The future of pinball has landed!
Mayday, Mayday ... - - - ...
Transporter, The Rescue ~ Table Tune-Up by members of the VPin Workshop Discord.
Enjoy this very rare (not many left in the wild!) but really fun table!
This all started with the WIP release by Sliderpoint which he uploaded because of a lack of decent assets at the time. eMBee then took his WIP and project assets and brought it into the VPin Workshop. Shannon made a beautiful playfield and backplate redraw, with VPW adding nFozzy’s physics, Fleep sounds, new textures, new primitives, Lighting, 3D Inserts, VR room and other tweaks.
*** VPin Workshop Astronauts ***
• - Playfield redraw: Shannon
• - Plastics redraw & new textures: eMBee
• - Shadowmap, primitive plastics, and baked textures: Benji
• - New ramps/primitives: Flupper
• - 3D Inserts: eMBee, iaakki, Flupper
• - Scripting: agenteightysix, iaakki, Flupper
• - nFozzy physics: iaakki
• - Flashers & (GI) Lighting Overhaul: agenteightysix, Flupper, Sixtoe, iaakki
• - Droptarget meshes: bord
• - Droptarget code and shadows, sound tweaks and adjustments: apophis
• - Dynamic Shadows: Wylte
• - VR Room: Sixtoe
• - Miscellaneous tweaks & Fine tuning: Benji, eMBee, agenteightysix, Flupper, iaakki, tomate, Sixtoe, cyberpez, bord, Wylte, apophis
• - Testing: Rik & VPW team
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