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Hextech (Original 2016)

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5 From 1 review
28.96 MB File Size
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Neo Created by
Neo Scripting by
Original Manufacturer
2016 Year

3 Screenshots

Hello. I'm known in VP sites like VPForums and Pinball Nirvana as Neo. I only discovered this particular site recently (literally within the last few months), and I found that someone already grabbed the name "Neo" here, so I had to register under a different name, and I chose MuZ Roku here. I've made a few tables for VP9 and earlier, but Hextech is my first table for VPX, first built back in 2016. After releasing this back on VPF in July of that year (VP 10.2 was around at that time), I pretty much vanished for a little over 6 years, only recently returning to the VP world and finding that after loading VP 10.7, I found a couple of issues were present that weren't a problem when the table was first released, so after 6 years, I updated this table to version 1.1 to better work with 10.7.0, including some gameplay updates and tweaks I really should have done years ago. I've since made some more updates and have now released version 1.2.


Hextech is sort of inspired from the PC game League of Legends. This a 70s-style EM steampunk theme with a dual bonus-count system (hitting certain targets controls which bonus is active),  two multiball modes (2-ball and 3-ball), a gold ball that scores double on targets it directly hits, a captive-ball target. This is also the first table in which I have made a B2S backglass which is included in the zip file. I don't have any sort of cabinet or VR setup, and while I have included DOF commands in the script, I don't understand DOF all that well and I have no way of testing the DOF stuff. I think I found them in another table somewhere (can't remember which one) and copied/pasted the DOF code. IF there are better solutions for DOF out there, by all means let me know. With the B2S backglass it should be fine running on cabinets, but I have never seen anyone running this table on a cabinet. I do run desktop only but have two screens so I can run and test B2S/


Play notes: The ruleset can be found in Table Info. This table can be pretty brutal as far as quick drains, and the ball making a direct beeline for the outlanes. I'm not really sure how to tweak or fix it so it doesn't drain so much. I know of some real EMs that can be pretty brutal as far as quick drains. It's also why I set it to default to 5 balls per game. AT the same time  it can be pretty fun too. Trying to get a multiball is probably where the points are on this table. Get a multiball with a gold ball in play and the table can go ham with all the bells going off and the scoring with the gold ball being 4x during multiball. I did make a new non-B2S backdrop and added an optional tournament mode you can turn on in the options. The tournament mode prevents the gold ball from coming onto the playfield and any extra balls or specials that would be earned instead scores 100,000 points.


I have to give credit to VPF user EpeC for some of the playfield light and GI work that is on this version. The light lenses on the playfield lights he did are a bit above my own ability. While this is version 1.2, this is the first version I have attempted to load here. I only found this site just recently and really haven't posted anything.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy this little table of mine. Even now I still drain some balls on this one from time to time. I'm not sure it's up to snuff with the amazing work done here (it is 6+ years old after all, and folks are doing things I can't even begin to grasp), but I figured "why not just put it up?"
Take Care

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v10.7 required

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