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VPX - Flipperless

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4 files

  1. Big Game (Rock-ola 1935)

    Some history of the table: Released in July 1935 by Rock-Ola. It’s claimed in “Encyclopedia of Pinball Vol. 2” that this is the first pinball table with synthesized sounds. In this table, hitting the skill shot (AKA the trigger hole) activates a gunshot sound. (I pulled the actual audio of a table from a YouTube video, so you’ll hear approximately what people experiencing the first pinball sounds heard over 80 years ago).
    Some background on the project: I’ve worked on this table on and off (mostly off) for ~2 years. Like basically all of my tables, I saw a video of one on YouTube and I decided to take a crack at recreating it. The real thing is pretty basic by modern standards, and that’s also heightened by my very rudimentary VP skills. Sure, I wish the table lighting was better and I wish the backglass was more realistic looking (or at least also had better lighting) and the gates above the cannon have a very basic animation that would be improved and on and on. But the game should function more or less as intended and it’s better than having no table at all, so I think it’s time to just go ahead and share it.
    If you notice any unreported issues, go ahead and mention them in the support thread. If you have any potential improvements you’re ready to offer or solutions to issues that pop up in the thread, please get in touch. Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy the table!
    Some notes about controls and such:
    1 – Start Game
    Right Flipper or Right Magna Save – Lift a ball into the shooter lane
    Plunger – Shoot the ball
    The game was mostly built in VPX 10.6, but when I tested it on a cabinet I made a couple of final tweaks in 10.7, so that’s what I’d recommend using.
    Included in the download:
    -        The table
    -        Backglass [NOTE: There is an intentional black space above the image. The backglass might appear to not fill up your screen, but that is intentional. This was my way of preventing the backglass from being stretched out of its original proportions.]
    -        A Tarcisio style wheel
    -        A Non-Tarcisio style wheel


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  2. Ballyhoo (Bally 1932)

    Some explanation first. My username on VPinball was Warbler33. It still is over at VPForums. Why did I change my name here? If I had really thought about it, I probably would’ve been CactusDude everywhere from the start. But things didn’t happen that way. So after VPinball closed, I considered starting fresh here (you know, in that way high schoolers plan to become cool kids in college?). But in the aftermath of the shutdown, I kept learning about all the awesome tables I didn’t know about until they were already gone. I’d hate for anyone to be searching high and low for my stuff, so I decided to upload them at VPF under my old name. But I’ve come to learn that plenty of authors over here, that I enjoy the work of, don’t/can’t spend time over at VPF. Rather than give the impression that I support one site over the other, and to give more people access to my tables, I’ll be uploading stuff over here as well.
    TL;DR – Warbler33 at VPF is CactusDude here at VPUniverse. I’m not reposting someone else’s tables without permission. They’re mine to share. I hope you enjoy them.
    Here's "Ballyhoo" - the smash-hit that kicked off Bally's success back in 1932, recreated in VPX. No flippers in sight - just pins and balls living in the moment.
    A huge thank you to mfuegemann for creating "Cavalcade (Stoner 1935)" which I stripped down and rebuilt as Ballyhoo. This was my first recreation in VPX (I did it in the fall of 2020) and I'm still proud of it.
    I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it.
    This is essentially the version that was on VPinball. I just added the right magna key as a ball loader in addition to the originally mapped right flipper.

    Download includes the table with a static backglass. There are also two wheels to choose from.
    August 26, 2022 UPDATE: Thanks to Dan (dude81818) for contacting me with an offer to send over much nicer looking playfields/aprons/plungers for the table. He also spent a lot of time making sure that the frame around the table looked WAY better. If you open up the script, there are numbers you can change under "Playfield Options" which toggles the playfield/apron/plunger images. Trust me, a redownload is worth it - the table looks better than I ever could've hoped when I first made it.


       (5 reviews)



  3. Major League (PAMCO 1934)

    It's October 1934. The St. Louis Cardinals have beaten the Detroit Tigers for their 3rd World Series trophy. Satchel Paige's pitching is beginning to get attention from the white media outlets. Babe Ruth is the reigning Home Run King at 708 - just 6 shy of his ultimate total of 714. Hank Aaron, who will break Ruth's record 30 years from now, is currently 8 months old. Baseball is undeniably America's Pastime. And the folks over at Pacific Amusement Manufacturing Co. (PAMCO) capitalize on this with their "Major League" pinball table.
    Once again, I was inspired to recreate a table after seeing it on YouTube. While most of the playfield is fairly straight forward, I was amazed at the base running marbles in the center. I realized pretty quickly I had to give it a go. I've obviously never played the real thing, but I think the end result looks like the photos I've seen. This might also be the most fun flipperless table I've made yet. I also made a fantasy backglass for the table. I didn't feel using the post-it note high score on this one, so I stuck a high score reel and there's a running tally of your points and runs on the backglass. And I *think* you should be able to turn off the backglass in the script, if you prefer not using it. There's also one or two other settings you can adjust in the "Configuration" section of the script.
    A quick rundown of the rules:
    You MUST hit "Batter Up" to bring a marble up to home plate. If you get a ball in the home run spot and nobody's on any of the bases, then all you've done is waste a ball. And before anyone digs up that flyer on IPDB that reads "A batter automatically up every time" - I'm 99% sure that just means  PAMCO managed to fix a mistake that occasionally prevented the marble from going to home plate after you hit the "Batter Up" hole. Oh, and if you hit "Batter Up" when there's already a ball at home plate, it's just going to drain back out and be another wasted ball.
    Otherwise, things are pretty straight forward for people who know basic baseball terms. A home run clears the bases. A triple advances everyone three bases. A double moves everyone two bases. A single moves everyone forward a base, while a steal or sacrifice hit moves everyone but the guy at home one base.
    Oh, and for scoring, in addition to the labeled values, you get points for players remaining on base at the end.
    First Base: 200 points
    Second Base: 500 points
    Third Base: 1,000 points
    ~~~If anyone owns or has access to a fully working table and knows that my recreation didn't get something in the rules correct, please get in touch. I'm doing all of this based off of the limited gameplay footage I found on YouTube and some basic assumptions from how baseball operates.~~~
    Included in this download: The VPX file, my custom B2S backglass, and 2 wheels (one tarcisio style, one not).
    Ok, enough introduction. Play ball!!


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    1 comment


  4. Hunter (Jennings 1935)

    Re-upload from VPinball, with some updates to get it working better. (And again, CactusDude here is Warblerr33 at VPF and the now-defunct VPB).
    Also, please read the "NOTE" below before leaving bug reports about the backglass. Thanks.
    Here's “Hunter” - one of the tables produced by the short-lived O.D. Jenning’s pinball operation. This table is from a time when pinball tables were little more than gambling machines. But, since I’ve recreated the table in VPX, you don’t have to worry about spending all the grocery money trying to win one of the payouts.
    This was my second recreation, after Ballyhoo (1932). I tried to do a more “from scratch” approach. But I inevitably relied on the visual pinball pioneers’ work that finds its way into any half decent table. I couldn’t even begin to name them all. I just hope they know that their invaluable contributions are appreciated. I also have to give credit to mfuegemann once again. While I tried to write the majority of the game’s code myself, I heavily relied on Ballyhoo's code for the basic table functions. (And Ballyhoo was essentially a heavy mod of their "Cavalcade" table).
    Download includes the table, backglass, a tarcisio style wheel, and an image to fill the DMD in popper.
    NOTE: The backglass will appear to not fill the whole screen. This is by design, as the real backlgass/backbox was not shaped like modern ones. Also, the backlgass does NOT display your “score.” It’s ONLY to show your progress on the “payouts.” (Which also don’t actually do anything. That’s just for fun and to match the appearance of the real table). Please read the “Table Info” for instructions, keycodes, etc.
    As I mentioned, I had a version of this up at VPinball. It received a barrage of complaints/bug reports (some were valid, other commentators were simply showing their lack of reading comprehension). So I took it down. Even a simple table like this takes a lot of work (I couldn't tell you the hours I spent just redrawing this playfield). I was near my wit's end after figuring out how to get parts of the code to work just right and testing the table and making tweaks even before the initial release. I did my best to help and release updates, but the table always worked for me and yet different people kept popping up to say it was crashing or the backglass didn't (when they actually just didn't know what it did). I share the tables to give back and not as a way to role-play as IT support. So I walked away - even considered no longer sharing my future recreations. It was the only way to stop thinking about it and calm myself down. But with the closing of VPinball, I kept coming across cool tables that were no longer available for download. I'm not sure anyone (other than like, 5 people) would really regret not having access to a 1935 flipperless table recreation. But it still made me realize I could re-share my work with a clean slate. So, here it is.
    All that to say, I hope you enjoy the table. And if you do, I'd appreciate a review or a comment or whatever you call the heart/up arrow thing. And maybe go back to something else you've downloaded and leave that author some appreciation as well. Trust me, authors like knowing people enjoy the things they've spent time on.


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