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Atarians, The (Atari 1976)

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Atari Manufacturer
1976 Year

1 Screenshot

The Atarians / IPD No. 102 / November, 1976 / 4 Players
Manufacturer: Atari, Incorporated (1976-1983)
MPU: Atari Generation/System 1
Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) question.gif
Theme: Adventure
Specialty: Widebody question.gif
Notable Features: Flippers (4), Pop bumpers (3), Kick-out holes (7).
Concept by: Bob Jonesi
Design by: Bob Jonesi
Art by: George Opperman
Mechanics by: Bob Jonesi


'The Atarians' was the first game by this manufacturer.


First Solid State widebody game.


First table to use inductive under-playfield sensors instead of rollover switches.


Mark Ritchie stated at the Chicago Expo 2012 that half of the production run came back to the factory because Atari had received a bad batch of plywood used to make them.


What's New in Version atarianb, atarians   See changelog


  • [r3414] Added sound PROM for Atari gen.1, corrected gen.1 sound
  • [r5050] add newly discovered sound PROMs

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