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Accept (Germany) 1.2

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2019 Year

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Here is an original table about the German Heavy Metal band "ACCEPT"

I used the table "ALGAR" from Thalamus and Kalavera and Kalavera's B2S Backglass as a starting point,  so, big thanks to them for their permission to use their work

So, you need to use the ROM "algar_l1" to run this table

I changed the location of every element and added wire ramps, but the rules remain almost the same


RUSSIAN ROULETTE replaces RIVER STYX, but, each time, you have to reach the LEFT hole first, and then the RIGHT hole without the ball hitting any other element of the table to score the 2X value

METAL HEART replaces Extra-ball


Here are the new rules

Making 1-2-3-4 Advances X Value from 2X - 5X.

Making Either Bank of 3 Drop Targets Lites RUSSIAN and ROULETTE
Loops Shoots To Score 2X Value of Loop Shoot.

Making Six Flashing Drop Targets Awards 10,000 to 100,000 Value.

Making Six Flashing Drop Targets When 100,000 Lamp is Lit,
Lites Top Eject for Possible - METAL HEART

RUSSIAN and ROULETTE Loops Shoots Increase in Value
from 10,000 - 60,000. At 60,000 RUSSIAN and ROULETTE
Loops Shoots Lite Outlanes Which Alternate for Possible SPECIAL.

Driving Captive Balls Against BALLS TO THE WALL Targets
Scores Highest Flashing Values and Lights Ball Shooter Lanes
to Score 50,000 and to Release Balls in BALLS TO THE WALL Lanes.


If you want to listen to music when playing this table, just import your own mp3 files into your VPinball / Music folder

Name them as follows: Accept_01, Accept_02, and so on, and then, open the script and uncomment lines from 82 to 115

There are 24 lines for songs in the script, but you can remove some of them or add new ones, so don't forget to change quantity, Line 110 [musicNum = (musicNum + 1) mod XX]


You'll also find the b2s file in the download

Special thanks to :

Thalamus for setting sounds in the script, adding sounds and testing the table

JP Salas for testing the table and "cleaning" the script, and for his method to have flashers looking like flames from his table "DIABLO"

Xenonph for testing the table, and some of his comments

Flupper1 for his flashers templates

Kiwi for his "always" appropriate replies to my questions in topics, and also to many others for their availability and help !

Retro BASH for the primitive ramp I found in their Future Pinball table IRON MAIDEN

Zanny for his primitive Spotlights

Please tell me if I forgot someone !

And, of course, enormous thanks to VPX and VPinMAME developers !

Very special thanks to the band ACCEPT for their so "German" Heavy Metal (in the 80's, they seemed to come from another planet !)

and to all the fans who encouraged me when doing this table !

Sript options :

If you want to change sounds volumes, it's from lines 15 to 32 in the script

The artwork of the table is based on the five albums "Breaker", "Restless & Wild", "Balls to the Wall", "Metal Heart" and "Russian Roulette"

The band is : Udo Dirkschneider (vocals), Wolf Hoffmann (guitar), Peter Baltes (bass guitar), Stefan Kaufmann (Drums), Jörg Fischer (guitar), and Hermann Frank (guitar) - sometimes

Hope Accept fans will like this table (they will find no other ! :) ), and perhaps those who didn't know this band and don't listen to this kind of music too !

Let there be (German) Heavy Metal !

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