start the next project tho...... perhaps a VPU community member could create and upload a new one for people to download and swap out. (Or other toppers!!!!) I was very limited by the ROM for this table to make it exactly how I wanted. I suppose that's why no one made one yet! I'm a relative godzilla newb.... i just picked the craziest movies I loved most while not trying to mix up godzilla aesthics and looks "too much".... it's just my take on it! I'm down to improve this thing, just direct me.... keep in mind tho the rom kinda limits a lot.... i could NOT (which really hits deep) find an english dubbed source video for Godzilla Final Wars.... I wanted to go way deeper on the clips from that movie for the cheesy lines that are legendary. Major Thanks to @marty02 for being a super cool table creator in every way and letting me work on this project! Looking forward to future projects and redos across the board! This table is freaking awesome for VPinners everywhere! Thank you so much for making it! Major Thanks to Dave Barnes for everything you did organzing whos doing what etc. on the apron for the table and @masonm for helping show you how to add the LUTs. You did so much idk where to start.... you're invaluable asset to the community thank you! Super cool man, what pup you want next, throw me an idea. Your gaming setup is pretty epic man. Major Thanks to @Dr.Nobody for the black and white playfield art for the black and white version. As well as the awesome overlays, crisp work, thank you immensely for helping with overlays and all you do! Invaluable asset to the community thank you! So awesome Major Thanks to @BurtMacklin for this epic fulldmd you made.... I LOVE fulldmd's that show the real tables on them how you do these..... looks freakin sweet. Thank you! I put the "stern" attract by @sgtd666 right on that fulldmd.... looks so cool ty both!!! Major Thanks to @hauntfreaks for his sweet animatrd backglass he made for this! Thank you! Major Thanks to @Nevvyboy for making some sweet table instruction cards and overlays, thank you for all you do my guy! Major Thanks to @nagaidevil for daring/begging me to do this one! I prolly wouldn't have done it if you didn't ask! Hope you like it! Major Thanks to Creature Features Channel which I used for the English dubbed source video. Thank you for contributing to FREE virtual pinball! My wife watches your channel religously hah. Major Thanks to all who like or review this new project, lets not be too critical at first, things can be changed! _________________________ All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  11. Version 2.0.0


    Ahoy Mateys! All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! pup googledrive Link Temporarily disabled, new version uploaded awaiting approval. Using VPX 10.8 is preferred Using VPX 10.7.4 64-bit works also as an alternative Must use enclosed table file from the pup download. Must delete the old pup! Major Thanks to @marty02 for this truly epic table. It is one of my favorite to just play uninterupted for hours. Truly a masterpiece thank you so much for making this its incredible. I just wanted to add to it to make it even more immersive. Thank you! Major Thanks to @ZandysArcadefor helping out with my clips big time, realized i was doing something this whole time finally. Thank you for these amazing overlays, they really bring this table to life. Thank you so much. You power leveled me today thank you so much! Major Thanks to @Cliffy for adding 3 ball plastics he made to this table for the custom table file. Thank you for the piratey text you came up with!!! Thank you for helping get this thing right with your playtesting and feedback, cant do it without ya me heartie! Major Thanks to @purcho for his awesome loading screen he let me post with the pup! Major Thanks to @Goldengames320 for this epic fulldmd he made a few days ago, it looks so awesome thank you! Major Thanks to @davadruix for his sweet wheels he let me post with the pup thank you!! Major Thanks to @SERGIOSOUZA for his sweet fulldmd and backglass options! Major Thanks to @Addestratore for his topper creation I included as a primary topper for people! Thank you! Major Thanks to @Livin for helping me get the audio closer to correct and playtesting! We'll keep improving it ! Major Thanks to anyone I forgot to mention will edit later! All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Cheers VPUniverse!
  12. Version 1.0.0


    I decided to make some new visuals for the popper media and the really nice PuP Pack that already exists (link below). The Pup Pack Add-On Mod is plug-n-play and will not change any existing files. The PuP add-on is designed for a 3 or 4 screen setup (you will need to enable the separate Topper in the .pup file if you want it on - it off right now) instructions... Download and install the base PuP Pack here (link below) Copy the Add-ON's 'drac_l1' folder to PUPVideos folder -- no original PuP files will be overwritte, only new files added open the 'drac_l1' folder, run the BAT file
  13. View File The Shining Pup & Table Use this link for pup, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z3qoDquUjLFKzJxm7F0L2nhbEIhV7OHT?usp=drive_link Use VPX 10.7.4 64 bit, or 32 bit Major Thanks to @wpilot for making this amazing table. Really cool how you made this table. Thank you so much Major Thanks to @Jagandy82 for making some sweet overlays for this and an excellent Fulldmd. Beautiful Major Thanks to @nagaidevil for creative ideas and playtesting, you rule! Major Thanks to @80sRkadeguy70 for making some wheels for the table that look awesome, Thank you!!! Major Thanks to Everyone i may have not credited here yet!! Send me a like if you like!!! Appreciate all of you!!! pupoptions in the works..... doing all pupoptions last minute. As usual. 3 Screen cabinet Setup is default All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Cheers VPUniverse!!! Submitter Gman77 Submitted 09/25/23 Category 2 Screen / 4x3 PuP-Packs  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Use this link for pup, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z3qoDquUjLFKzJxm7F0L2nhbEIhV7OHT?usp=drive_link Use VPX 10.7.4 64 bit, or 32 bit Major Thanks to @wpilot for making this amazing table. Really cool how you made this table. Thank you so much Major Thanks to @Jagandy82 for making some sweet overlays for this and an excellent Fulldmd. Beautiful Major Thanks to @nagaidevil for creative ideas and playtesting, you rule! Major Thanks to @80sRkadeguy70 for making some wheels for the table that look awesome, Thank you!!! Major Thanks to Everyone i may have not credited here yet!! Send me a like if you like!!! Appreciate all of you!!! pupoptions in the works..... doing all pupoptions last minute. As usual. 3 Screen cabinet Setup is default All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Cheers VPUniverse!!!
  15. View File Rollercoaster Tycoon Mini-Pup Greetings my fellow tycoons! Thank you for learning to read!! Planet Coaster 2 comes out November 6th, 2024 for PC and consoles. All credit goes to @VPinWorkshop, @Dr.Nobody , @SERGIOSOUZA, @Kongedam, @capnclaw, @Cliffy!!!! _________ Important _______________ 1. Remove any Rollercoaster clips you do not want to use by deleting them from the "Rollercoaster" folder to save drive space if that is a concern for you. This pup was originally 10 GB before final cuts. 2. Mini-Pup is powered by pupevent which means the .vbs file in the downloads needs to be placed in the tables folder with the same name as the Rollercoaster Tycoon table file.vpx file. (or optionally replace table file code with the .vbs code which only has pupevent added, no other changes. "Right click then click edit" the .vbs to copy/paste code in table file if the previous method doesnt work for you). Do not accidentally double click the .vbs or it will create a .ini in your rct pupfolder which you will have to delete. Thank you @apophis for your knowledge on this topic, so awesome thank you!!! Makes it easy to non-invasively share coding change. 3. Add any attract you want to the "Attract Randomizer" folder, it will select randomly. 4. Music Folder can be expanded upon or edited. Selects randomly. Make sure to click the "normalize audio.bat" file to get any music you add in sync with the other media volume levels. (same with adding new clips, convert to 1080p then normalize audio).... leaving those tools in their proper locations for this pup since its highly customizable. These are the only music tracks i enjoyed from the actual video game. 5. If you use altsound or ROM sound and do not want the pup controlled music, just select a pupoption labeled with "music OFF" ______________________________________________________ Let me start out by saying I supremely love this amazing table. From day 1 this table released I have never used the ROM music, (never even had the desire to turn on and test the ROM music, altmusic or sound) ... i absolutely love the mechanical sounds, flawless physics, realism, flow and fun of this table in its rawest form. The 1st minute I played it I knew I would have to eventually do a pup for it, it is a great theme and I wanted to make a pup with a lot of eyecandy to make it just awesome to look at and play. I play a lot of video games from this genre. After spending hours collecting the music, right media for callouts and making text callouts, I tested the pupcapture for the 1st time and realized the pupcapture doesn't work AT ALL for this table for some unknown reason..... bummed me out because all the time I spent finding callouts and making texts was wasted. For this reason I can't really call this a true pup pack, its a completely downsizeable and customizable MINI pup for the table now. Bummed me out a lot when I found out pupcapture doesn't work, I almost didn't bother releasing it at all for this reason but I think someone will enjoy my vision for it. Thanks to @PIPAllah for looking for a reason why the pupcapture wont work, thank you for the effort bro. If i can find any pupevent coding spots for any of those callouts in the Topper Callouts folder, they can be added be added through pupevent only if I can get someone to help me find spots for them. it is quite the chore..... pupevent will be the ONLY option for updates on this mini-pup. ______________________________________________________ Major Thanks to @VPinWorkshop for this masterpiece of a table. Its 10 stars to me and a whole lot of people, thank you so much. Flawless physics, crazy realism, and the amount of tender loving care that went into making this table is mindblowing. I'm a massive fan of table realism, and this table was nailed perfectly in every way!!!! I just hope one day can figure out why pupcapture wont work on it, could finish pup if its figured out. Major Thanks to @Dr.Nobody for making some awesome overlays that really bring this together with a cool look, thank you so much my brotha. Major Thanks to @SERGIOSOUZA for making some pretty epic toppers for the pup, these look so good, thank you!!! Amazing work. Major Thanks to @Cliffy for taking the time to make a desktop pupoption for users!!! As well as helping me with a last minute .ini issue!!! Thank you my friend!!!! Major Thanks to @Kongedam for letting me edit your awesome video tutorial to plug into the pup, what a perfect attract for this table!!! Thank you!! Major Thanks to @capnclaw for making a pretty epic "funhouse throwback" ball lost callout to put text on. Love that clip. Thank you my friend!!! One day maybe can get pupcapture to work and plug these callouts in. Major Thanks to YOU for seeing "some" of my vision for this table!! Please try it at least once with rom music muted, its the only way I've ever played it, am I missing out? All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Submitter GtecArcade Submitted 11/01/24 Category PuP Packs  
  16. Version 2.0.1


    Our beloved Mistress of the Dark has Returned! This is just an extension for @versins77and @marty02's beautiful tables! @lipebellowill be uploading his new updated table version with "pup version" in the name, to be compatible with this pup!!! Zero changes other than pupevent numbering. Requires the new table files with pupevent added, the ONLY changes are the actual pupevent numbering to the table files. Be aware this a ROM, and for some reason not all the pupcaptures will trigger correctly for this particular table, its a ROM quirk that can't be avoided. Those pupcapture Triggers are disabled for now. I need help finding the pupevent equivalents if anyone gets some time, i don't think they exist. All Clips have been recropped and rescrutinized, 30 FPS naturally. Use VPX 10.8, 10.7.4 works also. Right Magna Changes Music anytime. If it doesnt work , you are using the wrong table file. Test it that way. ______________________ All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! ______________________ Mega Thanks to @versins77 for this masterly crafted table for vpx, it's perfect. Your lighting options for the table are epic, it really completes the table! Thank you so much for your work its so appreciated by the entire community. Please message me when you get a moment my friend, I think your mailbox is full and you can't receive messages! Wanted to have a quick chat about Robo-War when ya get some time!!! TYTY Mega Thanks to @marty02for your Elvira Limited Edition , looks so good. I love all your work thank you so much!! We need a green light for Godfather!!!!!! Mega Thanks to @ZandysArcade for going ALL OUT and making some ultra cool overlays for BOTH pups.... AND Fulldmd's for both tables..... simply amazing! I urge you all to check out his Cabinet Theme setups he made for this table... i'm tempted to do an elvira art cab after seeing all his sweet media he made for our Mistress of the Dark. Thank you! Mega Thanks to @SuperTiltedteam of Pinball Technicians for creative feedback, testing, and everything! Mega Thanks to @nagaidevil for his creative input and help bringing this pup to life!! Thank you!! Mega Thanks to @pritch33 and @hauntfreaks for their animated wheel creations, they look great. Mega Thanks to @Nesta78for your media creations , amazing work Thank you! Mega Thanks to whoever made this Skull Topper.... I can't find who made it!!! Message me so I can credit you!!!! Mega Thanks to @RetroRitchie for his awesome Topper creations, Thank you!!!!! Massive Thanks to YOU for trying it out!!!!!! Hope you like Type O Negative like I do!!! I need to update these screenshots, all these are from the old pup. ______________________ All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! ______________________
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Use this link for pup, https://mega.nz/folder/yywzBLpY#h4plrjufehoXZBy2F_DLUg Use VPMAlias thething,ali VPX 64-Bit works great with this Major Thanks to @balutito for this cool reskin of the ali table and to all others involved! It's always a pleasure sir, Thank you!!! Killer Clowns eh? lol Major Thanks to @Jagandy82 for his sick overlay set he made for this!! Always top-notch graphics work! Major Thanks to @Growat for his FUllDMD Creation!! Major Thanks to @Cliffy for playtesting and bein the man! Just a little attempt to bring the movie to the table! The request Lines are now open!! At least until my pool finally opens up for the Summer.... Cheers VPUniverse!!!!
  18. Version 1.0.0


    ⚔️⚔️ ⚔️Welcome to Madness⚔️ ⚔️⚔️ I attempted a pup for this last summer and was never happy with it and never released it, so I scrapped it and started it from scratch a few weeks ago. I hope you like my take on it. It's a little closer to how I think it needs to be. The clips are a mash-up of Excalibur, Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, House of the Dragon, LOTR, and a few others. ______________________ All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! ______________________ Important Table file line MUST MATCH THIS IF USING MM_10 ROM. Vanilla table file downloads are set to a different rom name, YOU WILL HAVE TO CHANGE IT. IT IS EASY. line 59 thereabouts in the table script Const cGameName="mm_10" Change Rom Name in your Medieval Madness table file to the same rom name as the pupfolder is named. I have only ever tested this with the mm_10 ROM. This is a pupcapture powered ROM pup so make sure your dmd is loading properly or you will get no triggers. I am curious what ROM's will work, the profanity rom wasn't loading the DMD for me. You can Shave off some pup size by sacrificing some vids from the gameover folder which serves as the attract randomizer folder for this pup, or expand it to the threshold of total madness! Highly customizeable stuff going on here in this one, have fun!!! ______________________ Massive Thanks to everyone invloved in this table's creation, it's always been one of my favorites. TY , @Gedankekojote97, @DarthVito, @Skitso Massive Thanks to @Dr.Nobodyfor making a killer set of sweet overlays and fulldmd. You nailed it my friend TY!!! Massive Thanks to @guet35for making a killer Pup Backglass I'm very happy with, makes it awesome!!!! Thank you !!!!! Massive Thanks to @Nevvyboyfor making sweet text callout canvas' to put texts on. TY Love it man!!! Massive Thanks to @HiRez00for his awesome Madness Topper, looks great with any setup!! TY Massive Thanks to @SERGIOSOUZAfor his sweet topper creation included in the pup!!! TY Massive Thanks to @dragon44 for his standalone fulldmd which i always use in my setup. TY !!! Massive Thanks to you for checking it out!!!! Thank ya ______________________ All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! ______________________
  19. View File Bram Stokers Dracula PuP-Pack Add-On Mod and Pinup Popper Media - LTek I decided to make some new visuals for the popper media and the really nice PuP Pack that already exists (link below). The Pup Pack Add-On Mod is plug-n-play and will not change any existing files. The PuP add-on is designed for a 3 or 4 screen setup (you will need to enable the separate Topper in the .pup file if you want it on - it off right now) instructions... Download and install the base PuP Pack here (link below) Copy the Add-ON's 'drac_l1' folder to PUPVideos folder -- no original PuP files will be overwritte, only new files added open the 'drac_l1' folder, run the BAT file Submitter LTek Submitted 10/21/24 Category PuP Packs  
  20. Version 1.0.14


    “Don’t THINK you are…. KNOW you are….” -------------------------------------------------------- “Stop trying to hit me and HIT ME!” -------------------------------------------------------- It’s an honor and privilege to give back to this community with The Matrix Pup pack and pupevents table into VP Cooks Matrix table released last year (2023). - Special thanks to VP Cooks for permission and JP Salas for his original table. - Special thanks to MerlinRTP for the nFozzy/Rothbauerw physics conversion and his tutoring on some of the more complex trigger scripting. Highlights and Notes: - Pinup 1.5 required for the best experience - Nfozzy/Rothbauerw physics - Hit the phone booth and then the scoop to activate the modes in the table - 5 different screen layouts to choose from – (2screen, 3screen,4screen, FullDMD, Desktop)– just double click the .bat file that fits your configuration - Take the Red Pill and have fun!
  21. Version 2.0.0


    We Are Not Alone! This is part 1 of a 2 part redo on this pup! Will add all the toppers when @Dr.Nobody finishes the new overlay set that has topper slots! Gonna be adding star skillshots, multiplier, extra ball, ball lost topper callouts when the topper overlays are ready! Thank you Dr Nobody!!! ______________________ All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! ______________________ IMPORTANT Pup Megalink disabled until new version is approved. Use VPX 10.8 or 10.7.4. 10.8 is gorgeous and perfect for this. Use included table file with pupevent added. 1. YOU MUST USE B2S for scoring by hauntfreaks. 2 Screen Users you are out of luck im afraid.... 2 screen users must skip this pup or go buy another screen unfortunately. Download @hauntfreaks amazing B2S here on VPU, put it on your fulldmd Like I would do or put the pup on the fulldmd. His B2S is flawless and a completely authentic recreation for this amazing table. Thank you @hauntfreaks!!!! 2. Pup-options folder contains a .res file that works for 3-4 screen users that are 1920X1080 resolution monitors for the playfield, backglass, and fulldmd. Put the .res file in your tables folder and make sure it's named to the exact same name the table file is. This will work with empire strikes back and any pup if you're using 1920x1080 monitors theoretically. If you have different resolution monitors you will need to open the .res file in a text editor and modify the file to match your screens resolutions in your setup. If you're using those resolution monitors this should be plug n play for you! ______________________ Major Thanks to my Dad for buying Close Encounters and Gold Rush pinball tables from a YARD SALE when I was 5 years old! I've played these 2 real tables more than any other table ever I'd have to say, LOL. Got me diggin pinball at an early age. Major Thanks to @BorgDog for this perfect recreation on a table I grew up with. You nailed it, every aspect, sound, color, reflections, even down to the wear and tear on the playfield. Runs perfect on 10.8 too.... masterful man, seriously. Appreciate your work on this table immensely Thank you! Major Thanks to @Dr.Nobody for help on this when I was first learning how to put a pup together a year ago almost a year to the day. Seriously thank you for doing overlays for the redo!! Appreciate you tons man thank you!! Major Thanks to TheBackglassGuy for the original overlays when I started this 1st pup!!!! What did you change your name to on VPU?? I haven't been able to find you on VPU for a while!? Name Change? Message me plz bro, wanted to catch up and thank you again. I kinda tried to merge your old overlay onto Dr Nobodys one screen overlay, i Love that UFO and landscape you made for that original overlay. Major Thanks to @thelivingarcade for inspiring me to redo this pup sooner than I was planning. Satisfying redo so far, thank you bro. I think you might even love this table as much as I do! Appreciate you! Major Thanks to everyone who likes this project!! ______________________ This table is the one that got it all started for me, the love for the game. This table was side by side Gold Rush my whole childhood. Currently both tables are in my dad's garage needing a minor restoral and minor repaint on the exterior which I intend to do!!! Had to do a Homage for both tables!!! Dedicated to my dad and brother so they could see a VPin version!!! ______________________ Not to mention, the close encounters theme..... I've had multiple alien craft sightings that were completely not earthly.....One which is as vivid as the day I saw it..... a craft so towering large and bright and completely silent, you'd be a believer too if you've seen what I've seen..... We Are Not Alone, I promise you! All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Use this link for now, error messages when uploading Predatorpup.zip. Hoping a moderator can upload it, Cheers! https://mega.nz/folder/Lr4CDSBI#vypgmgX-sZyS3FHhNyhE8A ______________________________________________________________________ TRANSPERENCY FIXED ON ALL PUPS, redownload EITHER the whole thing from scratch OR JUST THE PupAlphas folder, plus the 3 pup options files. Predator, Tron Classic, Cheech, Close Encounters...... Whats so magical about PupAlphas!??? Game On! Thx Cliffy!!!!!!!!!!!! My second pup pack I wanted to do. I apologize if you have any issues with it, I know its not perfect. Special Thanks goes out to TheBackglassGuy for his awesome work and motivational support and ideas!!!!! Sweet Wheels man ty! Thanks JPsalas for making this table reskin and whoever else was involved!!! Got another pup for a different table comin out in a few days !!! It's gonna be a fun one!! This has an optional topper which will load at your default topper location, it is turned on by default. You can run the alternate topper in the middle of the fulldmd if you like, try screen position 5,3.7,28.6,92.9,42.5 for the optional topper. Anyone can do anything they like to make this thing better, I welcome it. I know I was having an issue with the overlay not overlapping the backglass vids like I want it to, hopefully someone can figure it out. Feel free to modify this pup however you like, theres different overlays that TheBackglassGuy put together in the overlay folders, and a couple fulldmd options for 3 screen users. Turn off fulldmd if not using 3 screens, its on by default. Might come back to this later for topper callouts. If you make any improvements worthy to make it better send it to me I will upload it and credit you naturally for your efforts!! I look at this as a starting point. Thanks to everyone at VPUniverse!! Cheers!!
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Use this link for pup, https://mega.nz/folder/bmJiwD5K#MBJQ9lTrfG_C5zGW0EVabQ If you play on cabinet, please don't try to move the DMD, it is planned to be here on the apron. This table is the result of the work and pooling of many people around the world. It represents the good understanding, the cordiality, the friendship of the users of VPX, who are united to offer you a quality table. Thanks to Jp Salas, @SpookyMoulder, @Cliffy, jogrady7, @BurtMacklin and all those who have contributed and tried to solve the problems encountered Major Thanks to @SpookyMoulder for creating this fine table!!!! Love it Major Thanks to @Balutito for letting me do this with his table mod!!!!! Major Thanks to @Jagandy82 for making 4 awesome fulldmd options, AND the overlays these are slick man, nice work!!!!!!!!!!! Almost forgot the backglass mp4 he made too... nice work my guy Major Thanks to @davadruix for his wheel creations, Perfect!!!! Major Thanks to everyone involved in the creation of this table, and any sort of media created etc..... 1. Attract on start and Attract after game over are on short delays of 4-seconds, 9-seconds respectively...... I highly advise to leave these delays as they are or you they prolly wont trigger for you. If someone finds a better attract after game over let me know pls. 2. I fully expect that there will be a new table file coming at some point, I just need 15-30 minutes with the table file to insert all the pupevent in spots and can reupload the table file. 3. Mod this thing however you see fit that's what it's here for !!!!!! Post this thing anywhere this is a community project!!!! 4. If someone wants to go back through the movie for clips with a fine tooth comb do it!!!! Send them to me and I'll crop them and add/upload them ***COUGH*** IF ANYONE WANTS TO MAKE A DUNE TABLE..... i volunteer! Good Game All Logos, Music, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! Cheers VPUniverse!!!!!!!!
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Use this link for pup, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pZLi3Ql7tHGyu_kL1hxOifGbMGAtLWw3?usp=drive_link Use VPX 10.8 for the 10.8 table file Use VPX 10.7.4 64 bit for the 10.7.4 table file Pup ONLY works with the 2 included table files, this table is pupevent only, pupcapture is impossible for this pup. This pup is still a lil bit of a work in progress, a few triggers are still disabled because I can't find the right spot for a few triggers such as multipliers, jackpots, 2x 3x jackpots and multipliers, super jackpots. Spots you think would work, just don't.... lol. This would be SIMPLE if pupcapture was possible but it is not for this DMD. Pupevent only. I will update this if i can get a lil help with some pupevent locations that need to be moved around. Slimer clips are ONLY triggered when slimer Appears or when Slimer is defeated. I might have to adjust location of pupevent for ball lock also. Major Thanks to @jpsalas for creating these epic tables and being super cool to let me make pups for them. You're a legendary creator, we love you man. Thank you Major Thanks to @Jagandy82 for making the amazing overlays for this, you rule my guy. Thank you Major Thanks to @Nesta78 for his epic ghostbusters loading screen. Thank you Major Thanks to @marcobus2005 for his sweet Slimer wheel. Thank you Major Thanks to @Cliffy aka desktop master for testing this out for me on 10.8 when i was initially having issues with the installation, all is well now!!! He also showed me how to do .bat pupoptions, will try to implement that from here on! Thank you Major Thanks to @nagaidevil for playtesting and creative input, you rule man! Thank you Major Thanks to All ! Angry Video Game Nerd clips are Optional, copy the clips from the AVGN to the "temporary folder" to add them to the playfield triggers. Default Attract is currently the Angry Video Game Nerd Attract, change the attract to the 1080p attract trailer if you prefer it instead. Do so by changing all file selections in triggers of pupeditor located underneath the ***Attract*** seperator All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  25. Version 1.2.0


    Pup Is Dedicated to our community buddy @thelivingarcade! Thank you for all you do for the community bro! Such an awesome dude, we love you man! Nailbusted clips to 30FPS 1080p for VLC's optimization, normalized audio, Pupoption .bat's added. Expect a lot of this particular update already underway for all my older pups, its inevitable that I'm gonna have to recode a few pups completely from scratch before I upload them to VPU. Many have already been reuploaded to their google links with the audio normalization portion completed. I may end up having to recrop some of these clips.... idk yet, need testers.....! There's a chance I might need to recode this pup from scratch.... again, need testers. Moved Nudity Clips from the pup to optional folder to add to the matching folders if you want them during gameplay!! There might be a butt cheek or two still left, double check the folders. No table File Changes. Pup screens are blacking out for me when i run it on 10.7.4 (not sure why yet), may need fresh recode of pup from scratch. Use 10.8 vpx. Time will tell. Use VPX 10.8, 10.7.4 blacks out the pup screens for me (not sure why yet).... i might need to recode pup from scratch on different screen numbers. Major Thanks to @balutito for this masterly reskin that looks amazing. Thank you so much. We love you man Major Thanks to @ZandysArcadefor these fantastic eye popping overlays AND fulldmd that really helps reanimate this table. Major Thanks to @davadruix for some sweet wheels he created for the table!! Major Thanks to @nagaidevil for feedback, playtesting and creative input. Major Thanks to YOU for checking it out!! Helpful Hint: Run that normalize audio on your entire popmedia folder and visualpinball/music folder.....ESPECIALLY the loading videos folder. It can break the audio on some pups if they were set to the wrong volumes to begin with tho..... run normalize audio.bat on your PUPVideos folders individually. To take it one step further, normalize audio on any file before you even put it into your pinball folder. Same with 1080p nailbust on every single video in your popper!!!!!!!!! Takes a long time but so worth it!!!!! Audio and video consistency is a good thing! That is all! All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
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