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Pinball Y Startup Video

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here you have a 27 sec startup video Full HD (1080x1920) I made grabbing some footage from YouTube, I hope no one gets mad about this... If some one consider it inappropriate I will delete it ASAP. 


Two versions here:

  1. No Audio 
  2. The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard


To get it running:


Startup audio/video: You can make PinballY play a custom video and/or audio file each time the program starts up.

To show a custom startup video, place a file called Startup Video.mp4 in the Media folder within your main PinballY install folder. It has to have exactly that base file name, including the space, but you can use any of the other supported video format suffixes instead of .mp4 (.mpg, .f4v, .mkv, .wmv, .m4v, .avi). If this video file is present, PinballY will play it back in the main playfield window at startup, then display the selected game as usual.


To by pass it, just press Enter key...






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