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Xmen Color mod

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So I have the color mod xmen 151, but for the table I use: https://vpinball.com/VPBdownloads/x-men-le-stern-2012/  it requires 151h.  My question is, was there ever a released for 151h?  I have the one in the support thread of that table from haunts, but thats mostly just blue and white.  The 151 color looks great, but doesnt work with this current table, unless I'm missing something. Thanks for an clarifications. 



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rom colors work with PINMAME and Freezys dll 

not the table or table version.  

this project is not complete, so the blue and white colors you are seeing are more then likely the UN_COLORED scenes.


for this project in its current form  you will see some fully colored scenes and some uncolored scenes.


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