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Airborne (Capcom)(1996)(Bodydump Jimmyfingers)(1.0)(DT)

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19.66 MB File Size
abv106 ROM Name
Bodydump & Jimmyfingers Created by
Bodydump Artwork by
Jimmyfingers, Destruk, Bodydump Scripting by
1996 Year

1 Screenshot

Well, here is Capcom's Airborne, finally. I believe I started redrawing the playfield in Sept. of 2011 and it was a long, sometimes painful, journey. Fortunately jimmyfingers joined me along the way helping me solve problems, teaching me many things aboutVP and making the table much better than I could have by myself. Thanks also to the following:

UncleWilly for his starter table, borrowed scripts and objects, and for inspiration from all his work.

Destruk/Tab for their original version of Airborne and for letting me use the Capcom emulation problem workarounds

JPSalas for some objects/scripts and for inspiring all authors with his work and sheer volume of releases (this table probably would have taken him 2 weeks)

Eala for his table objects which are always useful

Koadic for his awesome plunger and selector script

Player1 for the primitive drop target stuff and inspiration

RipleYYY and his son for play testing and suggestions (since I've never even seen the real table)

Grizz for the rail and lockbar textures and for telling me years ago to stop drawing Hyperspin wheels and redraw some playfields

Bent98 for making me believe I could actual pull this table off and for yelling at me when I wanted to quit

Fuzzel and Toxie for improving VP and for making the performance of the table increase without me doing anything

Thanks to anyone I forget and to all other table authors sacrificing all their free time to keep this hobby alive.

This is a fairly demanding table and will require a decent rig to run smoothly.


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