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Diner (Williams 1990) Altsound

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5 From 4 reviews
11.8 MB File Size
Kieron Created by

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About This File

Changed music from stock to 1950's style diner (based upon Universal Studios' "Mel's Diner" restaurant, if you've ever been to Universal Studios either Hollywood or Orlando FL, you'll have noticed the Mels Diner playing '50s songs).


There are songs like "Why do Fools Fall In Love?", "Rock Around the Clock", "Johnny B Goode", Great Balls of Fire (Instrumental) to name a few used in the altsound.

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excelent! Thank you.



Nice alt sound. It really enhances the vibe. I love the ball drain effect. I kinda don't mind draining.
; )  Thanks!



super altsound merci pour le travail

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