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Prospector (Sonic 1977) DT-FS-VR-MR Ext2k Conversion

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5 From 1 review
214.22 MB File Size
None ROM Name
Ext2k,Loserman76, GNance Created by
Other - Pinball Manufacturer
1977 Year

7 Screenshots

This file is based on Loserman76 table.

This file works in DT-FS-VR and Mixed Reality
I added some new elements on VR and F12 options
This table requires B2S to work.
B2S File by Nestorgian and Editoy, check Link to B2S
VRRoom by Ext2k and Basti's ROOM and Mixed Reality

New Cabinet art redraw.
Menu F12 options for music (no copyright), ambience and you can select you coin spanish/usa
Added flippers/start button animation for VR


Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey for Mixed Reality:

Color RGB = 255,255,255

Similarity: 2

Smoothness: 2


Permission from ORIGINAL Author(s)?

written permission received.

Allow file to be included on a VPUniverse downloader app?


VPX Standalone

Included in File
10.8 GL required

User Feedback

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Very fun EM machine.  I am not sure how Laurel and Hardy fit into it, but the artwork is really nice and the playfield colorful.


This game is all about spinners and bonus.  Two spinners in the middle that you can get cranking -- pretty easy and fun shot there.  For me, the big points were from the bonus (and multiplier).  You can build up silver bonus during the ball and collect and then gold bonus pays out at the end of the ball.  The gold bonus is 10k each, so pretty valuable!


I had fun playing this table.  The shots are fun and it isn't super drainy like some EM tables.  With a little bit of care you can have a great time.


My only complaint was the bell/chime ring for scoring got a bit jarring, but that is how these things go 🙂.


Oh, I play in VR and the VR room is perfect (it was an Ext2K game room).

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