@scutters and @MikeDASpike are proud to present "Database manager for PBX"
We built this program to make it easier for ourselves to update/add tables in PBX.
If the tests succeed we want to bring this program to the PBX community
Beforehand, please make a copy of your database directory (and maybe your media folder too)!
We are not responsible that anything goes wrong.
- Auto find PinballX and all relative paths
- Shows system name and XML name
- Filtering disabled and/or system XML
- Filtering on obsolete tables (for VPX,VP9 and FPT) (and easily deleting tables including deleting media)
- Added custom fields for extra information (1)
- Unicode supported entries in tables and form to easily pick a character
- Search/filter on tables
- Easy to use drag and drop for updating media
- Media preview on right mouse click
- Easily adding -system- media per system
- Deleting media with one click
- Media Audit button to checking per XML missing content and unused media
- Populate data from Visual Pinball tables (Author,Version and Rom)
- IPDB list updated to Feb 2020
- Media import from GameEx online
- Media import from Mega
- Direct table launch with PinballX.
Including all startup, launch, before, launch after and exit scripts
Thanks to Tom Speirs for this feature (PinballX version 4.14 or higher needed)
- Option to stop Team Viewer when recording videos
- Support of GIF (PinballX version 4.15 or higher needed)
- Loading media support if de-randomiser plugin is used (2)
- Advanced Search
- Bulk GameEx import
- Bulk IPDB update
- RealDMD Support for preview media
- ZenPinball FX3 auto populate tables when using Steam (all tables)
- ALT shortcut keys in all forms
- Statistics.ini file will be updated when table is changed/removed
- Media image can be converted automatically to static video (mp4)
- Auto delete old playfield videos when creating bulk videos (Visual Pinball only)
- Original tables added to IPDB search (source sheet by Dux Retro)
- Program is resizable
- POV import (Visual Pinball only)
- Multilanguage
- APNG support
- Multiselect of tables. Hold CTRL for single entries, SHIFT for selection and press CTRL-A for selecting all
- VBS Import/Export (Visual Pinball only)
Needed in same folder (without the files the program won’t start, or errors):
PinballX Database Manager.exe
PinballX Database Manager.exe.config
Interop.WMPLib.dll (3)
AxInterop.WMPLib.dll (3)
MegaApiClient.dll (4)
MegaApiClient.xml (4)
Newtonsoft.Json.dll (5)
Newtonsoft.Json.xml (5)
PinballX Database Sheet - PinballX.csv (6)
Needed in PinballX folder:
(1) If you use custom fields and you use Gamemanager, the XML will be overwrite by Gamemanger and you will lose the custom entries !
(3) These DLL's are from Windows media player and used for preview media content. WMP needs to be installed on the system too.
(4) Mega API Client for downloading on Mega (
(5) JSON framework for .NET (
(2) See :
(6) Visual Pinball Spreadsheet export for PinballX by Dux Retro, see
All files Are in the setup.
As we are no programmers, the setup or program could a virus warning.
These are false positives.
The setup is created with Inno Setup (
Newer versions can be downloaded via
Running the program on an internet connected PC, will show you when new version is available