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Big Bang Bar (Capcom 1996)

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5 From 43 reviews
12.67 MB File Size
BBB109.zip ROM Name
Davadruix Created by
Davadruix Artwork by
Capcom Manufacturer
1996 Year

4 Screenshots

About This File

 **** Ladies and gentlemens !! ****


The day has arrived! more than 600 hours of work over a year to present you a colorized version of the Big Bang Bar!


Mosh a gogo ; Bar Tour; Cosmic Dartz; all in COLOR !


So, there is still work to be done, this ROM will never be 100% colorized (at least not by me lol) There are far too many technical constraints today.


On the other hand, I hope that you will enjoy this version, which I will update from time to time. Currently, there is the Lunapalooza rainbow which will not display correctly and random appearances of the waitress and her friend to the right or left of the DMD.

I think that doesn't stop you from playing, I would do my best to fill in little by little to minimize "orange" appearances or freezes.


I could have waited a few more months, but in the end there would always have been points that posed a problem. With BBB colorization, when you resolve one problem, there are two others that are triggered (...) 


 So I chose to share it with you now!


I would like to warmly thank the entire SERUM team for their support throughout this year working on BBB. I assure you that they showed patience and calm in the face of the thousands of questions that I was able to ask them at several stages of the coloring!


A big thank you in particular to: 

@Zedrummer, obviously, for its fantastic colorization software!
@Kraken, for his patience and his explanations on everything! and in particular on the use of the software!
@Pastor, same, thank you for getting me out of unresolved technical problems more than once... 
@ebor, for his support and explanations!

@Primetime5k, @Boroka, @Kraken, @ebor, @Pastor, for testing


There you go, I'll let you discover BBB in a new light, the day of color!

Good game everyone!




*** Attention *** 

There are 2 versions available for download, the first is with color rotation on certain frames and the other without color rotations.

The Pin2DMD of our pincab does not take into account (for the moment) the display of color rotations. 


Pin2DMD user You must use the version without the rotations.


Rom to use with this colorization:    bbb109.zip

Version VPinmame:                V. (oct 22 2024)
DMDExt:                                   dmdext-2.3.0
Pin2DMD:                                 4.52
VPX:                                         VPinballX-10.8.0-2015-6f63503-RC5

Table:                                      BBB VPW         



Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way.


All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.



Mesdames et messieurs,

le jour est arrivé ! plus de 600 heures de travail sur un an pour vous présenter une version colorisée du Big Bang Bar !

Mosh à gogo; Tour de bar; Cosmic Dartz; tout en couleur !


Alors, il reste tout de même à faire, cette ROM ne sera jamais colorisée à 100% (en tout cas pas par moi lol) Il y a beaucoup trop de contraintes techniques au jour d'aujourd'hui.


J'espère par contre que vous apprécierez cette version, que je mettrai à jour de temps à autre. Actuellement, il y a l'arc en ciel du Lunapalooza qui ne s'affichera pas correctement et des apparitions aléatoires de la serveuse et de son copain à droite ou a gauche du DMD. Je pense que ça n'empêche pas de jouer, je ferais au mieux pour combler petit à petit afin de minimiser les apparitions "orange" ou les freeze.


J'aurais pu encore attendre quelques mois, mais au bout du compte il y aurait toujours eu des points qui posent problème. Avec la colorisation de BBB, lorsque vous  résolvez un problème, il y en a deux autres qui se déclenchent (...) 


 J'ai donc fait le choix de vous la partager dès maintenant !


Je tiens à remercier vivement toute la team SERUM pour leur soutiens tout au long de cette année à travailler sur BBB. Je vous assure qu'ils ont fait preuve de patience et de calme face aux milliers de questions que j'ai pu leur poser à plusieurs étapes de la colorisation !


Un grand merci en particulier à : 

@Zedrummer, évidement, pour son logiciel de colorisation formidable !
@Kraken, pour sa patience et ses explications sur tout ! et en particulier sur l'utilisation du logiciel !
@Pastor , idem, merci de m'avoir sorti plus d'une fois des problèmes techniques sans solution... 
@ebor , pour son soutient et ses explications !

@Primetime5k, @Boroka, @Kraken, @ebor, @Pastor, pour les tests


Voila, je vous laisse découvrir BBB sous un nouveau jour, le jour de la couleur !

Bon jeu à tous !




*** Attention *** 

Il y a 2 versions en téléchargement, la première est avec rotation de couleurs sur certaines frames et l'autre sans les rotations de couleurs.

Le Pin2DMD de nos pincab ne prend pas en compte (pour l'instant) l'affichage des rotations de couleurs. 


Utilisateur de Pin2DMD Il faut utiliser la version sans les rotations.


Rom à utiliser avec cette colorisation:    bbb109.zip
Table:                     BBB VPW
Le Backglass:   https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/13633-big-bang-bar-capcom-1996-b2s-with-full-dmd/  

Version VPinmame:                V. (oct 22 2024)
DMDExt:                        dmdext-2.3.0
Pin2DMD:                    4.52
VPX:                        VPinballX-10.8.0-2015-6f63503-RC5


Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way.


All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Edited by davadruix

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


What's new in this update:

- Added waitress frames to the PInfo sequence

- Added rainbow frames to the Lunapalooza sequence

- Color corrections in callout texts

- “Tour de Bar” color corrections

- Fixed display bug "Lunapalooza 1 Orbit" is displayed correctly.

- Fixed display bugs sequence aliens who toast each other when validating 3 or 4 targets

- “Chase the waitress” sequence completely revised, no more jerkiness in principle.

- Sequence “B.A.R.” , minor display bug removed.

- More than 100 frames with random waitresses added

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

DAMN son! 


Thank you!



· Edited by tedlogan12

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I've always wanted this table to have a color DMD, and this is a triumphant result. Thank you so much for doing this! Great job!



Made a quick video of it in VR (yes, I know it's not a good game session, just demos the DMD)



   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I have been following the progress and today is the day, amazing work  @davadruix💯. Thanks for investing 600 hours, simply for us to enjoy!


· Edited by UHATEIT

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Absolutely stellar! Colored roms really enhance tables, thank you for all of the hard work you did!



Absolutely perfect. This was the last table on my cab without colored ROM. I have been following the progress the author posted during development so imagine my excitement to see it released. And this one is truly awesome. The color scheme really captures the cartoony style of the DMD. There are a lot of complex animations, really great to see them all come to life with color.

Thanks for all the hard work!



Great work.



Amazing job🤩  Thanks alot for hard work and awesome outcome😁🤝



The amazing Big Bang Bar is one the most colorful tables ever made, and it always bugged me to see that orange dmd spoil the fun . Well that orange elephant in the room has now turned into a beautiful  peacock, and WOW what a change! All those crazy space characters are now shown in all their  colorful  glory. Amazing color schemes and superb attention to detail. I applaud your work @davadruix!!



Thank you for sharing it!



This looks amazing! Thanks so much for your hard work!



Awesome!  Been waiting for this one to be colorized.  Thanks!



Hot Damn!!  This is freaking amazing!!!!  The colours really POP on a real Pin2DMD display,.. just wow! Dude! Wow!


thanks for sharing @davadruix !!



Excellent work.  Thank you for all of the long hours updating this.  These take so much time to do so the effort is much appreciated by all. 



Absolutely Beautiful! Thank You Very Much!!



Thanks for this masterpiece. 


· Edited by Dazza1973


Amazing Coloring Job


i had trouble at first getting this to run but it turns out for some reason i  had only 980mb left on the drive with the altcolors on it and the drive would run out of space whilst the table was running with this crz. And i didnt get any scoring but now i have resolved this issue and it runs perfectly. Thanks for all the effort you put into this colorization.


Response from the author:

I don't really understand the question, either colorization works or it doesn't, but I don't think it works at one time and not at another.

The only display bug is linked to frames using color rotation, which is not currently supported by pin2dmd, you must use the file without rotations.


You can take a look in the "comments" section there have already been questions about colorization malfunctions.



Absolutely fantastic! What a wonderful upgrade for this great table! I love it!!! Thank you so much for this!



Many thanks for the work done and the sharing of this colorization, with all my gratitude.



Wow really beautiful davadruix. Thank you very much 🤩.



Absolutely stunning colourisation.  Fantastic debut project.  Thanks.



Brilliant, works perfectly, and very cool.





Spectacular... 😲

I've been looking forward to this day. As mentioned overwhelmingly by the community; thank you for all the hard work put in. It doesn't go unnoticed!



Outstanding work on this. Looks absolutely amazing. Thanks so much for sharing and all of your time and effort on this gem!!!



I already love Capcom's DMD work and you really made it special...it's beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing with the community ❤️ I hope this is just the beginning as you are clearly talented :)

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