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Star Tours Table with Pup-Pack

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5 From 5 reviews
1.71 GB File Size
alpok_l2 ROM Name
kcirrick Created by
kcirrick Artwork by
Williams Manufacturer
1980 Year

3 Screenshots



From the creative forces of Disney and George Lucas (and kcirrick)


“Star Tours announces boarding of the Endor Express.”


There are a myriad of Star Wars tables out there, but here is one with a twist.  If you’ve ever been to a Disney park then you are likely familiar with the attraction Star Tours.  It may be thirty plus years old, but it’s still going strong.  Now, The Adventure Continues – in Pinball. If you’ve been to one of the parks then this may stir up some fond memories.  If you’ve never been to a Disney park then you can now get a small taste of what you’ve missed.


This simple table is a modification of Shamrock1980’s Star Wars – Tribute table.  Thanks to @Shamrock1980 for permission to modify.  Star Wars – Tribute’s roots originate from Alien Poker by Bord.  Thanks to @Bord for permission to modify.


To quote from the Nailbuster Wiki, “Almost every PuP-Pack will require that you DO NOT have a directb2s backglass “.  (Key word  “Almost”)  Well, we’re breaking the rules here.  This package includes the Star Tours table, the pup-pack as well as a directb2s.  The directb2s MUST be used in conjunction with the pup-pack in order for everything to work.  The directb2s will not provide a backglass.  Just the FullDMD.  The pup-pack will provide the backglass as well as a bit of animation on the FullDMD.  Also included is some Popper media.  A Backglass, a FullDMD, a Loading screen/Playfield and an animated Tarcisio Wheel to easify (my own made up word) setup in Media Manager.  (You can record and create your own media of course, but you know that.)


You likely already know where the files go, but just in case…
Drop the Star Tours.vpx and the Star Tours.directb2s into the VisualPinball/Tables folder.
Drop the star_tours pup-pack into your PinUPSystem/PUPVideos folder.
Add the provided media to Popper using Media Manager
After starting the game for the first time you’ll want to hit F1 and disable the DMD by ensuring Show DMD/Display window and Use external DMD are unchecked.
Important!  You MUST edit your VPMAlias.txt file in the VisualPinball/VPinMAME folder and add




to the list of aliases in the file or you will get a script error and the game won’t run. (Star Tours requires the Alien Poker ROM alpok_f6.)


This is only a three screen version at this time.  No doubt his table will appeal to a small more select group, but if there is sufficient demand I will add desktop and two screen versions.


With few exceptions, as I was creating this package I was adamant about only using media from the Disney attraction.  Attract mode will start shortly after completing a game and includes some media not seen on the attraction, but still related.  The attract video will also begin to play as soon as you initiate the game, but will stop playing once you start a game.  Odds are that you aren’t going to let the table sit and run in attract mode, but you might want to enjoy letting it run through the four scenes once or twice just for the fun of it.


All of the above info is included in the read me.txt.  Also included are instructions, originally compiled and posted by ta2686, on how to add/remove the number of balls per game and resetting high scores.


Welcome aboard the Starspeeder 3000!  Enjoy your flight!


Changed the ROM being used from alpok_f6 to alpok_l2 to accomodate DOF.
Script change to accomodate DOF.
(This change was requested. I do not use DOF so I am unable to test this and cannot guarantee DOF will work.  The game will still run fine with alpok_f6.)


Added options for Desktop and Two Screen systems.  


There are now two directb2s files included.  One for three screen systems and one for two screen systems.  Be sure to use the correct file for your set up.  No directb2s is used for the Desktop version.


Included Cliffy's PinUpPlayer.ini and Star Tours.res files that he used to modify the original three screen version of the game to a Desktop version.  You should not need these files.  If you have issues with the included Desktop version I've included the files here as a convenience for you to try.  Do not use them unless you intend not using Option 2 for Desktop.


The two spinners on the table were both previously defined as the same switch.  (It was like that when I started working with the table.)  As a result, hitting either spinner would trigger the Light Speed to Endor video.  I reconfigured the upper right spinner as a new switch.  Now, only the left spinner will trigger Light Speed to Endor.  The right spinner will randomly trigger one of two different videos.  Launching Through the Maintenance Bay or Darth Vader Wanting the Rebel Spy.


Made a settings adjustment so extra ball/shoot again now works.


Included a PDF of the Alien Poker manual.  Star Tours is quite different from Alien Poker, but the manual provides information on making various adjustments to the game.  The "adjust number of balls per game.txt" file I included explains how to adjust the number of balls and how to reset the high score.  


There is a minor glitch in the game that I have yet to resolve.  Should you beat the high score the system goes a bit crazy for a moment (this is normal).  All the lights on the table blink several times which causes the game over video to play.  (The Starspeeder returns to base nearly hitting a fuel truck.) This does not affect game play and you can continue your game once the system finishes it's little celebration.

Edited by kcirrick

10.7.2 or higher required

What's New in Version 1.0.2   See changelog


Minor updates 1.0.2:

Updated *.PUP files adding a new trigger for a fun cookie


I'm appreciate how well this table and pup-pack have been received.  As a bonus and thank you to all those nostalgic people out there I've added a little cookie. I've added it to the tables zip file, but as a convenience to all those that have already downloaded the table I've added a cookie.zip file that only includes the cookie so you can add it to your system without having to download the entire table and pup-pack again.


The cookie consist of a full screen ride through of Star Tours with just a bit of queue to set the mood.


This cookie.zip file consist of a "Cookie" folder with the video files in it that you will simply drop into the Star Tours pup-pack folder and it also includes a new "PuP-Pack_Options" folder containing all the pup files for the various versions of the game. Simply drop this into your Star Tours Pup-pack folder as well, but ONLY AFTER BACKING UP YOUR CURRENT "PuP-Pack_Options" FOLDER!  because it will write over your existing files. (You can always restore them from the original zip file, but better safe...)


Once you've dropped these two folders into the Star Wars pup-pack folder simply run the relevant Options bat file and start a game, but do not launch the ball. Hit your nudge buttons until the game Tilts. With Tilt lit up press the right flipper button one time then stand back and enjoy the show.


You can watch the video in its entirety, but if you wish to end it early simply launch the ball. When it drains the video will end and you can resume your game.



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LOVE this table, most especially because it features RX-24! 

Response from the author:

Yep!  It wouldn't have been right to exclude Rex.  You know I would have heard about it if I had.🙂

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Simple can often just be better, great concept for a table! Just great all around, thank you for making this!

Response from the author:

After doing a backglass for one table and a pup-pack for another table I was done.  Then, on a whim, my son suggested Star Tours and this is the result.  We can thank him.🙂

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unfortunately mine has 2 screens and the backglass doesn't open until after the version for 2 screens arrives, eagerly waiting to see it on 2 screens, I'm waiting, thanks

Response from the author:

I'll get there.🙂  Since I finished(?) and posted the file I've come up with a list of things to do.  I just finished the desktop version and will now focus on the two screen and have to try and make it compatible with DOF.  Plus creating a some videos for a new Rebel Spy trigger.  The interest in this simple little table has far surpassed expectations and I want everyone interested to have the opportunity to enjoy it.  I'm hoping to get the two screen version ready in the next day or so.

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· Edited by 80sRkadeguy70


Awesome table and pup pack, thank you! And thanks to Cliffy for his awesome Screen Res and PinUpPlayer.ini



Response from the author:

That looks great!  I actually have, but didn't include, videos I tweaked just for the desktop version.  Guess I'm gonna have to repost with those videos and include the desktop option.

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· Edited by Cliffy


Very well done and VERY nostalgic for me. I went to Disneyland my very first time and it was also the first year for Star Tours. I remember that experience like it was yesterday. Just standing in line was an experience! The atmosphere was so perfect. They went out of their way to make the entire experience incredibly immersive. As soon as the ride was over I dragged the wife and kids back around to get in line again!

This pup pack brings back great memories @kcirrick so thank you for that! It works just fine in desktop mode too as long as your b2s .res file matches the pinupplayer.ini and, of course, you will need PupDesktopPunch.exe, pupinit.bat and a pinupplayer.ini in the pup folder. I'm attaching mine here for those who would like yo use it on their desktop. Thanks!!

Star Tours desktop.jpg

Star Tours.res PinUpPlayer.ini

Response from the author:

Getting kudos from you means a lot.  Thanks!  And thanks for the desktop tweak.  You're too  kind. 


I'm kind of amazed with the response the table has gotten so far.  Really not what I expected.  Makes me feel bad that I posted it without 2 screen and desktop versions.  I'll have to get to work so I can post an update with all three options. 

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