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Captain NEMO Dives Again (Quetzal Pinball 2015) by EpeC (2022) (v5.0 Steam Flyer MOD)

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5 From 1 review
243.4 MB File Size
(There's no need) ROM Name
EpeC Created by
Lord Hiryu (original graphics table), EpeC (VPX version: PF, plastics, DMD), eMBee (other graphics on VPX version) Artwork by
EpeC (with help of JP Salas, Wiesshund, and onemanproject 'omp') Scripting by
Other - Pinball Manufacturer
2015 Year

2 Screenshots

For use with VPX 10.7 (revision 157 or above)
Playfield optimized for fast, fun, ball trap-free gameplay. 
Desktop mode optimized.
Optimized for Full Screen.

This download includes B2S Backglass and wheel image by: eMBee


    NOTES: Visual changes must be done on VPX editor by selecting items.
    ('New Layer 8' is selected to make visual changes on plastics if you want it).

    (previous versions v2.3 to v4.5 are not uploaded)

    See: About Changes on Scrip file .txt to know what changes can you make on table as you wish.

All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.


-- Esp --


Esta versión llamada "Steampunk Flyer MOD" está basada en el panfleto de publicidad de Quetzal, y es distinto de las versiones del prototipo y la comercial de la máquina real. Incluye un Led extra insertado en el PF, algunas nuevas reglas (como bloquear la bola en el kicker derecho "Atlantis" para iniciar modos de juego), y nuevas animaciones visuales en el PF durante algunos modos de juego.
También es una aproximación estimada a la supuesta versión comercial (y desconocida) "Cobre viejo", combinada con un estilo recargado "Steampunk" que trata de servir de homenaje a la obra original de J. Verne.
Se incluyen tarjetas de información con fondo cartográfico más oscuro, similares a las fotos del faldón en las primeras fases de ensamblaje de la maquina real.
Los plásticos han sido redibujados (libremente) basándose en los motivos de los plásticos de la máquina real (2 tiburones donde hay 2 tiburones, las medusas junto a los bumpers, buzos en la parte de arriba, la beluga, el cofre, etc.).
Se incluyen 3 versiones de plásticos completos, y varias tarjetas de información para el faldón, y otras cosas más para personalizar la máquina virtual al gusto de cada jugador.

Quizás no acabe de ser la reproducción 1:1 más fidedigna en VPX hasta la fecha, con algunos toques artísticos por parte del autor (como apuntar la salida del túnel hacia arriba en la rampa izquierda, me pareció divertido y extravagante), pero quizás es la versión virtual más divertida a la que he jugado hasta el momento.


-- Eng --


This version called "Steampunk Flyer MOD" is based on the advertising pamphlet of Quetzal, and is different from the prototype and commercial versions of the real machine. It includes an extra Led inserted in the PF, some new rules (such as blocking the ball on the "Atlantis" right kicker to start game modes), and new visual animations on the PF during some game modes.
It is also an estimated approximation to the supposed commercial (and unknown) version "Old Copper", combined with an ornate "Steampunk" style that tries to serve as an homage to the original work of J. Verne.
Information cards with a darker cartographic background are included, similar to the photos of the skirt in the first stages of assembly of the real machine.
The plastics have been redrawn (loosely) based on the motifs of the real machine plastics (2 sharks where there are 2 sharks, the jellyfish next to the bumpers, divers on top, the beluga, the chest, etc.) .
Included are 3 full plastic versions, and various information cards for the skirt, and more to customize the virtual machine to each player's taste.

It may not be the most accurate 1:1 reproduction in VPX to date, with some artistic touches by the author (like pointing the tunnel exit up the left ramp, I thought it was fun and wacky), but maybe it is the funniest virtual version I've played so far.

Edited by EpeC

Contact Author First.
v10.7 required

What's New in Version 5.0 Reuploaded   See changelog


Revised version v5.0 (since v4.6) by EpeC


    Retaken original version from MOD v4.6
    Added background graphic and "Lock Ball" in "GameLit".
    Fixed a bug in the "Skillshot" led, they would stay on after shutting down the entire table in the "Game Over" event.
v4.8 (MOD)
    Cambio en Script para gráficos de fondo en "Lock Ball" de Gamelit, con flag para el DMD en Colorines.
    EmpujeDiagonal flag 'True = pushes the table +/-45º up, instead of horizontal (L/R) = False
    Code correction flag v5.0, suggested by JP Salas, for that user who DOES NOT USE (or does not have installed) B2S
    IHaveB2Sinstalled = True 'If you haven't B2S installed, set in False

    NOTE: Visual changes must be done on VPX editor by selecting items.
    ('New Layer 8' is slected to make visual changes on plastics if you want it).

    (previous versions v2.3 to v4.7 are not uploaded)

    See: About Changes on Scrip file .txt to know what changes can you make on table as you wish.


For use with VPX 10.7 (revision 157 or above)
Playfield optimized for fast, fun, ball trap-free gameplay.
Functional desktop mode.
Optimized for Full Screen.
Media Pack included in .zip (to obtain other material, download the previous version)
All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.


User Feedback

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Last final version (v26) is uploaded and only avaiable on VPForums.




3rd Screen for external DMD now is avaiable. Read TXT file.


Muchas gracias por su ayuda a: / Many thanks to:
eMBee, JP Salas, Wiesshund, Kiwi, Xenonph, Oroborus, marty and Scottywic, wpilot, javier1515, onemanproject 'omp', Outhere (although this new version haven't DOF, thanks); and yes! me too, for take me my time -2 years ago- to make it. XDD




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