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[New VPX Alert]Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie (Original 2022) Manbearpig

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Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie (Original 2022) Manbearpig

Created from Circus (Brunswick 1980)
10.7 required.

Table from JPSalas (Thanks again)

DOF from leeoneil

Original art from Redwings13, but no longer present. But a thanks because the table may not have been created!


So there is a real version of this table created by Craig Monyhan. I have only seen video and found some images from pinside. I tried to replicate it as best as I could. Since he created it basically from scratch the plastic are a little different shape and position. This is version is just running the Circus ruleset which I think is basically what he did, but had to write the code into his Arduino.


I have the entire soundtrack built into the table and it’s so close to matching the DMD video, but it’s not necessary they match, so I left it the way it was.
There is no Rom needed as JP created it without.

Table, Back glass, DMD video, and Wheel in zip.

If you are only playing desktop mode you will want to drag the score back into view (its in the lower right corner).



Here's the link to the original if you want to check it out.




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