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F-14 Tomcat (Williams)(1987)(JPSalas, Rosve, chinzman93)(2.1)(FS)(9.21)NightMod

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23.94 MB File Size
f14_l1 ROM Name
JPSalas Rosve chinzman93 Created by
1987 Year

1 Screenshot

This is a modification that I had started last winter and never got around to finishing until now. It is primarily cosmetic. Alpha flashers

have been added throughout the table. Upgraded plunger and fading lights routine. Scripting change for selecting controller.

I hope everyone enjoys the changes made to the table.

Turn it up load and turn out the lights!

I would like to thank:

JPSalas and Rosve for their great work on the previous versions and allowing the mod.

JPSalas for use of his Fading Lights routine and for flasher images.

Koadic for use of his plunger method and controller selection code.

Aaron James for giving the table a spin and offering suggestions and use of the controller selection code.

All the authors, art guys, and other contributors that make this such an enjoyable hobby.

Please feel free to let me know that you think...good, bad, or otherwise. It's my first release so

if I am doing something wrong, I would like to fix it for the future.

Note: This modification was built with VP 9.16 rev 652 and also played with the latest beta.

I am not aware of anything that would prevent this from using 9.15. However, the flashers do use

Additive BI and maybe a bit strong without it. I would recommend 9.16 or better with this, but

feel free to give it a try with 9.15.

Version 2.00

Add B2B scripting

Night modded.

New GI with 6 colors for the user to choose and they can be mixed and matched throughout the table. I really hope you have fun with this. The colors are white, yellow, red, blue, green and purple.

Code to overide GI on by location with different colors.

Tested with ball size of 50, larger balls will get stuck.

JP flipper code

The user options section:


'***************** User options for controller and General Illumination ****************


'Ball size: Values above 50 will likely result in stuck balls.

Const BallSize = 50

'Choose Controller: 1-VPM, 2-UVP, 3-dB2S, 4-B2S by Rosve (Please note: If using option 4, all naming convention for table,BG,and Hyperpin still apply.)

Const cController = 1 '<-------Select controller here

'Choose GI Colors: 1-Blue, 2-White, 3-Red, 4-Yellow, 5-Green, 6-Purple

Const cGI = 4 '<----Selected desired color for GI. Indiviual bulbs can be overriden below.

'GI Colors Layout

Select Case cGI

Case 1:Bulb_Image = "f14_gib" 'Description: A cool temperature blueish white

Case 2:Bulb_Image = "f14_giw" 'Description: A crisper white

Case 3:Bulb_Image = "f14_gir" 'Description: A redish white

Case 4:Bulb_Image = "f14_giy" 'Description: A warmer yellowish white

Case 5:Bulb_Image = "f14_gig" 'Description: A greenish white

Case 6:Bulb_Image = "f14_gip" 'Description: Somewhere between pink and purple

End Select

'The code below will allow for the user to override the global GI color selected above on individuals areas in the table

'argi126d and argi127d below demonstrate how to override the global GI color. See above for valid values and a description of the color

'This will allow for the user to mix and match as desired. Hopefully you have fun with this!

argi7.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Center Target Bank

argi7a.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Center Target Bank

argi7b.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Center Target Bank

argi9a.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Right side mid-table under wire form shooter lane

argi9b.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Right side just above righter upper flipper

argi9c.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Right side second lamp above upper right flipper

argi10.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Upper target banks

argi12.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Just above left lower flipper

argi13.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Just above right lower flipper

argi14.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Right sling

argi15.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Left slipng

argi18.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Left mid table

argi19.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Right mid under flashers

'The two below need both variables updated

argi126d.image = "f14_gir":LGIBulb = "f14_gib" 'Location: Second light above left lower flipper.

argi127d.image = "f14_gir":RGIBulb = "f14_gir" 'Location: Second light above right lower flipper.




Hope everyone likes it and plays around with the lighting. Please report any issues to the support topic.


What's New in Version 2.`   See changelog


  • Version 2.1 uploaded.
  • Version 2.1
  • Modified lighting to no longer use the refresh lights (Big thanks to Koadic for help with this!)
  • New physics settings.
  • New flasher lens objects. Thanks to Hassanchop for putting these into the resource section!
  • Brightened the light on inserts.
  • Bug fix: The ball collision sounds have been fixed and now work.
  • This will require 9.2 or better. It plays very nicely in 9.9!
  • This should have been released several months ago. I forgot about it....... :facepalm:
  • Version 2.00
  • Add B2B scripting
  • Night modded.
  • New GI with 6 colors for the user to choose and they can be mixed and matched throughout the table. I really hope you have fun with this. The colors are white, yellow, red, blue, green and purple.
  • Code to overide GI on by location with different colors.
  • Tested with ball size of 50, larger balls will get stuck.
  • JP flipper code
  • The user options section:
  • '***************************************************************************************
  • '***************** User options for controller and General Illumination ****************
  • '***************************************************************************************
  • 'Ball size: Values above 50 will likely result in stuck balls.
  • Const BallSize = 50
  • 'Choose Controller: 1-VPM, 2-UVP, 3-dB2S, 4-B2S by Rosve (Please note: If using option 4, all naming convention for table,BG,and Hyperpin still apply.)
  • Const cController = 1 '<-------Select controller here
  • 'Choose GI Colors: 1-Blue, 2-White, 3-Red, 4-Yellow, 5-Green, 6-Purple
  • Const cGI = 4 '<----Selected desired color for GI. Indiviual bulbs can be overriden below.
  • 'GI Colors Layout
  • Select Case cGI
  • Case 1:Bulb_Image = "f14_gib" 'Description: A cool temperature blueish white
  • Case 2:Bulb_Image = "f14_giw" 'Description: A crisper white
  • Case 3:Bulb_Image = "f14_gir" 'Description: A redish white
  • Case 4:Bulb_Image = "f14_giy" 'Description: A warmer yellowish white
  • Case 5:Bulb_Image = "f14_gig" 'Description: A greenish white
  • Case 6:Bulb_Image = "f14_gip" 'Description: Somewhere between pink and purple
  • End Select
  • 'The code below will allow for the user to override the global GI color selected above on individuals areas in the table
  • 'argi126d and argi127d below demonstrate how to override the global GI color. See above for valid values and a description of the color
  • 'This will allow for the user to mix and match as desired. Hopefully you have fun with this!
  • argi7.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Center Target Bank
  • argi7a.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Center Target Bank
  • argi7b.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Center Target Bank
  • argi9a.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Right side mid-table under wire form shooter lane
  • argi9b.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Right side just above righter upper flipper
  • argi9c.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Right side second lamp above upper right flipper
  • argi10.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Upper target banks
  • argi12.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Just above left lower flipper
  • argi13.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Just above right lower flipper
  • argi14.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Right sling
  • argi15.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Left slipng
  • argi18.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Left mid table
  • argi19.image = Bulb_Image 'Location: Right mid under flashers
  • 'The two below need both variables updated
  • argi126d.image = "f14_gir":LGIBulb = "f14_gib" 'Location: Second light above left lower flipper.
  • argi127d.image = "f14_gir":RGIBulb = "f14_gir" 'Location: Second light above right lower flipper.
  • '***************************************************************************************
  • '***************************************************************************************
  • '***************************************************************************************
  • Hope everyone likes it and plays around with the lighting. Please report any issues to the support topic.

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