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Sharkey's Shootout (Stern 2000) physmod.zip

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402.09 kB File Size
shrkysht ROM Name
Freneticamnesic Created by
2000 Year

1 Screenshot

About This File

This table works on physmod2 through 5.

Physmod5 is available here: http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=27416. If you have VP9.90 installed, this should be a drop into your vp folder and run type executable. If you don't, you will have to configure the keys and video options. As with any of the DX9 versions, you should use windowed full screen mode. More information here: http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=27416

Required table: Sharkey's Shootout (Stern 2000).vpt from Freneticamnesic

-Fixed for physmod

-Updated some sounds

-Updated ball. Sorry, I cant track that darker ball well with my bad eyes.

Special Thanks:

Freneticamnesic for making a really awesome version of Sharkye's Shootout.

mukuste for making an awesome physics enhancement to visual pinball. This makes the game actually playable.

Physmod is the in-test update for visual pinball physics. It implements a rolling ball with ball spin and proper flippers. Shots can actually be aimed now. The flippers finally play like real pinball flippers.

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