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Putin Vodka Mania

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4.3 From 8 reviews
223.09 MB File Size
Remdwaas1986 Created by
Remdwaas1986 Artwork by
Remdwaas1986 Scripting by
2022 Year

1 Screenshot

Hello comrade!


With all the things going on about the war i decided to make a new pinball table: "Putin vodka mania" It's a parodie on the old sovjet time.


first of all my round of thanks:
DonkeyKlonk: for the russian callouts 
Tomato: for making the matryoshka doll's texture
Oqqsan: for helping with the spinning bottle
Apophis: for checking the Vuks
joe picasso:for the second wheel
Retrog33k: for the wheel code
testers:joe picasso, Smaug, chugalaefoo(autoplunger idea),bennaboo,Wylte(idea for adding extra sounds and to play with the wheel settings), PinStratsDan for giving feedback after the release.


This is an original table, with everything included in the vpx file, and it doesn't need any external program to run. It can be run in desktop mode and in FS mode. The DMD will rotate accordingly.


About the gameplay:
So i combined old EM point's and sounds mixed in a new format, so it will have both of best worlds old sounds and new sounds. The scoring is low like EM tables only by getting multipliers and a higher KGB rank you will boost up your score really fast.

The main purpose is to defeat all the old leaders to get a shot on defeating Putin:
Rasputin - shoot 4 times in the Saint Basil and he will appear, shoot Rasputin 3 times to complete the mode
Lenin - Shoot 3 times in the Gazprom Lenin pipeline to start, shoot 3 more times to complete the mode
Stalin - Stalin is following the ball in his tank, shoot the drop target and in the bunker to start the mode, then hit 3 times under the bunker to complete the mode
Gorbatsjov - after shooting 6 times in the Saint Basil and you have to steal his nobel price 3 times to complete the mode 
Jeltsin - Have a drink with Jeltsin, after starting shoot 3 times in the left vuk to complete the mode  


After completing the 5 bosses the last boss appears on the screen: Putin.
Shoot the Gazprom Lenin pipeline and shoot the ball in the lane where the green light is active. Putin will appear on the playfield and you have to hit him. Do this 3 times to complete the table. 


Other modes:
Spying - shoot the lane with the satellite dish and you will start spying a continent. shoot that lane again to complete it. every continent will be harder to get because you have to shoot that lane more often.   
D-A - hit the upper in/out lanes
C-Y-K-A - hit/out lanes below
Multiball - shoot 4 times in the old upper old barn to get multiball
C-O-M-R-A-D-E - shoot the drop targets to activate the matryoshka animation and as bonus hit the matryoshka robot spiders for extra points  
B-E-A-R - Shoot the bear 4 times after it starts, a bear will appear on the table, you will have to fight that bear. 
Mutliplier - shoot the Saint Basil a couple of times to get multiplier mode, shoot the hearths to get a multiplier.
KGB level - shoot K-G-B for a additional multiplier
Ruble Jackpot - shoot the 5 buttons on the table for a jackpot
ammunition - your slings have only 20 bullets, after using the 20 bullets you have to get 2 new magazines for your AK again to be able to fire your AK again. 


Putting is spinning like crazy, he's getting pumped up, do you have the balls to defeat him?

Contact Author First.
v10.7 required

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


Updated by GauGau, he made a pup-pack for this table which he will upload the pup-pack separately. Thanks you so much for your creation.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Love it! thankyou! Need to get an adidas tracksuit to play it properly though..


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I love this table, it's amusing and the creator clearly spent a lot of time making this!


· Edited by Arelyel

   6 of 7 members found this review helpful 6 / 7 members

This table has landed a score of 67/100 (50 is average) in my "Arelyel Plays" series, which equates to 4 stars.



  • This is a comedic and enjoyable table for those who like seeing humor in foreign affairs.
  • I greatly enjoyed the voice-overs in the stereotypical Russian accent with some funny one-liners.
  • I like that the table varies the music up between each ball and as you start different features. This adds a nice variety to the game atmosphere, although the choice of music tracks can get a little... interesting.
  • The choice of attract mode music was brilliant. It's a fun, upbeat, and energetic remix track that gets your adrenaline pumping for the game.
  • This table has several creative elements and toys to it, from the animated Putin at the podium to the spinning Stalin tank, the bear, the farmhouse, and more.
  • While the artwork is not sublime, it is better than most originals (and Stern's James Bond *cough*). I especially enjoyed the "flaccid Putin tank" picture.
  • This table scores high on originality; I haven't really ever seen a table quite like it before that puts a fun spin on Russian / Soviet affairs.
  • The rules are simple enough to catch on, yet still follow a path to an overall objective (defeating Putin).
  • I think the hybrid EM feel of the table suits the simple rule set of the game.
  • The playfield layout is well-balanced (although I do have a couple unrelated critiques about it). And there are plenty of things to shoot.
  • The theme ties together nicely with the player having to battle various leaders of the Soviet Union, Communist Party, and other allies of Russia, before finally battling Putin himself. I enjoyed all the little nods towards Russia put in the table, such as the vodka, the bear, and the dolls.
  • I like that it does not carry a serious tone to it like a lot of pinball games today do; it's very light-hearted in nature.



  • While I enjoy the uniqueness of the flippers, especially given each set operates differently, there are IMO too many flippers to track. It was very tricky for me to keep switching my brain and remembering what buttons I needed to press for which sets of flippers.
  • The spinning disk above the right orbit may not have been placed at a good spot. I had several balls shoot quickly out of that orbit and down the middle with almost no chance of saving them. I probably would have preferred that the spinning disk was either slower or further up on the playfield, such as above the inlanes (and move the pop bumpers below the upper inlanes) or around where Stalin is located.
  • A few shots, such as Stalin, are so tight to hit that they are almost impossible. I think I only ever managed to hit Stalin once in the stream.
  • The way the left portion of the playfield is set up often caused my ball to bounce off the left side of the castle, hit the top of the left slingshot, and drain down the left outlane. Sure, I probably could avoid that if I learned to nudge, haha. But it was a small peeve.
  • The ball save does not save balls that roll down an outlane unless they hit the drain before it expires. This is not typical pinball behavior; usually the ball will be saved even if ballsave expired so long as it hit the outlane trigger before it expired.
  • The flashers on the slingshots are a bit too bright and made it hard for me to see my ball when I was trying to gain control of it.
  • The rules of the game were not clear to me until after I read the documentation on the website. Perhaps add some flashing arrows to indicate where the player should be shooting (even before they start the modes, to guide them on how to start the modes). I was also still unclear as to how exactly AK shots work despite reading the documentation. Other than those minor issues and a few grammar errors though, the documentation was good.
  • The lower portion of the playfield can get a little cramped / busy with all the sprites / toys when you have multiple features going at the same time.
  • It is sometimes difficult for me to tell when my ball is on the main playfield in the pop bumper area versus when it is on the ramp behind Putin.
  • The Tetris theme and sprites in ball 3, while comedic and representative of its origin (Moscow), is otherwise out of place in the game. Perhaps it should serve some sort of game play function, even if a minor one. The sprites are distracting otherwise.


All-in-all, this is a fun and enjoyable original table with comedic charm to it. I think it is best suited for beginner and intermediate pinball players, whereas advanced and expert players may not find it to be that challenging for them (although I think they would still enjoy it for casual play).


   3 of 5 members found this review helpful 3 / 5 members

This looks like a fun game to play.  Given all the craziness of this crazy war, it's refreshing to see a crazy take on this crazy autocrat!


I played for a little while on my test machine and later, I'll put it on my full cab for a full play.  The Tetris shower in the middle and Vlad at the podium are really funny!




   7 of 38 members found this review helpful 7 / 38 members

Most likely most of you did not know anything about Putin or Ukraine, until the last moment. Next you can make a table about hypocritical NATO politics or about US military interventions  and bombing of civilians on an ongoing basis. Doing political pinball is a bad idea, especially since the author doesn't know anything about Russia other than bunch of cliches.



vary entertaining fun play 



thx a lot for this nice table! And the topic is also funny. I like the posters in the backround



Just tried this and it is zany and cooky and wonderful! The soundtrack is amazing and fits the table perfectly!

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