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BattleStream Client

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105.13 MB File Size
Nailbuster Created by
Joe Picasso Artwork by
Original Manufacturer
2022 Year

1 Screenshot

About This File

Welcome ballers, it's time to rumble! This software allows ANYONE to send their playfield and DMD over RTMP protocol to another player using the BattleStream Client. The client application is just a portable version of OBS, and instructions are included in the zip.

Fire it up, add in your friend's IP address, and hit Start!

This product is supported by myself and the community members at GameClubCentral, and we will do our best to help you get things moving for you.

HUGE thank you to the following for helping us get this developed and out the door:

- Nailbuster (Coding and putting up with me)
- PaladinArcade 
- Joe Picasso (Providing a layout template)

What's New in Version 2.1a   See changelog


- Added PDF instructions (sorry guys, I am new at this!)

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