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How Do I Turn Off Sounds Coming From The Directb2S ?


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I'm helping someone create an EM visual pinball table.  I've recorded the sounds from the real pin when it goes thru different scoring scenarios.  What I've noticed is that when these score sounds are played, they are being stomped on by the score sounds from the directb2s.  Is there some way to disable the score sounds from the directb2s?


If I comment out this call 'Controller.B2SSetScore 1, Score'  the sounds play fine.  (Obviously this isn't a permanent solution because the score never updates in the backglass :) )  I just did this to determine where the sounds were coming from.


Thank you!

  • Content Provider

I'm guessing you are talking about the sound of the reels moving on the backglass?


By commenting out that line you're stopping the reels from moving/scoring, that's why that works.


I thought there was a way to make the reel sounds in the DB2s file, but I've never done it this way. I don't see a way to add them in the backglass, so I'm guessing it's in the table itself. Does this table have EMReels (desktop)? If it does, look in the script to see when they are updated. The sound should be right after/in that sub.




Sub Addscore()


Emreel1.Setvalue (points)

Playsound "reel"


I'm fairly certain the sounds are coming from "within" the backglass.  I thought I saw in the b2s.vbs there were calls to playsounds.   Below is the addscore section of the table.  It doesn't make a call to the emreel that I noticed.

sub addscore(points)    
      if tilt=false then bell=0      
      if int((points+score)/10) <> int(score/10) then scn=1            ' see if 10s digit changed
      if int((points+score)/100) <> int(score/100) then scn=5:bell=1   ' see if 100s digit changed

     if points=1 then playsound "oneone"     '1 bell at 1 point
     if points=5 then playsound "onefive"    '5 bells at 1 point
     if points=10 then playsound "tenone"    '1 bell at 10 points
     if points=50 then playsound "tenfive"   '5 bells at 10 points

     if scn>0 then       scn1=0:scntimer.enabled=true
     end if
      if score>9999 then
      end if

      Controller.B2SSetScore 1, Score
      if score=>replay1 and rep=0 then
        if credits>9 then credits=9
             playsound "Knocker"
             Controller.B2SSetCredits Credits 'Update Credits
            ' playsound "relay"      
        end if
        if score=>replay2 and rep=1 then
             if credits>9 then credits=9
             playsound "Knocker"
             Controller.B2SSetCredits Credits 'Update Credits
             ' playsound "relay"
        end if
        if score=>replay3 and rep=2 then
            if credits>9 then credits=9
        playsound "Knocker"
        Controller.B2SSetCredits Credits 'Update Credits
        'playsound "relay"
      end if
    end if
end sub

sub scntimer_timer
    scn1=scn1 + 1
    if scn1=scn then 
      if bell=1 then 
         playsound "hundred",,0.5
      end if
    end if
end sub  
  • 1 year later...
  • Content Provider

As a quick test ... load the table in VP then with the table in view, the options should show Table Sound Volume 0..100, try changing that to a lower value. See if that works for you otherwise the option would be to export the bell sounds,

make them quieter with a sound program like audicity then reimport them back to the table.


Thanks but it doesn't work. That EM reel sound must be coming from the directb2s file and triggered by the b2sserver. 

Maybe something to change in the B2S.vbs ?

Sub b2sScoreTimer_Timer()
    Dim i
    Dim ri
    If b2sPlayer>0 And b2sTilt<3 Then
       For i =6 to 1 Step -1
          If ReelPulses (ri+i,1)>0 Then
             PlaySound b2sScoreSounds(i)
             ReelPulses (ri+i,1)=ReelPulses (ri+i,1)-1
             ReelPulses (ri+i,2)=ReelPulses (ri+i,2)+1
             If ReelPulses (ri+i,2)=10 Then
                If i=b2sRollOverReel Then
                   ' Overflow
                   ' This is where you turn on the rollover lights
                    If b2sRollOverLights= TRUE Then SetB2SData b2sPlayer+23,1
                    ReelPulses (ri+i,1)=0
                    ReelPulses (ri+i,2)=0
                    PlaySound b2sScoreSounds(7)
                   ReelPulses (ri+i-1,1)=ReelPulses (ri+i-1,1)+1
                   ReelPulses (ri+i,2)=0
                End If
             End If
             SetB2SData (ri+i-1), ReelPulses (ri+i,2)
             'Check replay scores
             If i=b2sRollOverReel+1 Then                
                If ReelPulses (ri+b2sRollOverReel,2)=b2sReplayLevels(b2sAddBall(b2sPlayerPlayer)+1,1) Then
                   If ReelPulses (ri+b2sRollOverReel+1,2)=b2sReplayLevels(b2sAddBall(b2sPlayerPlayer)+1,2) Then
                      'Action replay level reached
                       ReplayAction 'This Sub must be present in the table script 

  • Content Provider

directb2s are pretty much interchangable .. take another directb2s that works fine for you and copy and rename it to match the table that is causing you problems. See if that corrects your sound issue or not.


I wish I could remember what I did to solve this problem before.  For some reason I'm thinking I changed from the EM score wheel to something more generic?  Perhaps you can open the backglass for the Bank-A-Ball table and see what we did there.


I did not found a way to disable the reel sound using the editor - but it seems it is possible using a text editor. Open the .direct2s file

Scroll to the <Scores section.  Inside you will see 3 or 5 lines of "<Score". One for each group of reels, and another one for credit.

In each of them, add 

Sound1="" Sound2="" Sound3="" ... Sound10="", as in this example:

  <Scores ReelCountOfIntermediates="0" ReelRollingDirection="Up" ReelRollingInterval="20">
    <Score Parent="Backglass" ID="1" B2SStartDigit="1" B2SScoreType="1"  Sound1="" Sound2="" Sound3="" Sound4="" Sound5="" Sound6="" Sound7="" Sound8="" Sound9="" Sound10="" B2SPlayerNo="1" ReelType="EMR_T4_0" ReelIlluImageSet="1" ReelIlluLocation="1" ReelIlluIntensity="3" ReelIlluB2SID="30" ReelIlluB2SIDType="5" ReelIlluB2SValue="1" ReelLitColor="255.69.0" ReelDarkColor="15.15.15" Glow="900" Thickness="1400" Shear="10" Digits="5" Spacing="66" DisplayState="0" LocX="96" LocY="246" Width="266" Height="39" />

For each possible number this overwrites the default sound with "nothing".

In a quick test this seems to work, hopefully it helps you.


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