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Iron Maiden Legacy of the Beast song selection wheels.

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235.8 MB File Size
roccodimarco Created by

7 Screenshots

About This File

Soundscape had the awesome idea to create new song selection wheels to enhance the Iron Maiden LOTB Tribute table.  Here is the link to his wheels: 

Once I grabbed these, it opened the flood gates for me. Maiden is my all time favorite band, and the more songs the better!   So I got to work adding even more songs to my cab. Currently my cab is up to 85 songs!   I posted these in soundscapes comments, but decided to upload my wheels in it own file, so you don't have to right click each one.  Enjoy!  

What's New in Version 2.1   See changelog


I resized all wheels to match the size of the default songs.  I also organized the albums, a few songs were in the wrong folders.  

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