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ACDC (Stern 2012) Media Pack

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CarnyPriest Created by

4 Screenshots

About This File

Includes reproductions of Pro and Premium/Limited Edition factory cards in two varieties - the usual Solar Yellow stock and a full color (red). There are English language cards for Pro and Limited Edition and there are French language cards for Limited Edition only. Coin cards are also included (US currency only). Graphic elements processed with GIMP. Type and layout produced with Adobe InDesign. Some more graphics work, assembly, vectorization, and colorization in Adobe Illustrator.

The basis for the AC/DC logo came from here: http://vectorlogo4u.com/acdc-vector-logo/ with plenty of modifications.

Elements of the Stern Pinball logo were also incorporated from earlier work.

Final logo used in the card is also the wheel image (it's huge/native resolution).

I have some other wheel images available here:


Fonts - Squealer (typodermicfonts.com); Helvetica condensed and Helvetica Neue Condensed thanks to ephifonts.com.

Hi-rez image of the Luci Premium flyer courtesy of Stern Pinball and published by IPDB.

For Pro and Limited Edition flyers,  raw image extracted directly from the factory PDFs using xpdfbin and converted to lossless PNG using ImageMagick.

Special thanks to Kim Keist and Ed VanderVeen and IPDB; pinballnews.com; and as always Inkochnito for reference images.


Videos are in their native format. If you need to rotate or convert for your specific setup, I suggest using TerryRed's converter scripts:


This work is free to use by the community without attribution. All sources are trademarks / copyrights of their respective owners. This is to be privately used in front-ends or for other non-commercial (or at least non-profit) pinball-related applications. I hold no responsibility for their misuse. 

Edited by CarnyPriest
Add link to TerryRed's scripts

What's New in Version 1.3   See changelog


1. Added German language Premium cards in Solar Yellow and Red - colors applied in Illustrator. Special thanks to pinball-universe.de for hosting what appears to be sourced from a factory original PDF (full vector)
2. All instruction cards - replaced the logo with the one from the German card. It's more accurate than what I had initially put together - graphics had imported into Illustrator as non-native. I had to redraw all the gradients so that I could recolor for the Red and Solar Yellow cards. Reference source for the Red were the flyers.
3. All instruction cards - retrace and replace the QR code, sourced from the German card
4. Solar Yellow cards use the authentic color exchange file direct from Neenah Astrobrights, supplier for Stern's card stock
5. Added Spanish language Premium cards in Solar Yellow and Red (reference image from stern-spareparts.de)
6. Added alternate English language Pro cards in Solar Yellow and Red, part number 51C5 (reference image from stern-spareparts.de)

7. The new authentic logo from the German Red card is a new and improved ultra hi-rez clear wheel image 
8. AI upscaled my original Pro, Premium, and Limited Edition clear wheel images from way back in 2016 (imgupscaler.com x4) 

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