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Heat Wave (Williams 1964)

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5 From 4 reviews
86.11 MB File Size
bord Created by
bord/shannon Artwork by
scottacus Scripting by
Williams Manufacturer
1964 Year

2 Screenshots

One of the all-time greatest Kordek/Stenholm collaborations, Heat Wave has a unique layout with a center drop target, two swinging targets, and an advancing thermometer in the backbox. This is Williams pinball at its absolute best.


  • Hold the left flipper before the game for the option menu.
  • 1 or right magna save operates the ball lift.


Special thanks to Scottacus for the script and the B2S and Shannon for the playfield and apron redraw.

Thanks also to DarthMarino for permission to use his backglass images and to the beta testers.

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v10.6 required

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Such an amazing recreation. Love this table in real life.

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I love these old tables, and you're mastering the VPX versions !
Will this one will have a DOF link ? (it's not working for me)

Response from the author:

@leerdtpyes, dof update soon.

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We all know Bord's tables and know, that each of his new tables meets the highest standards.
And so it is with this old gem. Physics, lightning and sounds; everything is perfect.

And playing is a real delight.
Thank you for another gem in my archive. 😍

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Another beautiful job. The lights and colours give it the right "feel". The unique bells add to the fun.

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