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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Racing sound & videos for Pit Stop (Williams 1968) and Spin Out (Gottlieb 1975) What does it do? Music mods or sound mods are something that I really enjoy a lot. Ideally, the music adds to the pinball machine's theme and brings back the feeling of the bar where the pinball machine often was located near the jukebox. Especially for EM machines that only had chimes and bells, the added music can be nice. This PUP-pack doesn't feature music, but racing scenes with motor sounds from the era in some videos. Tracks: The PUP-pack comes with 8 tracks. Add your own videos as you see fit. Some of the videos feature the original footage, while others are movie versions or just show footage of the era. Tables: There are several tables that have similar themes. The PUP-pack "1960s Racing" is meant to be used with tables from the sixties that deal with racing. It can be used with the tables Pit Stop (Williams 1968) Spin Out (Gottlieb 1975) and any other table that you want to use it with (if you are ready to tweak the table code). You can apply the PUP-pack for all or some of the above tables or just for one of them. Controls: To accomplish the PUP-pack as a video jukebox I had to add some controls to the table script. During game play, you can go to another random track with the right magnasave button. Pressing the left magnasave button stops the playback. The gameplay itself doesn't have any impact on video playback. Patching: I didn't want to go through a long approval request communication with the table authors, so I've come up with a dif file for each table that you need to apply using VPU's patching system "VPURemix". This way, the original author's work doesn't get touched; think of the patching systems as an easy way to keep you from adding code snippets to the tables manually. Manual coding: If you don't want to use the patching system or if you want to apply the code to another table that isn't listed above, here are the instructions for manually applying the code. All who don't want to apply code manually should skip this section: At the top of the table code, add: '****** PuP Variables ****** Dim usePUP: Dim cPuPPack: Dim PuPlayer: Dim PUPStatus: PUPStatus=false ' dont edit this line!!! '*************************** PuP Settings for this table ******************************** usePUP = true ' enable Pinup Player functions for this table. cPuPPack = "60sRacing" ' name of the PuP-Pack / PuPVideos folder within PinUPSystem\PUPVideos for this table '//////////////////// PINUP PLAYER: STARTUP & CONTROL SECTION ////////////////////////// ' This is used for the startup and control of Pinup Player Sub PuPStart(cPuPPack) If PUPStatus=true then Exit Sub If usePUP=true then Set PuPlayer = CreateObject("PinUpPlayer.PinDisplay") If PuPlayer is Nothing Then usePUP=false PUPStatus=false Else PuPlayer.B2SInit "",cPuPPack 'start the Pup-Pack PUPStatus=true End If End If End Sub Sub pupevent(EventNum) if (usePUP=false or PUPStatus=false) then Exit Sub PuPlayer.B2SData "E"&EventNum,1 'send event to Pup-Pack End Sub ' ******* How to use PUPEvent to trigger / control a PuP-Pack ******* ' Usage: pupevent(EventNum) ' EventNum = PuP Exxx trigger from the PuP-Pack ' Example: pupevent 102 ' This will trigger E102 from the table's PuP-Pack ' DO NOT use any Exxx triggers already used for DOF (if used) to avoid any possible confusion '************ PuP-Pack Startup ************** PuPStart(cPuPPack) 'Check for PuP - If found, then start Pinup Player / PuP-Pack '*************************************************************************************** Usually, somewhere between the declaration of constants (lines starting with "Const") and the variable dimensions (lines starting with "Dim") is a good place to add that code. After doing that, run the table to see if it is playable without throwing errors. The videos should be playing, but you won't be able to pause/skip, as we haven't added yet the corresponding code. Enough! Stop playing the table and go back to the editor, will ya? Next, add the Magnasave controls by searching the existing code for the term "magnasave". If it's NOT there, we're fine and can savely add our magnasave button definition into a new line of it's own right within the definition of the function "Sub Table1_KeyDown". Add this code: If keycode = LeftMagnaSave Then PuPevent 801 End If If keycode = RightMagnaSave Then PuPEvent 800 End If We're done! Test-play, remember to save the table. If your above search has found Magnasave code, you'll have to integrate that with the new code. For tables using JP's LUT code like Pit Stop, use something like this: If keycode = LeftMagnaSave Then bLutActive = True SetLUTLine "Color LUT image " & table1.ColorGradeImage PuPevent 801 End If If keycode = RightMagnaSave Then If bLutActive = True Then NextLUT Else PuPEvent 800 End If End If PUP-pack instructions: Download the package and unblock it if applicable Extract the folder "60sRacing" into your PUP-pack folder (usually something like C:\vPinball\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos) Extract the dif files into a temporary folder (e.g. C:\temp) If you don't have it, download VPU's patching system "VPURemix" and expand it to any folder on your PC, e.g. C:\vPinball\VPPatch64 Download the original tables that you want to apply the patch to. You can follow the .url files in the zip to accompish that or just copy and paste the URLs below into the address bar of your browser: Pit Stop (Williams 1968) 1.0.1 Spin Out (Gottlieb 1975) Teisen MOD 1.1 PUP-pack options: The PUP-pack videos can be positioned on topper, backglass or full DMD screen, with or without an overlay. It comes with these options: Video on backglass, no overlay Video on backglass with overlay-frame Video on fullDMD, no overlay Video on fullDMD with overlay-frame Video on topper, no overlay Video on backglass with B2S (supplied by @Justthebest, thank you) To apply any of them, execute the corresponding batch file in the PUP-folder (e.g. C:\vPinball\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\60sRacing). Table authors: I hope that all table authors are OK with this PUP-pack. I'd be more than happy if you would add the code to your next release as a sort of backport. My edits are trivial and most of it was blatantly taken from @Nailbuster's code. Some tables use the Magnasave buttons for LUT, so the interfering code needs to be adapted accordingly. Known Issues: If you want the PUP-pack video to play on the fullDMD for one table and on the topper for another table for example, you can't get away with just one folder "1960sRacing" within the PUPVideos folder. Create two instead and name them "1960sRacingFulldmd" and "1960sRacingTopper" or similar and refer to that name in the code section in the variable definition for cPuPPack. I hope that some will find this PUP-pack fun and apologize for the long read. More PUP-packs coming if you're interessted; all reviews and comments are welcome. Enjoy Joachim
  2. View File 1960s Racing PUP-pack Racing sound & videos for Pit Stop (Williams 1968) and Spin Out (Gottlieb 1975) What does it do? Music mods or sound mods are something that I really enjoy a lot. Ideally, the music adds to the pinball machine's theme and brings back the feeling of the bar where the pinball machine often was located near the jukebox. Especially for EM machines that only had chimes and bells, the added music can be nice. This PUP-pack doesn't feature music, but racing scenes with motor sounds from the era in some videos. Tracks: The PUP-pack comes with 8 tracks. Add your own videos as you see fit. Some of the videos feature the original footage, while others are movie versions or just show footage of the era. Tables: There are several tables that have similar themes. The PUP-pack "1960s Racing" is meant to be used with tables from the sixties that deal with racing. It can be used with the tables Pit Stop (Williams 1968) Spin Out (Gottlieb 1975) and any other table that you want to use it with (if you are ready to tweak the table code). You can apply the PUP-pack for all or some of the above tables or just for one of them. Controls: To accomplish the PUP-pack as a video jukebox I had to add some controls to the table script. During game play, you can go to another random track with the right magnasave button. Pressing the left magnasave button stops the playback. The gameplay itself doesn't have any impact on video playback. Patching: I didn't want to go through a long approval request communication with the table authors, so I've come up with a dif file for each table that you need to apply using VPU's patching system "VPURemix". This way, the original author's work doesn't get touched; think of the patching systems as an easy way to keep you from adding code snippets to the tables manually. Manual coding: If you don't want to use the patching system or if you want to apply the code to another table that isn't listed above, here are the instructions for manually applying the code. All who don't want to apply code manually should skip this section: At the top of the table code, add: '****** PuP Variables ****** Dim usePUP: Dim cPuPPack: Dim PuPlayer: Dim PUPStatus: PUPStatus=false ' dont edit this line!!! '*************************** PuP Settings for this table ******************************** usePUP = true ' enable Pinup Player functions for this table. cPuPPack = "60sRacing" ' name of the PuP-Pack / PuPVideos folder within PinUPSystem\PUPVideos for this table '//////////////////// PINUP PLAYER: STARTUP & CONTROL SECTION ////////////////////////// ' This is used for the startup and control of Pinup Player Sub PuPStart(cPuPPack) If PUPStatus=true then Exit Sub If usePUP=true then Set PuPlayer = CreateObject("PinUpPlayer.PinDisplay") If PuPlayer is Nothing Then usePUP=false PUPStatus=false Else PuPlayer.B2SInit "",cPuPPack 'start the Pup-Pack PUPStatus=true End If End If End Sub Sub pupevent(EventNum) if (usePUP=false or PUPStatus=false) then Exit Sub PuPlayer.B2SData "E"&EventNum,1 'send event to Pup-Pack End Sub ' ******* How to use PUPEvent to trigger / control a PuP-Pack ******* ' Usage: pupevent(EventNum) ' EventNum = PuP Exxx trigger from the PuP-Pack ' Example: pupevent 102 ' This will trigger E102 from the table's PuP-Pack ' DO NOT use any Exxx triggers already used for DOF (if used) to avoid any possible confusion '************ PuP-Pack Startup ************** PuPStart(cPuPPack) 'Check for PuP - If found, then start Pinup Player / PuP-Pack '*************************************************************************************** Usually, somewhere between the declaration of constants (lines starting with "Const") and the variable dimensions (lines starting with "Dim") is a good place to add that code. After doing that, run the table to see if it is playable without throwing errors. The videos should be playing, but you won't be able to pause/skip, as we haven't added yet the corresponding code. Enough! Stop playing the table and go back to the editor, will ya? Next, add the Magnasave controls by searching the existing code for the term "magnasave". If it's NOT there, we're fine and can savely add our magnasave button definition into a new line of it's own right within the definition of the function "Sub Table1_KeyDown". Add this code: If keycode = LeftMagnaSave Then PuPevent 801 End If If keycode = RightMagnaSave Then PuPEvent 800 End If We're done! Test-play, remember to save the table. If your above search has found Magnasave code, you'll have to integrate that with the new code. For tables using JP's LUT code like Pit Stop, use something like this: If keycode = LeftMagnaSave Then bLutActive = True SetLUTLine "Color LUT image " & table1.ColorGradeImage PuPevent 801 End If If keycode = RightMagnaSave Then If bLutActive = True Then NextLUT Else PuPEvent 800 End If End If PUP-pack instructions: Download the package and unblock it if applicable Extract the folder "60sRacing" into your PUP-pack folder (usually something like C:\vPinball\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos) Extract the dif files into a temporary folder (e.g. C:\temp) If you don't have it, download VPU's patching system "VPURemix" and expand it to any folder on your PC, e.g. C:\vPinball\VPPatch64 Download the original tables that you want to apply the patch to. You can follow the .url files in the zip to accompish that or just copy and paste the URLs below into the address bar of your browser: Pit Stop (Williams 1968) 1.0.1 Spin Out (Gottlieb 1975) Teisen MOD 1.1 PUP-pack options: The PUP-pack videos can be positioned on topper, backglass or full DMD screen, with or without an overlay. It comes with these options: Video on backglass, no overlay Video on backglass with overlay-frame Video on fullDMD, no overlay Video on fullDMD with overlay-frame Video on topper, no overlay Video on backglass with B2S (supplied by @Justthebest, thank you) To apply any of them, execute the corresponding batch file in the PUP-folder (e.g. C:\vPinball\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\60sRacing). Table authors: I hope that all table authors are OK with this PUP-pack. I'd be more than happy if you would add the code to your next release as a sort of backport. My edits are trivial and most of it was blatantly taken from @Nailbuster's code. Some tables use the Magnasave buttons for LUT, so the interfering code needs to be adapted accordingly. Known Issues: If you want the PUP-pack video to play on the fullDMD for one table and on the topper for another table for example, you can't get away with just one folder "1960sRacing" within the PUPVideos folder. Create two instead and name them "1960sRacingFulldmd" and "1960sRacingTopper" or similar and refer to that name in the code section in the variable definition for cPuPPack. I hope that some will find this PUP-pack fun and apologize for the long read. More PUP-packs coming if you're interessted; all reviews and comments are welcome. Enjoy Joachim Submitter GauGau Submitted 12/14/23 Category PuP Packs  
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