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Tutorial - Rgb Ledstrip Directoutputconfig For Dof

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This tutorial should help beginners to create their own RGB led strip configurations. I started making notes for myself and thought sharing could help others.


You should already have led strips installed and DOF configuration working.

Use http://configtool.vpuniverse.com to setup and download your directoutputconfig.ini file.


After some trial&error, doing changes on Notebook in living room, running down to cabinet to test, going back, etc, I’ve created a mini matrix, just to see how effects work. This mini matrix is here used for the videos:




The matrix has 24 pixel on left and right side, with 4 x 12 for the center matrix.

I’ve used one meter of 96/m strip to build that.


The tutorial will be published step by step, each handling a topic.

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Understanding Matrix position


Documentation: http://pinball.weilenmann.net/docu/DirectOutputWIP/inifiles.html#inifiles_matrix


The documentation should be easy to understand, just verifying and mentioning some missing points.


As you always specify a percent, it will work with any size of led strips.

If you have 24 for the left side, as in my demo play filed, 10% will use 2 Leds.


Note: using 0 will still display one led. Similar for 1% = 1 led. So if you want to enable as less leds as possible, use 0.


Note2: it always rounds up, not down! 5% of 24 led’s is 1.2, still it shows 2. Even 10% of 10 leds would give 1, it shows 2 leds, it always goes to the next bigger number.


If you do not define width or height (AW or AH), it will automatically use 100%, showing all.

For the left&right side, as usually there is only one strip, you do not give the width.

For the center, as most have several strips, you should provide a height, else all will be enabled.


So let’s try it.


I have assigned to a table for left play field:


S1 Purple AT0 AH0/S2 Purple AT0 AH1/S3 Purple AT0 AH5/S4 Purple AT0 AH10/S5 Purple AT0 AH15/S6 Purple AT0 AH20/S7 Purple AT0 AH25/S8 Purple AT0 AH33/S9 Purple AT0 AH75


and for center:


S1 Yellow AL0 AW0 AH0/S2 Yellow AL0 AW1 AH1/S3 Yellow AL0 AW5 AH5/S4 Yellow AL0 AW10 AH10/S5 Yellow AL0 AW15 AH15/S6 Yellow AL0 AW20 AH20/S7 Yellow AL0 AW25 AH25/S8 Yellow AL0 AW33 AH33 AH33/S9 Yellow AL0 AW75 AH75


Here the video, I enable/disable each step by step, starting with S1. The video shows at the same time left and center play field (purple and yellow).




It validates that Height = 0 use one LED, same as 1.

For 5% of 24 is 1.2, it shows 2 leds, so it rounds up!

For 10% of 24 is 2.4, it shows 3 leds.


For Center, note that it also uses different heights. Starting with 0, 1, 5, up to 25%, 33% and 75%.

75% of 4 should be 3, it still shows 4 leds!


To be sure you fully understand the mapping - especially for your play field size, take a look into the log file (usually in the same folder as your config, named DirectOutput.log):


2015.10.11 10:47:55.387 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:0), Matrix(W:24, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:0, Width:1, Height:1)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.387 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:1), Matrix(W:24, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:0, Width:1, Height:1)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.387 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:5), Matrix(W:24, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:1, Width:1, Height:2)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.387 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:24, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:2, Width:1, Height:3)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.387 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:24, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:3, Width:1, Height:4)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.387 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:20), Matrix(W:24, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:4, Width:1, Height:5)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:25), Matrix(W:24, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:6, Width:1, Height:7)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:33), Matrix(W:24, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:7, Width:1, Height:8)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:75), Matrix(W:24, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:18, Width:1, Height:19)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:0), Matrix(W:24, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:0, Width:1, Height:1)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:0, H:0), Matrix(W:4, H:12), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:0, Width:1, Height:1)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:1, H:1), Matrix(W:4, H:12), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:0, Width:1, Height:1)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:5, H:5), Matrix(W:4, H:12), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:0, Width:1, Height:1)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:10, H:10), Matrix(W:4, H:12), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:1, Bottom:0, Width:2, Height:1)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:15, H:15), Matrix(W:4, H:12), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:1, Bottom:0, Width:2, Height:1)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:20, H:20), Matrix(W:4, H:12), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:2, Bottom:0, Width:3, Height:1)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:25, H:25), Matrix(W:4, H:12), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:3, Bottom:1, Width:4, Height:2)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:33, H:33), Matrix(W:4, H:12), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:3, Bottom:1, Width:4, Height:2)

2015.10.11 10:47:55.403 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:75, H:75), Matrix(W:4, H:12), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:9, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4)


Don’t get confused, go through line by line.


Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:0),


That’s our first entry. S1 Purple AT0 AH0


Matrix(W:24, H:1)


That’s the size of the left play field strip, correct.


ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:0, Width:1, Height:1)


This is the result of the calculation. It starts at 0 with the very first led and use 1 led.


Just for checking, the last one for the center strip:

Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:75, H:75)


our entry: S9 Yellow AL0 AW75 AH75


Matrix(W:4, H:12) - 4 strips, each 12 leds


ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:9, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4)


75% of 12 = 9, 75% of 4 = 3 -> DOF uses 10/4. So it rounds up even for 0.


That’s the lesson learned here…

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Understanding Colors


Documentation: http://pinball.weilenmann.net/docu/DirectOutputWIP/inifiles.html#inifiles_settingscolors


The documentation should be easy to understand. Again, verifying - and some comments.


You can use predefined colors, such as red, black, white, yellow, purple, magento.


But - there are much more. Your strips can display millions of colors.

Even more possible, you can change the amount of light, the brightness!


Flashers should be flashing, while background colors could be dimmed. Some effects could be more visible than others, don’t use the same level of brightness for everything.


If you are looking for a given color, wanting help, google for „RGB color picker“. You will get sites such as http://www.colorpicker.com/. They can help you to pick the good color.


As example here the level of brightness:


S1 Purple AT0 AH10/S2 #FF00FF AT0 AH10/S3 #800080 AT10 AH10/S4 #400040 AT20 AH10/S5 #200020 AT30 AH10/S6 #100010 AT40 AH10


Purple is defined as #800080.


Reminder, RGB = Red, Green, Blue, each value 0-255, here in hex.

So the value above is 80 = 50% for Red + Blue (nothing for Green). Red+Blue = Purple.

To verify, starting with FF, I reduced the value by 2 for every step. As Red+Blue are reduced for the same amount, we should keep the same color - just less and less bright. This allows you much more control for the effect as just using RED or YELLOW.




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Understanding Layers


Documentation: ?


The only hint I found in documentation says that layers are assigned automatically, so I tried it using this setting:


S1 Blue AT0 AH10 L0/S2 Red AT5 AH10 L1/S3 Green AT10 AH10 L2/S4 Yellow AT15 AH10 L3/S5 Blue AT20 AH10 L4/S6 Red AT20 AH10 L4


AH10 is one a 24 matrix 4 leds. 

Each test is shift one led, overlapping each other.

Each has one higher level - till the last two, which uses both level 4 and are at the same position.


As you might imagine, higher level is drawn on lower level - it does not merge together, it is on top, hiding the color below.


Here the video




When the second set is enabled, it hides part of the first - and so on.


I’ll disable all before doing the last two.


I first enable S5 - Blue. Then S6, which shows Red and hides the 4 blue leds. Now I disable S6, hiding Red - and Blue is gone, even S5 is still enabled. To see Blue again, I need to deactivate and activate again.


Lesson learned:

Use no levels at all to have automatic.

Use different levels when you have areas used for different solenoids or switches. Use the highest level for effects you want to see, lower level for effects which might be lost.

Avoid using the same level, except you have a good reason. The result is that the latest event will drive the color/size, and when this event stops, the other color is removed at the same time, but only if it was overlapped. Could create weird effects.

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Tip: Generic table rules


It’s time after all that theory to enhance the first table.


There are two ways to add led strip data: analyze a table, understand how it works, design light effects and define them. That’s something for later. For now, the easy way: Based on Flasher description already existing, we simply adapt them for the led strip light effects - and add a plunger animation, done.


Checking other tables, looking on the work Randr and Arngrim did, we can see a pattern, and using that, it’s easy to enhance tables using their existing work.


We use the assignment done for „5 Flashers Outside Left“, „5 Flashers Left“, and so on - and map that to the strip.


We do this example based on the table „24“.


Starting in the Center, look for „5 Flashers Center“ there is a setting like: S11 Orange

We map that to the strip PF Back: S11 Orange AL40 AW19


S11 - Solenoid 11. In Orange. Starting at AL40 = ALeft40%, AW19 = Width 19%.

This will enable the leds 40% to 60% of the backstrip, in the center, in Orange.


If there are several flasher definitions, we simple repeat. And if the flasher have blink or other effects assigned, we repeat them as well. To define the position we use L0-Lx


S11 Orange/W43 White Blink f500/W55 Yellow f200


mapped to:


S11 Orange AL40 AW19 L1/W43 White Blink f500 AL40 AW19 L2/W55 Yellow f200 AL40 AW19 L3


Simple, isn’t it?


There are 5 flasher. Center is 40-60.

Left is 20-40, Right is 60-80

Outside Left and Outside right are mapped to bother left + back, or right + back area.

As you can imagine, Back Left = 0-10, Back Right is 80-100.

For the left + right strip, it is the top 12% of leds, AT0 AH12

to repeat, every entry in Outside Left/Right is inserted twice, once for left, once for back.


so all together. From 


table 24:


Flasher Outside Left

S9 Orange/S19 White/S31 Yellow/S32 Red/W3 Yellow Blink f500/W10 Red f200/W46 Blue f200

Flasher Left

S17 Blue/S26 White

Flasher Center

S11 Orange/W43 White Blink f500/W55 Yellow f200

Flasher Right

S18 Blue/S26 White/W62 Blue 600 4/W56 Yellow f200

Flasher Outside right

S10 Orange/S20 White/S27 Red/S31 Yellow/W54 Blue f200/W57 Yellow f200


Mapped to


PF Left: S9 Orange AT0 AH12 L0/S19 White AT0 AH12 L1/S31 Yellow AT0 AH12 L2/S32 Red AT0 AH12 L3/W3 Yellow Blink f500 AT0 AH12 L4/W10 Red f200 AT0 AH12 L5/W46 Blue f200 AT0 AH12 L6


PF Back: S9 Orange/S19 White AL0 AW19 L1/S32 Red AL0 AW19 L3/W3 Yellow Blink f500 AL0 AW19 L4/W10 Red f200 AL0 AW19 L5/W46 Blue f200 AL0 AW19 L6/S17 Blue AL20 AW19 L1/S26 White AL20 AW19 L2/S11 Orange AL40 AW19 L1/W43 White Blink f500 AL40 AW19 L2/W55 Yellow f200 AL40 AW19 L3/S18 Blue AL60 AW19 L1/S26 White AL60 AW19 L2/W62 Blue 600 4 AL60 AW19 L3/W56 Yellow f200 AL60 AW19 L4/S10 Orange AL80 AW19 L1/S20 White AL80 AW19 L2/S27 Red AL80 AW19 L3/S31 Yellow AL80 AW19 L4/W54 Blue f200 AL80 AW19 L5/W57 Yellow f200 AL80 AW19 L6


PF Right: W23 Yellow AT85  AH15 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160/S10 Orange AT0 AH12 L1/S20 White AT0 AH12 L2/S27 Red AT0 AH12 L3/S31 Yellow AT00 AH12 L4/W54 Blue f200 AT0 AH12 L5/W57 Yellow f200 AT0 AH12 L6


Trying that you will already get a good result.


There is room for fine tuning.

„24“ has two yellow flashers at the bottom of the play field, close to the flippers. The automatic mapping has all lights on the top, would be more cool to have them at the original position. Looking in to the table script (how to do that is a different story…) you will see they are assigned to Solenoid 31. So let’s move 31 to 70%, with 20% size.


Replace definition for S31 in both left and right with:


PF Left: S31 Yellow AT70 AH20 L2

PF Right: S31 Yellow AT70 AH20 L4


The last missing part for our quick&simple strip setting is the plunger.

For now, just add

/W23 Yellow AT85  AH15 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160


at the end of the PF Right definition. W23 is the definition of the Launch Light (tip: look for Launch Button in the configtool, that makes the job much easier). Yellow is obvious, AT85 AH15 should be clear by now, the rest is the topic of the next tutorial…



Now you should have your first table lights defined. Use the same rule for other tables and enjoy!

Final tip: if you are able to do coding, whatever language, a simple script can save a lot of typing :-)

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  • Content Provider

for information, we are currently checking to fill all tables with ledstrips configs based on pattern that i use in the configs, in one shot, directly injecting in the db, we are still debating the what and where ;)

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Thanks to the big ini file with almost all tables, pressure to add tables is gone. Much slower (spending to much time playing), I still try to continue, as some tables could benefit from fine tuning, so I want to learn what is possible.




Some blink effects, copied from Plungers, as example upfront:


24 - Yellow AT0 AH25 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160

Apollo - Cyan AT0 AH15 F150 BLINK 300

Back to the Future - Blue AT0 AH15 F150 ADR AS250 BLINK 400 BPW25

Batman - Blue AT0 AH15 FU250 FD270 BLINK 500

Class of 1812 - Red AT0  AH15 FU250 FD270 BLINK 500

The Twilight Zone - Green AT0 AH8 F250 blink 1000




The first one (24, from my last tutorial) is the most complicated, I explain the meaning in another movie.


Apollo is more simple. From the manual:

F{NumberOfMilliseconds}, FU{NumberOfMilliseconds}, FD{NumberOfMilliseconds} are used to specify the fading duration in milliseconds. F sets the duration for both fading up and down, FU controls fading up only and FD fading down only.

Blink defines blinking with a default interval of 500ms.


F150 defines fading and down with 150 ms, with a blink interval of 300 ms.



Back to the Future. We already now F150 and Blink 400. BPW is explained in the manual:

BPW{Percentage} defines the blink pulse width in percent of the blink interval. Valid values are 1-99, default value if not defined is 50.

For ADR and AS250 I did not found the info, topic for another movie.


Batman is already explained. FU means fade up, FD means fade down. So it fades faster up as down. Just a little bit, not sure you will notice. Same for Class of 1812.

Twilight Zone is also simple.



Let’s start again from the top, understanding AFDEN, AFMIN and AFMAX.


To help, some different values. Color now soften, so the camera get better pictures:


#200000 AT0 AH25 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160

#200000 AT0 AH25 AFDEN40 AFMIN10 AFMAX160

#200000 AT0 AH25 AFDEN40 AFMIN40 AFMAX660

#200000 AT0 AH25 AFDEN10 AFMIN100 AFMAX160

#200000 AT0 AH25 AFDEN90 AFMIN100 AFMAX160




From the manual:


The flicker effect generates random flickering with a defineable density and duration for the single flickers:

  • AFDEN{Percentage} defines the density for the flicker effect. Density is expressed in percent and has a valid value range of 1 to 99.
  • AFMIN{DurationInMilliseconds} defines the min duration for the flicker of a single led in milliseconds.
  • AFMAX{DurationInMilliseconds} defines the max duration for the flicker of a single led in milliseconds.
  • AFFADE{DurationInMilliseconds} defines the the duration of the fading for the flickering elements.


I guess text and pictures makes the story clear. Just from reading the text I did not got the right impression of „flicker“, but playing with different values and comparing them, it was easy.

AFMIN and AFMAX makes it slower or faster, AFDEN defines how many leds are on or off. Which led exactly is random.

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  • 3 months later...

Trying to improve Tron


When I first saw RGB led strips in a pinball, I thought about how it would improve Tron, to have a ambiente Background light, based on the color of the colored tubes for the ramps.


Upfront a movie how it finally looks:


It was surprisingly difficult.

First idea was to directly link the color to the ROM.


Something as:

(L75=1 and L76=0 and L77=0) #100000 AT0 AH100 L1


The part in () controls off/on, #100000 is a very dark red (should be just a background color, no flash effect), full length, using Level 1. This requires of course to move all other effects one level, everything L2 became L3 and so on. This way it gets the lowest priority, everything else will be on top/more important.


Checking the table script it is easy to find the combination of light numbers, kind of 3 bit control of the color.


Testing gave strange results. There was much more usage and flashes in the led strips, as in the colored tubes. Seems the ROM fires much more effects as the table script or VPX, is able to follow/display.

It looked weird as the color of the background/left and right side strips and the color tubes was not in sync.


So I tried to use the script to call DOF, getting both in sync.

The script contains lines such as:

If LampState(75) = 1 and LampState(76) = 0 and LampState(77) = 0 then evleft.Material = "EVRed"


which I replaced with:

If LampState(75) = 1 and LampState(76) = 0 and LampState(77) = 0 then 

evleft.Material = "EVRed"

DOF 102,4

end if


The DOF config file respond to 102 with:

(E102=4) #100000 AT0 AH100 L1


This gave a much better effect. Still not 100% in sync as you can see in the video, but best I could get. For me it looks as DOF responds fasters as VPX can redraw change of primitive material.


If you still want to follow, you need to modify both the script and DOF config.

You could either use the left ramp for the left led strip, right ramp for right strip, or link both to one ramp, as I did it. As I wanted to get a kind of background light, I preferred same color effect on both sides.


Look in the script for the block where it set evLeft.Material, as example above.

And replace it with:


If LampState(75) = 0 and LampState(76) = 0 and LampState(77) = 0 then 

evleft.Material = "EVOff" 

DOF 102,0

end if

If LampState(75) = 0 and LampState(76) = 0 and LampState(77) = 1 then 

evleft.Material = "EVBlue"

DOF 102,1

end if

If LampState(75) = 0 and LampState(76) = 1 and LampState(77) = 0 then 

evleft.Material = "EVGreen"

DOF 102,10

end if

If LampState(75) = 0 and LampState(76) = 1 and LampState(77) = 1 then 

evleft.Material = "EVLightBlue"

DOF 102,3

end if

If LampState(75) = 1 and LampState(76) = 0 and LampState(77) = 0 then 

evleft.Material = "EVRed"

DOF 102,4

end if

If LampState(75) = 1 and LampState(76) = 1 and LampState(77) = 1 then 

DOF 102,5

evleft.Material = "EVPurple"

end if

If LampState(75) = 1 and LampState(76) = 0 and LampState(77) = 0 then 

evleft.Material = "EVYellow"

DOF 102,6

end if

If LampState(75) = 1 and LampState(76) = 1 and LampState(77) = 1 then 

evleft.Material = "EVWhite"

DOF 102,7

end if



And for the config (based on the setting from Swizlizard):


trn,S9 Blue @flshemulo@ L2/S20 Blue @flshemulo@ L3/S25 Yellow @flshemulo@ L4/S28 Blue @flshemulo@ L5/S13 Blue @flshemuli@ L2/S25 Yellow @flshemuli@ L3/S31 Red @flshemuli@ L4/S32 Blue @flshemuli@ L5/S11 Blue @flshemuc@ L2/S26 Blue @flshemuc@ L3/S27 Blue @flshemuc@ L4/S29 Red @flshemuc@ L5/S14 Blue @flshemuri@ L2/S18 White @flshemuri@ L3/S19 Blue @flshemuri@ L4/S31 Red @flshemuri@ L5/S32 Blue @flshemuri@ L6/W11 Magenta Blink f500 @flshemuri@ L7/S10 Blue @flshemuro@ L2/S17 White @flshemuro@ L3/S19 Blue @flshemuro@ L4/S21 Blue @flshemuro@ L5/S28 Blue f100 @flshemuro@ L6/W36 Cyan @flshemuro@ L7/S2 White 300 @strbrgt@ L22/S2 White 300 @strblft@ L22/S4 White 300 @strbrgt@ L23/S4 White 300 @strblft@ L23/S24 White 300 @strbrgt@ L24/S24 White 300 @strblft@ L24/W34 White 500 10 @strbrgt@ L25/W34 White 500 10 @strblft@ L25/W37 White 500 10 @strbrgt@ L26/W37 White 500 10 @strblft@ L26/W41 White 250 5 @strbrgt@ L9/W41 White 250 5 @strblft@ L27/S5 Yellow AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/S5 Yellow AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19,(E102=1) #000010 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=10) #001000 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=3) #001010 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=4) #100000 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=5) #100010 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=6) #101000 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=7) #101010 AT0 AH100 L1/S10 Blue AL0 AT0 AW100 AH15 L2/S17 White AL0 AT0 AW100 AH15 L3/S19 Blue AL0 AT0 AW100 AH15 L4/S21 Blue AL0 AT0 AW100 AH15 L5/S28 Blue f100 AL0 AT0 AW100 AH15 L6/W36 Cyan AL0 AT0 AW100 AH15 L7/W23 Yellow L0 ADU AS250 BLINK 800 BPW9 AL0 AW100 AT85 AH15/W23 Blue L2 ADD AS250 BLINK 800 BPW9 W400 AL0 AW100 AT85 AH15,W1 blue,(E102=1) #000010 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=10) #001000 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=3) #001010 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=4) #100000 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=5) #100010 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=6) #101000 AT0 AH100 L1/(E102=7) #101010 AT0 AH100 L1/S9 Blue AL0 AT0 AW100 AH15 L2/S20 Blue AL0 AT0 AW100 AH15 L3/S25 Yellow AL0 AT0 AW100 AH15 L4/S28 Blue AL0 AT0 AW100 AH15 L5

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  • 7 years later...

This tutorial is very useful and helped me a lot to understand the DOF effects on led strips, thank you!


I'm stuck now on an effect that I'm trying to apply to the FIre MX button for the Attack from Mars table. The idea is to have the led strip illuminating one led after the other on Green starting from the center to the edges and going back but in Red color. I've been trying with the Layers option but I don't get the desired effect.


On the Attack from Mars table, the event is the L86 but I replace it with ON just to speed up the test process. For now, I only get that the effect occurs just one time and no reverse or even a continue repetition occurs as on the START button for example.


So, how could I concatenate effects one after the other and repeat them infinitely... Could you help me, please? 

ON Green AT0 AL0 AH100 AW50 AS100 ADL Max600 500 L1/ON Green AT0 AL50 AH100 AW50 AS100 ADR Max600 500 L1/ON Red AT0 AL0 AH100 AW50 AS100 ADL Max600 500 L2/ON Red AT0 AL50 AH100 AW50 AS100 ADR Max600 500 L2

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