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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Greetings my fellow tycoons! Thank you for learning to read!! Planet Coaster 2 comes out November 6th, 2024 for PC and consoles. All credit goes to @VPinWorkshop, @Dr.Nobody , @SERGIOSOUZA, @Kongedam, @capnclaw, @Cliffy!!!! _________ Important _______________ 1. Remove any Rollercoaster clips you do not want to use by deleting them from the "Rollercoaster" folder to save drive space if that is a concern for you. This pup was originally 10 GB before final cuts. 2. Mini-Pup is powered by pupevent which means the .vbs file in the downloads needs to be placed in the tables folder with the same name as the Rollercoaster Tycoon table file.vpx file. (or optionally replace table file code with the .vbs code which only has pupevent added, no other changes. "Right click then click edit" the .vbs to copy/paste code in table file if the previous method doesnt work for you). Do not accidentally double click the .vbs or it will create a .ini in your rct pupfolder which you will have to delete. Thank you @apophis for your knowledge on this topic, so awesome thank you!!! Makes it easy to non-invasively share coding change. 3. Add any attract you want to the "Attract Randomizer" folder, it will select randomly. 4. Music Folder can be expanded upon or edited. Selects randomly. Make sure to click the "normalize audio.bat" file to get any music you add in sync with the other media volume levels. (same with adding new clips, convert to 1080p then normalize audio).... leaving those tools in their proper locations for this pup since its highly customizable. These are the only music tracks i enjoyed from the actual video game. 5. If you use altsound or ROM sound and do not want the pup controlled music, just select a pupoption labeled with "music OFF" ______________________________________________________ Let me start out by saying I supremely love this amazing table. From day 1 this table released I have never used the ROM music, (never even had the desire to turn on and test the ROM music, altmusic or sound) ... i absolutely love the mechanical sounds, flawless physics, realism, flow and fun of this table in its rawest form. The 1st minute I played it I knew I would have to eventually do a pup for it, it is a great theme and I wanted to make a pup with a lot of eyecandy to make it just awesome to look at and play. I play a lot of video games from this genre. After spending hours collecting the music, right media for callouts and making text callouts, I tested the pupcapture for the 1st time and realized the pupcapture doesn't work AT ALL for this table for some unknown reason..... bummed me out because all the time I spent finding callouts and making texts was wasted. For this reason I can't really call this a true pup pack, its a completely downsizeable and customizable MINI pup for the table now. Bummed me out a lot when I found out pupcapture doesn't work, I almost didn't bother releasing it at all for this reason but I think someone will enjoy my vision for it. Thanks to @PIPAllah for looking for a reason why the pupcapture wont work, thank you for the effort bro. If i can find any pupevent coding spots for any of those callouts in the Topper Callouts folder, they can be added be added through pupevent only if I can get someone to help me find spots for them. it is quite the chore..... pupevent will be the ONLY option for updates on this mini-pup. ______________________________________________________ Major Thanks to @VPinWorkshop for this masterpiece of a table. Its 10 stars to me and a whole lot of people, thank you so much. Flawless physics, crazy realism, and the amount of tender loving care that went into making this table is mindblowing. I'm a massive fan of table realism, and this table was nailed perfectly in every way!!!! I just hope one day can figure out why pupcapture wont work on it, could finish pup if its figured out. Major Thanks to @Dr.Nobody for making some awesome overlays that really bring this together with a cool look, thank you so much my brotha. Major Thanks to @SERGIOSOUZA for making some pretty epic toppers for the pup, these look so good, thank you!!! Amazing work. Major Thanks to @Cliffy for taking the time to make a desktop pupoption for users!!! As well as helping me with a last minute .ini issue!!! Thank you my friend!!!! Major Thanks to @Kongedam for letting me edit your awesome video tutorial to plug into the pup, what a perfect attract for this table!!! Thank you!! Major Thanks to @capnclaw for making a pretty epic "funhouse throwback" ball lost callout to put text on. Love that clip. Thank you my friend!!! One day maybe can get pupcapture to work and plug these callouts in. Major Thanks to YOU for seeing "some" of my vision for this table!! Please try it at least once with rom music muted, its the only way I've ever played it, am I missing out? All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  2. View File Rollercoaster Tycoon Mini-Pup Greetings my fellow tycoons! Thank you for learning to read!! Planet Coaster 2 comes out November 6th, 2024 for PC and consoles. All credit goes to @VPinWorkshop, @Dr.Nobody , @SERGIOSOUZA, @Kongedam, @capnclaw, @Cliffy!!!! _________ Important _______________ 1. Remove any Rollercoaster clips you do not want to use by deleting them from the "Rollercoaster" folder to save drive space if that is a concern for you. This pup was originally 10 GB before final cuts. 2. Mini-Pup is powered by pupevent which means the .vbs file in the downloads needs to be placed in the tables folder with the same name as the Rollercoaster Tycoon table file.vpx file. (or optionally replace table file code with the .vbs code which only has pupevent added, no other changes. "Right click then click edit" the .vbs to copy/paste code in table file if the previous method doesnt work for you). Do not accidentally double click the .vbs or it will create a .ini in your rct pupfolder which you will have to delete. Thank you @apophis for your knowledge on this topic, so awesome thank you!!! Makes it easy to non-invasively share coding change. 3. Add any attract you want to the "Attract Randomizer" folder, it will select randomly. 4. Music Folder can be expanded upon or edited. Selects randomly. Make sure to click the "normalize audio.bat" file to get any music you add in sync with the other media volume levels. (same with adding new clips, convert to 1080p then normalize audio).... leaving those tools in their proper locations for this pup since its highly customizable. These are the only music tracks i enjoyed from the actual video game. 5. If you use altsound or ROM sound and do not want the pup controlled music, just select a pupoption labeled with "music OFF" ______________________________________________________ Let me start out by saying I supremely love this amazing table. From day 1 this table released I have never used the ROM music, (never even had the desire to turn on and test the ROM music, altmusic or sound) ... i absolutely love the mechanical sounds, flawless physics, realism, flow and fun of this table in its rawest form. The 1st minute I played it I knew I would have to eventually do a pup for it, it is a great theme and I wanted to make a pup with a lot of eyecandy to make it just awesome to look at and play. I play a lot of video games from this genre. After spending hours collecting the music, right media for callouts and making text callouts, I tested the pupcapture for the 1st time and realized the pupcapture doesn't work AT ALL for this table for some unknown reason..... bummed me out because all the time I spent finding callouts and making texts was wasted. For this reason I can't really call this a true pup pack, its a completely downsizeable and customizable MINI pup for the table now. Bummed me out a lot when I found out pupcapture doesn't work, I almost didn't bother releasing it at all for this reason but I think someone will enjoy my vision for it. Thanks to @PIPAllah for looking for a reason why the pupcapture wont work, thank you for the effort bro. If i can find any pupevent coding spots for any of those callouts in the Topper Callouts folder, they can be added be added through pupevent only if I can get someone to help me find spots for them. it is quite the chore..... pupevent will be the ONLY option for updates on this mini-pup. ______________________________________________________ Major Thanks to @VPinWorkshop for this masterpiece of a table. Its 10 stars to me and a whole lot of people, thank you so much. Flawless physics, crazy realism, and the amount of tender loving care that went into making this table is mindblowing. I'm a massive fan of table realism, and this table was nailed perfectly in every way!!!! I just hope one day can figure out why pupcapture wont work on it, could finish pup if its figured out. Major Thanks to @Dr.Nobody for making some awesome overlays that really bring this together with a cool look, thank you so much my brotha. Major Thanks to @SERGIOSOUZA for making some pretty epic toppers for the pup, these look so good, thank you!!! Amazing work. Major Thanks to @Cliffy for taking the time to make a desktop pupoption for users!!! As well as helping me with a last minute .ini issue!!! Thank you my friend!!!! Major Thanks to @Kongedam for letting me edit your awesome video tutorial to plug into the pup, what a perfect attract for this table!!! Thank you!! Major Thanks to @capnclaw for making a pretty epic "funhouse throwback" ball lost callout to put text on. Love that clip. Thank you my friend!!! One day maybe can get pupcapture to work and plug these callouts in. Major Thanks to YOU for seeing "some" of my vision for this table!! Please try it at least once with rom music muted, its the only way I've ever played it, am I missing out? All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Submitter GtecArcade Submitted 11/01/24 Category PuP Packs  
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