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CSI (Stern 2008) Media Pack

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19.97 MB File Size
CarnyPriest Created by

4 Screenshots

About This File

The cards are modified versions of Inkochnito's reproductions that better match the reference images that are also on Inkochnito's site. English language card - tweaked and resized the text layout and applied my usual color palette in Illustrator. French language card - tweaked the text layout and swapped the Ariel font for Myriad Pro in InDesign, re-assembled in Illustrator. Coinage card included (US currency). These required redrawing and replacing the original button graphics found on the PDF.  

Clicker font by Greg Thompson, obtained at fontsgeek.com. I used this with modifications to create an ultra hi-rez wheel image. Effects added with GIMP.

300dpi scans of the flyer courtesy



Promo video is in its native format. If you need to reformat for your front-end setup, I suggest TerryRed's tools:


As usual, special thanks to Inkochnito. He did most of the work. I just made a mod.


This work is free to use by the community without attribution. All sources are trademarks / copyrights of their respective owners. This is to be privately used in front-ends or for other non-commercial (or at least non-profit) pinball-related applications. I hold no responsibility for their misuse. 

Edited by CarnyPriest

What's New in Version 1.41   See changelog


AI upscaled the clear wheel image sourced from sternpinball.com (imgupscaler.com x4)

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