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[New VP10 Alert] Judge Dredd (Bally 1993) VPW

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Judge Dredd (Bally 1993) VPW

I AM THE LAW! - V-Pin Workshop proudly presents Judge Dredd from Bally.


This table has been a long time coming! It was started in December 2020 when Sixtoe decided to bring one of his favorite tables up to date (after having converting Dozer's version earlier in the year to VR and discovering it was still an old, albeit well made, vp9 table at heart).
It was decided that due to the complexity of the table, rather than modify an existing table we'd start from scratch using all new assets and rendering the table out, so here were are 11 months later (there were coffee breaks) and we're really happy with the way it turned out and hope you enjoy it!


 V-Pin Workshop Judge Dredd Team

  • Sixtoe - Project Lead, VPX Monkey, lives on gin, jack of all trades, master of none.
  • Tomate - Primitives, Baron of Blender, helping Sixtoe to not suck (as much) at 3D stuff.
  • iaakki - Scripting, Physics, Insert lighting, Complicated Stuff.
  • Benji - Physics, Deadworld & Banana insert primitives.
  • Daphishbowl & iaakki - Deadworld & Crane code (here be dragons).
  • Flupper - Flipper & Insert primitives, ramp tutorial, general rendering assistance.
  • Cyberpez - Opto's and VUK prims, aftermarket crane models, general assistance.
  • RothebauerW - Physics tutorial, drop and standup target bug fixing, general assistance.
  • Fluffhead, Apophis and Wylte - RTX Ball Shadows, general assistance.
  • gtxjoe - Ball trough tweaking assistance.
  • 3rdaxis - VR cabinet improvements, Working coin door and manual.
  • Embee & Kingdids - Original crane primitive and texture redraw.
  • EBisLit - Playfield photos.
  • DJRobX - Still answering Sixtoes coding questions...
  • Rik & VPW Team - Testing
  • Everyone in VPW for their support and encouragement!



  • Only use JD-L1 Rom!
  • Lots of options in the script, including VR and Cabinet modes.
  • Table designed on and for VPX 10.6.2 (Rev 8678), tested OK on VPX 10.7.0 Final (Rev 310)
    Do not use 10.7 328 as it's broken and breaks this and other tables


How To Play

  • Start Button  -  Start normal Game
  • Plunger  -  Launch Ball (note: real machine does not have a plunger, right firebutton launches balls)
  • Right Magnasave  -  Start "Super Game" (instant multiball - needs 2 credits)
  • Left Magnasave  -  Change LUT until game starts, then launches ball from left plunger lane in Air Raid / Missile mode.
  • How to activate DeadWorld  -  Hit J-U-D-G-E drop targets in order (ball in judge subway lights a letter)
  • How to start DW multiball  -  Get 3 balls into deadworld using left pursuit ramp after lighting J-U-D-G-E.
  • How to get Ultimate Challenge  -  Defeat all 4 dark judges or light all chain missions.


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  • Content Provider
18 hours ago, Ragano said:

hi , thanks alot for the table.

in cab mode is perfect but in Vr the playfield is totally dark...changing LUT too...is there a way to increase luminosity only in the payfield?


Did you change to a VR Room in the script? Where you see 'VR Room = 0' you need to change the number to your liking (Minimal room, 360-room, super minimal room). 

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2 hours ago, Mordr3d said:

Excellent work.
Sound is not good for me either. Is that so?
Is there any solution?
Thanks in advance.

I had to open the coin door (END) and then turn up the volume on the ROM (9 key, I think). Then it worked fine for me from there.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm trying to use this table in VR. I've set the VR room and it will load but there is no backglass. Table plays fine in cabinet mode and I have other VPW tables that work with no issues. Any ideas?


*Kinda of solved this issue but switching from the ultimate minimal to just minimal. That brought back the backglass but the table tries to load and ends up just closing itself down. Any ideas on that? 

Edited by jrockrat
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  • 9 months later...
  • Content Provider
1 hour ago, Energetics said:

I do get a callout "battletank destroyed" at the start but then the table stays silent from (only ball sounds) the ROM until the second ball...then all is perfect

Weird.  Corrupt ROM file, maybe?


1 hour ago, Energetics said:

so i am not supposed to get the L7 ROM right?



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  • 6 months later...

Hi VPW team,

I am enjoying my new HP reverb G2 VR  headset with Visual Pinball (10.8 beta) and discovered this incredible table you made. It is one of my favorite (Love wide body) among all the tables i tried.

Is it possible to add the incredible and rare "Gold Eagle Topper"🦅  to finish this incredible table ?

Some have modified their topper with red LEDs (could be great if the eagle eyes could light up and flash in the Deadworld and the Multiball mod).


jd Eaglevlie topper.jpg


 Thank you 🙏


Mod suggestion
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/15/2023 at 6:44 PM, Energetics said:

I do get a callout "battletank destroyed" at the start but then the table stays silent from (only ball sounds) the ROM until the second ball...then all is perfect


so i am not supposed to get the L7 ROM right?

Hi There you have probably solved your sound issue  with judge dreed by now but in case you haven't  download the rom from pinball Nirvana  that one works Hope This Info can help.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi there,


Only mech sound, but no ROM sound (aka electronic sound).

As usual on Bally with DMD : have tried to open door ("End" key), then "9" key (to set volume to 27), close door ("End" key again)... but no ROM sound.


ROM : jd_l1.zip (link just above)

VPX : 10.8.0 RC4 (64 bit) - Desktop mode

VPinMame : (64 bit)

B2S isn't used at the moment (until this is fixed, or removed).

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