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The Shadow Pup Pack

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5 From 2 reviews
486.58 MB File Size
Prof_gLX Created by

4 Screenshots

About This File

This a my first contribution to the world of virtual pinball and I hope you like it. Constructive criticism is welcome.


This is a modification of the original The Shadows Pup pack made by DJ, using elements from dragon44's spanish puppack (with permission, thank you!).

It's a basic pup pack, without topper.


The original pup pack had overlays baked in with the videos and a couple of errors with the .pup files. I tried my best to crop and resize the videos. The callouts were positionned at the bottom of the screen so there might be some that are cut depending on the screen option you choose. I also changed the intro video from the whole first act of the movie to the movie trailer, which makes for a more dynamic attract mode.


.pup files and options were reused and modified from dragon44's pup pack.

Some of the overlay artworks were cleaned of artifacts and reused or modified from dragon44's puppack.


The options are Full Backglass no DMD, DMD on backglass, and FullDMD.


Huge thanks to DJ the original pup pack author!


Shout out to Nailbuster, Terryred, John Memeo, Joey Beaulieu, trochjochel, and all the others who've worked on pup packs and have shown what could really be done with this powerful tool.


Edited by ProfgLX
Original author DJ credited

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Merci pour le partage de ce pup pack.

Je ne connaissais pas le film mais cela amène de la vie à la table.


Thanks for sharing this pup pack.

I didn't know the movie but it brings life to the table.

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merci pour ce super puppack qui met un bon coup de dynamisme à la table :) 

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