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PinUP 80's Jukebox PuPPack & VPX Table

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3 From 2 reviews
Hawkeyez88 Created by
Opeckie Artwork by
Nailbuster Scripting by

1 Screenshot

About This File

Reupload from vpinball


'  PinUP Player JukeBox Template
'  By NailBuster and OPeCKiE 2019
'  Based on Sonic Table by Javier and Brendan Bailey
'  Note:  Default template should include no mp3 music or mp4 videos by default.  
'         You will need to add your own 80's mp3 files to the Music folder in the PuPPack sub-folder.
'         and you can add 80's music videos to your MusicVideos folder (Optional)
'  The idea of PuPJukeBox is to theme a playlist of mp3 songs and videos.
'  During attract mode you can press flippers to skip next/prior at anytime
'  When game starts, depending on settings in table script,  mp3 will continue to play on each new ball 
'  or mp4 music videos can start to play...see table script at top for jukebox settings.
'  There is NO directb2s file for this table.  
'  Note default layout is setup as DMD on LCD screen.  If you have a hardware DMD or only 2-screen setup, theres a PuPConfig Zip in 
'  PuPPack that you just use to overwrite the pup settings files (all 3).
'  Thanks To OPeCKiE, Javier, Brendan Bailey, DJRobx for their help.

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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

no idea where to put files 

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