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Found 6 results

  1. Version 2.2


    RetroFlair - Bam Edition (PinEvent V2, FizX) Version: 2.2 (Feb 2024) This is Rom's classic Future Pinball table the lets us jam to classic Arcade and Amiga tunes. I have updated it to my BAM Edition and PinEvent V2 mod to use the newest BAM features to create an amazing real-time visual treat with cool new additions, as well as excellent new mechanical sounds from FLEEP! See cool features such as the new PAC-MAN, Outrun, and Speedball modes. New mesh inserts, new RGB G.I. lighting effects, real beacon and spotlights, new shadowmaps, ray cast shadows, and more. This table has been fully updated with FizX physics for game changing new physics on Future Pinball. FizX uses techniques similar to nFozzy physics on VPX to completely change the physics for the flippers, slings, rubbers, targets, ball behavior and more that allows this table play much more realistically than anyone ever thought was possible on Future Pinball. You will be amazed at the difference! PinEvent V2 This table is also updated to fully support PinEvent V2 features (DOF, PUP SSF, PUP DMD). It has modern PUP DMD display options that can work with all setups. With it's crisp HD text and dazzling videos, it's sure to wow everyone who sees it. For a video walkthrough of the updates, new features, and all game modes, watch here: Screenshots: Thanks to these awesome contributors: ROM: original RetroFlair table build TerryRed: BAM Edition table update, PinEvent V2, FizX Schlabber34: insert jewel images FLEEP: mechanical sounds JLou: FizX and support ravarcade: BAM and support Nailbuster: Pinup Player, PUP DMD, PUP SSF support Chris Leathley: Future Pinball DISCLAIMER: This table is a fan-made work of passion, and is NOT intended for commercial usage or to be included in any part of a commercial sale! ==================================================================== This table is single player only. ==================================================================== Desktop Static Camera Views (attract mode) during attract mode only, you can press plunger to toggle integrated static desktop camera views if you want to use your own BAM camera settings, or a FP camera view, then you must disable this feature in TABLE OPTIONS in the table script Action Buttons - digital plunger, special 1, special 2 (gameplay) all buttons/keys will act as an autoplunger and an action button during gameplay RGB Animated G.I. Lighting Flipper buttons will toggle between Default G.I., and RGB G.I. that will cycle through all colours. This can be done only during attract mode. ==================================================================== BAM Ray Cast Ball Shadows: this table was created to look best with the new BAM Ray Cast Ball shadows this feature is ENABLED on the table script by default this feature requires a fast video card, and will use much more of your GPU if the table doesn’t run smooth, then your PC may not be fast enough to handle this feature (and you should disable it) To disable this feature, you MUST “first” disable it in TABLE OPTIONS (in the table script) BAM Menu - Light and Post Processing settings: BAM Lighting and Post Processing settings are set by the table script and will ALWAYS override the user's settings this is required to ensure that all lighting is set correctly at all times on this table, you can make changes to the Ambient and Diffusion Lighting in the table script in TABLE OPTIONS Physics: FizX v3.3 =================================================================== Game not running smooth? Try the following: run FP in Fullscreen, not Windowed disable RayCast Ball Shadows in TABLE OPTIONS (in table script) disable Reflections options in FP's Video / Rendering settings reduce / disable Antialiasing in FP's Video / Rendering settings disable any SSAO options in BAM plugins menu (disabled by default) ==================================================================== TABLE REQUIREMENTS (very important!) all Visual C Runtime updates DirectX Future Pinball the latest BAM update FuturePinball.exe and FPLoader.exe patched for 4 GB access BAM Settings files installed FizX 1K ball model (for more accurate physics, default.zip in BAM folder) the REQUIRED “Video / Rendering Options” and “Editor Options” in Future Pinball video settings All of the above is included with the latest FP and BAM Essentials AIO package! Super easy to use for a new install, or just to update your existing install. I recommend everyone install this package to ensure you have the latest required BAM updates. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/14807-future-pinball-and-bam-essentials-all-in-one-complete/ ==================================================================== INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS (REQUIRED) PLEASE read the Install Instructions (included with the table's zip file) it shows you how to check what version of BAM you have installed it shows you how to install all the REQUIRED items above it shows you how to easily setup FP and BAM with the REQUIRED settings It's super easy, and only takes minutes to do! ==================================================================== How to run Future Pinball to play the table PLEASE read the Install Instructions (included with the table's zip file) to know how to properly use FP and BAM ==================================================================== PROBLEMS? Read the Install Instructions included in the table's zip file. It tells you everything you need to know! ==================================================================== Table MODS please read the Disclaimer in the Install Instructions included with the table please ask me first, as I am still updating this table ====================================================================
  2. Version 2.0


    Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX) Version: 2.0 (Feb 2024) This is SLAMT1LT’s Halloween (Ultimate Pro) table which has been updated to my Big Bloody Mike mod. It has been completely updated to use the newest BAM features to create an amazing real-time visual treat with many cool new additions, as well as excellent new mechanical sounds from FLEEP! See new effects, such as blood spilling down the playfield during Score Drain, animated spotlights, flashlight ball, pumpkin ball, and animated Michael Myers character which will stalk you on the playfield and in the VR Game Room. This table has been fully updated with FizX for game changing new physics on Future Pinball. FizX uses techniques similar to nFozzy on VPX to completely change the physics for the flippers, slings, rubbers, targets, ball behavior and more that allows this table play much more realistically than anyone ever thought was possible on Future Pinball. You will be amazed at the difference! PinEvent V2 This table is also updated to fully support PinEvent V2 features (DOF, PUP SSF, PUP DMD). It has modern PUP DMD display options that can work with all setups. With it's crisp HD text and dazzling videos, it's sure to wow everyone who sees it. For a video walkthrough of the updates, new features, and all game modes, watch here: Screenshots: Thanks of course to these awesome contributors: SLAMT1LT: created the original Ultimate Pro 1.02 table TerryRed: BIG BLOODY MIKE mod, PinEvent V2, FizX Schlabber34: insert jewel images FLEEP: mechanical sounds JLou: FizX and support ravarcade: BAM and support Nailbuster: Pinup Player, PUP DMD, PUP SSF Chris Leathley: Future Pinball DISCLAIMER: This table is a fan-made work of passion, and is NOT intended for commercial usage or to be included in any part of a commercial sale! ==================================================================== This table is single player only. ==================================================================== Desktop Static Camera Views (attract mode) during attract mode only, you can press plunger to toggle integrated static desktop camera views if you want to use your own BAM camera settings, or a FP camera view, then you must disable this feature in TABLE OPTIONS in the table script During Attract, the flipper buttons will toggle between Pumpkin Ball and Chrome Ball ==================================================================== BAM Ray Cast Ball Shadows: this table was created to look best with the new BAM Ray Cast Ball shadows this feature is ENABLED on the table script by default this feature requires a fast video card, and will use much more of your GPU if the table doesn’t run smooth, then your PC may not be fast enough to handle this feature (and you should disable it) To disable this feature, you MUST “first” disable it in TABLE OPTIONS (in the table script) BAM Menu - Light and Post Processing settings: BAM Lighting and Post Processing settings are set by the table script and will ALWAYS override the user's settings this is required to ensure that all lighting is set correctly at all times on this table, you can make changes to the Ambient and Diffusion Lighting in the table script in TABLE OPTIONS Physics: FizX v3.3 =================================================================== Game not running smooth? Try the following: run FP in Fullscreen, not Windowed disable RayCast Ball Shadows in TABLE OPTIONS (in table script) disable Reflections options in FP's Video / Rendering settings reduce / disable Antialiasing in FP's Video / Rendering settings disable any SSAO options in BAM plugins menu (disabled by default) ==================================================================== TABLE REQUIREMENTS (very important!) all Visual C Runtime updates DirectX Future Pinball the latest BAM update FuturePinball.exe and FPLoader.exe patched for 4 GB access BAM Settings files installed FizX 1K ball model (for more accurate physics, default.zip in BAM folder) the REQUIRED “Video / Rendering Options” and “Editor Options” in Future Pinball video settings All of the above is included with the latest FP and BAM Essentials AIO package! Super easy to use for a new install, or just to update your existing install. I recommend everyone install this package to ensure you have the latest required BAM updates. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/14807-future-pinball-and-bam-essentials-all-in-one-complete/ ==================================================================== INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS (REQUIRED) PLEASE read the Install Instructions (included with the table's zip file) it shows you how to check what version of BAM you have installed it shows you how to install all the REQUIRED items above it shows you how to easily setup FP and BAM with the REQUIRED settings It's super easy, and only takes minutes to do! ==================================================================== How to run Future Pinball to play the table PLEASE read the Install Instructions (included with the table's zip file) to know how to properly use FP and BAM ==================================================================== PROBLEMS? Read the Install Instructions included in the table's zip file. It tells you everything you need to know! ==================================================================== Table MODS please read the Disclaimer in the Install Instructions included with the table please ask me first, as I am still updating this table ====================================================================
  3. View File RetroFlair - BAM Edition (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) RetroFlair - Bam Edition (PinEvent V2, FizX) Version: 2.2 (Feb 2024) This is Rom's classic Future Pinball table the lets us jam to classic Arcade and Amiga tunes. I have updated it to my BAM Edition and PinEvent V2 mod to use the newest BAM features to create an amazing real-time visual treat with cool new additions, as well as excellent new mechanical sounds from FLEEP! See cool features such as the new PAC-MAN, Outrun, and Speedball modes. New mesh inserts, new RGB G.I. lighting effects, real beacon and spotlights, new shadowmaps, ray cast shadows, and more. This table has been fully updated with FizX physics for game changing new physics on Future Pinball. FizX uses techniques similar to nFozzy physics on VPX to completely change the physics for the flippers, slings, rubbers, targets, ball behavior and more that allows this table play much more realistically than anyone ever thought was possible on Future Pinball. You will be amazed at the difference! PinEvent V2 This table is also updated to fully support PinEvent V2 features (DOF, PUP SSF, PUP DMD). It has modern PUP DMD display options that can work with all setups. With it's crisp HD text and dazzling videos, it's sure to wow everyone who sees it. For a video walkthrough of the updates, new features, and all game modes, watch here: Screenshots: Thanks to these awesome contributors: ROM: original RetroFlair table build TerryRed: BAM Edition table update, PinEvent V2, FizX Schlabber34: insert jewel images FLEEP: mechanical sounds JLou: FizX and support ravarcade: BAM and support Nailbuster: Pinup Player, PUP DMD, PUP SSF support Chris Leathley: Future Pinball DISCLAIMER: This table is a fan-made work of passion, and is NOT intended for commercial usage or to be included in any part of a commercial sale! ==================================================================== This table is single player only. ==================================================================== Desktop Static Camera Views (attract mode) during attract mode only, you can press plunger to toggle integrated static desktop camera views if you want to use your own BAM camera settings, or a FP camera view, then you must disable this feature in TABLE OPTIONS in the table script Action Buttons - digital plunger, special 1, special 2 (gameplay) all buttons/keys will act as an autoplunger and an action button during gameplay RGB Animated G.I. Lighting Flipper buttons will toggle between Default G.I., and RGB G.I. that will cycle through all colours. This can be done only during attract mode. ==================================================================== BAM Ray Cast Ball Shadows: this table was created to look best with the new BAM Ray Cast Ball shadows this feature is ENABLED on the table script by default this feature requires a fast video card, and will use much more of your GPU if the table doesn’t run smooth, then your PC may not be fast enough to handle this feature (and you should disable it) To disable this feature, you MUST “first” disable it in TABLE OPTIONS (in the table script) BAM Menu - Light and Post Processing settings: BAM Lighting and Post Processing settings are set by the table script and will ALWAYS override the user's settings this is required to ensure that all lighting is set correctly at all times on this table, you can make changes to the Ambient and Diffusion Lighting in the table script in TABLE OPTIONS Physics: FizX v3.3 =================================================================== Game not running smooth? Try the following: run FP in Fullscreen, not Windowed disable RayCast Ball Shadows in TABLE OPTIONS (in table script) disable Reflections options in FP's Video / Rendering settings reduce / disable Antialiasing in FP's Video / Rendering settings disable any SSAO options in BAM plugins menu (disabled by default) ==================================================================== TABLE REQUIREMENTS (very important!) all Visual C Runtime updates DirectX Future Pinball the latest BAM update FuturePinball.exe and FPLoader.exe patched for 4 GB access BAM Settings files installed FizX 1K ball model (for more accurate physics, default.zip in BAM folder) the REQUIRED “Video / Rendering Options” and “Editor Options” in Future Pinball video settings All of the above is included with the latest FP and BAM Essentials AIO package! Super easy to use for a new install, or just to update your existing install. I recommend everyone install this package to ensure you have the latest required BAM updates. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/14807-future-pinball-and-bam-essentials-all-in-one-complete/ ==================================================================== INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS (REQUIRED) PLEASE read the Install Instructions (included with the table's zip file) it shows you how to check what version of BAM you have installed it shows you how to install all the REQUIRED items above it shows you how to easily setup FP and BAM with the REQUIRED settings It's super easy, and only takes minutes to do! ==================================================================== How to run Future Pinball to play the table PLEASE read the Install Instructions (included with the table's zip file) to know how to properly use FP and BAM ==================================================================== PROBLEMS? Read the Install Instructions included in the table's zip file. It tells you everything you need to know! ==================================================================== Table MODS please read the Disclaimer in the Install Instructions included with the table please ask me first, as I am still updating this table ==================================================================== Submitter TerryRed Submitted 04/08/21 Category Future Pinball Tables  
  4. View File Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX) Version: 2.0 (Feb 2024) This is SLAMT1LT’s Halloween (Ultimate Pro) table which has been updated to my Big Bloody Mike mod. It has been completely updated to use the newest BAM features to create an amazing real-time visual treat with many cool new additions, as well as excellent new mechanical sounds from FLEEP! See new effects, such as blood spilling down the playfield during Score Drain, animated spotlights, flashlight ball, pumpkin ball, and animated Michael Myers character which will stalk you on the playfield and in the VR Game Room. This table has been fully updated with FizX for game changing new physics on Future Pinball. FizX uses techniques similar to nFozzy on VPX to completely change the physics for the flippers, slings, rubbers, targets, ball behavior and more that allows this table play much more realistically than anyone ever thought was possible on Future Pinball. You will be amazed at the difference! PinEvent V2 This table is also updated to fully support PinEvent V2 features (DOF, PUP SSF, PUP DMD). It has modern PUP DMD display options that can work with all setups. With it's crisp HD text and dazzling videos, it's sure to wow everyone who sees it. For a video walkthrough of the updates, new features, and all game modes, watch here: Screenshots: Thanks of course to these awesome contributors: SLAMT1LT: created the original Ultimate Pro 1.02 table TerryRed: BIG BLOODY MIKE mod, PinEvent V2, FizX Schlabber34: insert jewel images FLEEP: mechanical sounds JLou: FizX and support ravarcade: BAM and support Nailbuster: Pinup Player, PUP DMD, PUP SSF Chris Leathley: Future Pinball DISCLAIMER: This table is a fan-made work of passion, and is NOT intended for commercial usage or to be included in any part of a commercial sale! ==================================================================== This table is single player only. ==================================================================== Desktop Static Camera Views (attract mode) during attract mode only, you can press plunger to toggle integrated static desktop camera views if you want to use your own BAM camera settings, or a FP camera view, then you must disable this feature in TABLE OPTIONS in the table script During Attract, the flipper buttons will toggle between Pumpkin Ball and Chrome Ball ==================================================================== BAM Ray Cast Ball Shadows: this table was created to look best with the new BAM Ray Cast Ball shadows this feature is ENABLED on the table script by default this feature requires a fast video card, and will use much more of your GPU if the table doesn’t run smooth, then your PC may not be fast enough to handle this feature (and you should disable it) To disable this feature, you MUST “first” disable it in TABLE OPTIONS (in the table script) BAM Menu - Light and Post Processing settings: BAM Lighting and Post Processing settings are set by the table script and will ALWAYS override the user's settings this is required to ensure that all lighting is set correctly at all times on this table, you can make changes to the Ambient and Diffusion Lighting in the table script in TABLE OPTIONS Physics: FizX v3.3 =================================================================== Game not running smooth? Try the following: run FP in Fullscreen, not Windowed disable RayCast Ball Shadows in TABLE OPTIONS (in table script) disable Reflections options in FP's Video / Rendering settings reduce / disable Antialiasing in FP's Video / Rendering settings disable any SSAO options in BAM plugins menu (disabled by default) ==================================================================== TABLE REQUIREMENTS (very important!) all Visual C Runtime updates DirectX Future Pinball the latest BAM update FuturePinball.exe and FPLoader.exe patched for 4 GB access BAM Settings files installed FizX 1K ball model (for more accurate physics, default.zip in BAM folder) the REQUIRED “Video / Rendering Options” and “Editor Options” in Future Pinball video settings All of the above is included with the latest FP and BAM Essentials AIO package! Super easy to use for a new install, or just to update your existing install. I recommend everyone install this package to ensure you have the latest required BAM updates. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/14807-future-pinball-and-bam-essentials-all-in-one-complete/ ==================================================================== INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS (REQUIRED) PLEASE read the Install Instructions (included with the table's zip file) it shows you how to check what version of BAM you have installed it shows you how to install all the REQUIRED items above it shows you how to easily setup FP and BAM with the REQUIRED settings It's super easy, and only takes minutes to do! ==================================================================== How to run Future Pinball to play the table PLEASE read the Install Instructions (included with the table's zip file) to know how to properly use FP and BAM ==================================================================== PROBLEMS? Read the Install Instructions included in the table's zip file. It tells you everything you need to know! ==================================================================== Table MODS please read the Disclaimer in the Install Instructions included with the table please ask me first, as I am still updating this table ==================================================================== Submitter TerryRed Submitted 04/09/21 Category Future Pinball Tables  
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