Version 1.2.1
Another community EM table that began with Loserman76.
I recently saw a guy on YouTube who grew up with these old machines, now collects them, praising the relative brevity of the typical game on an electro-mechanical pinball table. Paraphrasing: "Who's got time for a twenty minute game of Medieval Madness? Sometimes you just want to take a break, slap some flipper buttons, and get back to work."
8-Ball is an interesting billiards-style table. Two players makes it a lot of fun ... each of you trying to get all stripes or solids before your opponent does. Clear your balls, loop the 8-ball loop and win another ball. A guy on YouTube that owns an original table says you're doing good if you are able to do this twice in a game.
Saved with VPX 10.8.
File history:
Dec-07-2021, Loserman76
original release
Jan-30-2024, teisennew backdrop created by Cliffy
playfield touch-ups
cap bumpers
added primitive to the base of the bumpers and lighting
new pov
other small touches
1.2 Feb-01-2024, JCalhoun
Fleep sounds
sound code changes for pan and fade
removed orphaned sound resources and sound code