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2 Screen / 4x3 PuP-Packs

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1 file

  1. Transformers Maracade Mod PuP Pack 2.0 - LTek

    LTek's PuP Pack 2.0 for Transformers Maracade Mod table (v1.2 at time of release)
     Goal = artwork/videos/audio close as possible to G1 Cartoons & Movie
     -- made for 3 or 4 screens... BG, FullDMD, Topper  
        - Topper will show if you have one set in Popper
    -- 2 screens will work fine if you place the DMD on the backglass (I just didnt make a specific 'window' for it.)
     -- made to use with or without separate Topper display
     -- no PuP music, just audio from the video clips
        - you can add MP3 to Music Folder & enable that screen
     -- made for muted ROM, regular will likely work also

     **** INSTALL info *******
     copy VPX file into  \VisualPinball\Tables directory
     copy tf_180og folder into \PinUPSystem\PUPVideos directory
     Run the bat in root of tf_180og folder
     copy rom "tf_180.zip" into \VisualPinball\VPinMAME\roms directory (backup if needed)
     ensure inside the VPX's table script, the ROM name is "tf_180og"
     Add the line "tf_180og,tf_180" (without quotes) to the VPMAlias.txt file
     If using PinUp Popper, ensure you are not forcing on DMD or FullDMD (set in table specific settings)
     size & position DMD manually, then save (can be done onscreen when table is running, or using vPin Studio's UI)

     **** Credits *******

     made for table Transformers Marcade MOD Edition 1.2  https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=16211
     based on the original PuP from Meatballspicy


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