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NBA Fastbreak (Bally 1997) VPW Mod

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5 From 12 reviews
157.34 MB File Size
None ROM Name
VPW Created by
Bally Manufacturer
1997 Year

2 Screenshots

V-Pin Workshop proudly presents NBA Fastbreak by Bally!


v1.3 Changes;

Fully working VR backglass - Rawd & Leojreimroc

Physics & script updates - iaakki

LUT Switcher - Rawd


When Tomate joined VPW he brought Darth Marino's NBA Fastbreak with him and hit the ground running! A veteran of Sketchup, he learned Blender surprisingly fast and baked out new textures for pretty much everything. There is only handful of objects that hasn't been redone in past 4 months. A thousand stuck balls later with much debugging, lighting and miscellaneous other contributions from iaakki and Sixtoe and we had shot and scored a decent tune-up for this table: Nfozzy physics, Fleep sounds, 3D inserts, flupper domes, VR room and more!
Includes Desktop, Cab and VR versions in one VPX.
Plastics, Ramps, Nuts, Bolts: Tomate
Wires: Tomate, Mr_H
Playfield: EBisLit, iaakki
Physics: RothbauerW, Benji, iaakki
Inserts: iaakki
Lights: iaakki, Sixtoe
VR Room: Sixtoe

VR Fully Animated Backglass: Rawd
Miscellaneous tweaks: iaakki, Sixtoe, Benji, Oqqsan
Testing: VPin Workshop Discord, Rik Laubach
This release wouldn't have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including Darth Marino, DJRobX, CarnyPriest, MaX, Aurich, bmiki75, JPSalas
Thank you to Flupper for 3D insert techniques & domes. Thank you to Rothbauerw for nFozzy physics.


Contact Author First.

What's New in Version 1.3   See changelog



' 1.2.3 - iaakki - refactored NF flip code, postes_metalicos set non-collidable
' 1.2.4 - iaakki - Fixed slingshot thresholds, some rubber dampeners and sounds for few posts.
' 1.2.4b - Rawd - Working VR backglass (Leojreimroc flasher lighting and code)
' 1.2.5 - Wylte - Just ball shadows (and some PoV testing for DT and FS)
' 1.2.6 - iaakki - POV adjustment, rubberizer & targetbouncer added, target code cleanup
' 1.2.7 - Rawd - Added LUT switcher and Fluppers new Display
' 1.2.8 - Sixtoe - Tweaked LUT stuff, minor script and other cleanup for release.
' 1.3 Release

User Feedback

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Great update guys, hard to tell if the backglass is real or not in VR, the LUT sections are very nice and the table looks and plays better than ever in both versions. Thanks for sharing.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Really fun table. Also looks amazing when played on a cabinet

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Hoops. This one is definitely  "Triple A Class" for me! What a blast, keep those balls coming.


Pro Tip:


       1.Try to get nba champion on all teams.

       2. Add second player to get nba champion                 on all teams.


Thanx for all the hard work, really enjoying this one.


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This is a really fun table! awesome updates, and it looks and plays amazing! 5 stars *****

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Awesome table.  Thanks VPW for sharing this table and help setting the bar for this hobbie.

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This is a terrific table!! It looks great, plays outstanding and has great sound effects. Simply perfect!! Thanks for all the work done to provide these tables!!

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Amazing!! Thank you for this. One of my new favorites for sure. Looks and PLAYS excellent.

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It has come to a point that I see myself almost exclusively playing VPW tables.

You guys are putting joy to virtual pinball.


I can honestly say that it is the first time that I can really play virtual tables as if they are the real thing, getting into the intricacies and full rule set of tables, because it is just that good!


NBA Fastbreak VPW is without a doubt one of the best virtuasl pinball tables out there!


Thank you so much for all the hard work by everyone in the VPW workshop!

I admire your conscientiousness, focus, and creativity to make the best experiences imaginable.



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