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Marvel FX3 Playfield Backglass DMD Video For Pinup Popper Playlist

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1 Screenshot

About This File

This was made for a FX3 Marvel table playlist in mind for pinup popper


I recorded, edited, and synced the playfield table previews to the backglass trailer*


I chose the 90s animated X-men TV show theme cause that's what I grew up watching


Create a Marvel table playlist for pinup popper, go into media manager, playlists, and then drag each file into their respective areas and everything should sync nicely in pinup popper






LOW RES 3 screen preview:


*The original backglass trailer can be found here on youtube:


What's New in Version 1.1   See changelog


Uploaded the correct file for the Star Wars playfield video.


Previous file was the preview file and incorrect.

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