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Everquest Pinball Tribute (MOD) (2023) (Davadruix)

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5 From 5 reviews
171.18 MB File Size
spstn_l5 ROM Name
Davadruix Created by
Sony, Steve Fabok, Davadruix Artwork by
Original Manufacturer
2023 Year

2 Screenshots

So here it is, my first Mod, so I know it's far from perfect but it's an idea that's been in my head for a while. I was a player of Everquest, since its release in 1999. The time spent in this game is incalculable. That's why I still have it in my head and I made a pinball machine out of it.


I would like to thank NFozzy for allowing me to use his super Space station table as a base as well as Balutito from whom I borrowed a few lines of code in order to be able to integrate random music into the table. A big thank you also to Steve Fabok who is the creator of the magnificent Firiona Vie in 3D.


I used VPX version 10.7.3 for this table.
I changed the table, the plastics and since I was off to a good start, I took out my favorite 3D software, Lightwave, and changed the 3D objects. I added some 3D dragons here and there as well as decorations. I repositioned the lights and I think we're not far from the goal :)


So for those who know the game, I hope it will bring back some nice memories and for others, well I would say if you like dragons, elves, magicians ... why not give it a try !
I hope you like it, I find the world of Everquest truly magical and unforgettable. I also reused one of my characters to go and make some screenshots necessary for the decor of the table, it's nice to go back to the old areas of Antonica.


Thank you for your comments, this is a first for me.


You can find the wheel here : https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/13334-everquest-pinball-tribute-mod-wheel/
For the b2s you can find it there:
but I do not master Backglass Designer, so I think it is possible to do much better, especially the connections between the lighting and the solenoids of the table.

All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.

if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice!


Edited by davadruix
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v10.7 required

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


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Beautifully done, the lights, artwork, music, and playability just fantastic! Thank you for sharing your masterpiece!

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