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[New VP10 Alert] Space Mission (Williams 1976) 1.1

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Space Mission (Williams 1976) 1.1

Space Mission came out in the year of the U.S Bicentennial. I remember that year and can tell you that the air was heavy with patriotism and this pinball machine, featuring the U.S. Apollo spacecraft, hews closely to the zeitgeist of 1976. (Although it also features the USSR's Soyuz spacecraft - depicting an event, the Apollo-Soyuz rendezvous, that had occurred the year before in 1975).

Unusual features of this four-player, EM (electro-mechanical) table include a swinging target in the center of the playfield and the two ball kickers on either side of the flippers (watch people play the real table - they let the ball roll off the flipper into these kickers for extra points). Also, a spinner in the upper-left is fun to rocket through, and see if you can orbit the Super Bonus Advance in the upper-right.


The Space Mission table is (at the time of this writing) #4 in the top-10 for electro-mechanical pinball. The two-player version of this table is called Space Odyssey.

This is a community, EM table, originally created by the late Loserman76. We are indebted to him for, by my count, over 200 VPX tables.


My changes to Loserman76's table, this version 1.1, add Fleep sounds and new sound code. The table now plays much better on cabinets with SSF (surround-sound feedback).


Original table by Loserman76: https://vpuniverse.com/profile/2798-loserman76/?tab=node_filestabprofile_filesTab&page=22


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